Silverstag(Серебряный олень) - Один из немногих модов который нацелен на значительное расширение: управления государством, экономикой, постройками, компаньонами, рекрутингом, войсками и формациями во время боя, но мод ни сколько и не обижен графической составляющей, так как мод базируется на Floris Mod Pack в нём присутствует вся графическая составляющая исходника.А
Версия игры:Warband 1.153 | 1.158(без функций с WSE)(англоязычная, лицензионная)
Версия мода:0.20
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Особенности мода:
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[*]Управление государством: [*]Внутренняя политика: вы определяете взаимоотношения с соседями, отношение к дезертирству и рабству и как вашим солдатам относиться к той или иной культуре [*]Королевские декреты: вы как правитель определяете приоритеты: набирать больше войск или усиливать строительство. [*]Региональные патрули: до трех отрядов солдат с разным составом для патрулирования. [*]Тренировка гарнизона: воины могут тренироваться по разным программам для последующего апгрейда в разные виды войск. [*]Набор гарнизона: возможность автоматического набора гарнизона в зависимости от благосостояния окрестных земель. [*]Смена культуры: При помощи министра вы можете поменять культуру той или иной деревни (также вассала) для получения нужных рекрутов. [*]Сокровищница замка: возможность аккумулировать средства в замке для их выплат войскам и на другие цели. [*]Обозы с пленными: обозы доставляют рабов и пленных на соляные копи. На них можно нападать
[*]Компаньоны: [*]Советник (стюард в замке, капитан стражи): им можно поручать часть микроменеджмента. [*]Автолут: уникальная кастомизированная система автолута для компаньонов. [*]Кладовщик (в отряде): может делать покупки, складировать припасы. [*]Тюремщик (в отряде): продает пленных при посещении вами города. [*]Квартирмейстер (в отряде): собирает лут на поле боя и продает его в городе. [*]Чтение книг: компаньоны могут читаь книги и повышать свои навыки [*]Импорт\экспорт: возможность импортировать и экспортировать компаньонов из предыдущих версий игры.
[*]Улучшения в поселении [*]Параллельное строительство: До трех построек могут возводиться одновременно со слегка увеличенной скоростью. [*]Поломка\починка: после налета на деревню постройки повреждаются. Если они не ремонтируются и повреждения слишком сильны – постройка разрушается полностью. [*]ИИ поведение: ИИ лорды также строят в поселениях. [*]Новые улучшения: некоторые постройки требуют выделения денег на их содержание из сокровищницы.
[*]Создание персонажа: [*]Консолидированная презентация: все сведения о персонаже объединены в одно окно. [*]Превью статистики: возможность просмотра статов персонажа до начала игры. [*]Дополнительные истории: добавлен широкий набор дополнительных параметров выбора для более гибкой генерации персонажа
[*]Новые квесты: [*]Турнирные: приглашения на турниры. Отказ или согласие повлияют на ваши отношения . [*]Для знати: С собственностью приходит ответственность. Иногда ваш стюард в замке будет звать вас для решения важных вопросов. [*]Компаньоны: у некоторых из них есть незавершенные истории. Если помочь им, то их лояльность возрастет. [*]Деревни: деревням чаще будет нужна помощь. Список квестов от старосты расширен [*]Главы гильдий: вместо рэндомных квестов появится возможность выбирать (аналогично тому ,как в деревне)
[*]Турниры: [*]Выбор оружия: возможность выбора экипировки перед началом. [*]Сложность: возможность выбора количества сражающихся групп, их численность и силы. [*]Система ставок: вместо «все или ничего» реализована новая система. Опрделяется насколько сложна была ваша цель и как хорошо вы выступили. [*]Улучшенный ИИ. [*]Новые сцены арен на основе Adorno’s Arena Overhaul Mod. [*]Градация наград: денежные суммы, предметы, известность, улучшение отношений. [*]Летописи выступлений: записи о том, сколько вы заработали и как хорошо выступали в том или ином городе.
[*]Контроль на поле боя: [*]Формации для пехоты и кавалерии. [*]Кастомизированная фаза размещения войск перед боем. [*]Дополнительные приказы, такие как: использовать павизы, горящие стрелы, стрельба залпом.
[*]Кроме этого, можете ознакомится со встроенными OSP: [/list]
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Leaving your liege's faction. Nissa Companion. Concept & dialog is taken from the Odval companion of Floris. The ability to see item requirements in presentations. Design influence for the encumbrance system. (v0.15) Game Options kit Dynamic Arrays system Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment Fast Travel Pausing Trade Ledger Mobile Village Raiding & Castle Sieging (v0.15) Battle Formations Arena Overhaul Mod Enhanced Relation Reports (1.2) Heraldic Horses Dynamic Troop Tree Viewer (Removed for v0.15) Crouch stance & walking (included within PBOD) Simplified KeyConfig Presentation (included within PBOD) Troop Ratio Bar View All Items Configuration screen for purchasing food. (from Custom Commander) Companion import / export capability (from Custom Commander) Ethnic Troops Cinematic Compilation Custom Clan Banner Pack Mortal Women Sound Pack (v0.15) Indictment Death Spiral Fix (v0.15) Spear Bracing Kit (included within PBOD) Deployable Pavises (included within PBOD) Transitional Armor Pack (heraldic plate) Rus Armour Pack (v0.15) Fire Arrows (included within PBOD) Shield Bashing (included within PBOD) Viking Module Pack (v0.15) Medieval Helmet Pack (v0.15) Heraldic Armors
Bug Fixes:
As a mercenary you should no longer have your army size, party unity, march unrest, march tolerance, desertion threshold, desertion chance or party morale adjusted by your employing faction’s settings.
Your castle steward should no longer send a messenger after you more than once a week.
Bandits should now properly spawn every time in Nissa’s quest Part II.
Nissa should no longer object to skipping out on a tournament at night.
When selecting to give up a fief with your minister there is an option to back out now.
Period of reconstruction & sanitation standards should properly enable and disable now. They were getting mixed up before.
The tournament invitation quest should now be completed when visiting a tournament using the native tournaments.
Battle continuation should now work in bandit lairs.
Rescued prisoner lords should no longer switch sides and become your enemy.
Corrected an error where the native morale system’s factors were being calculated and compared against your current morale causing odd “recent events” values to occur.
When a quartermaster is reassigned and is currently reading a book this book will no longer be passed on to the new quartermaster.
The setting for troop prefixes now persists through save game reloads.
Post battle experience and cash will not be negated if you alter a companion’s auto-loot settings during the looting process.
Post battle loot will no longer be lost if you “search the player’s inventory” during the auto-loot process. This search option is no longer visible unless you visit a companion’s auto-loot settings from the companion management menu.
The party size report no longer displays a negative policy factor as a +-# value.
The rare situation causing the game to lock up after a bandit ambush should no longer occur.
Regional patrols should always display a cost in the weekly budget now if applicable.
Merchants have been able to buy anything a quartermaster had available to sell even if they didn’t have the money to cover the purchase. This has been corrected.
Travelers may now be asked where the closest bookseller, ransom broker or minstrel is.
A new mod option has been added to allow an overview mini-map in combat displaying the location of troops similar to the one seen in the battle orders presentation.
The quest “escort caravan” given by guild masters now flags the caravan party as a quest party to it is easier to see.
The weekly budget report now displays the next pay date.
During the Nissa Part II & III quests you can back out of the match to wait for later.
When summoned by the marshal his location should now show in the pop-up menu.
Companions now have preset auto-loot system settings when new games are made.
Companions now have preset tournament system settings when new games are made.
The storekeeper’s shopping list is now preset to purchase every type of food except ones that rot to a limit of 4.
Game Balancing:
Peasant recruits may now be found in towns and castles in addition to villages.
The limit for determining peasant recruits available in a fief is based upon your relation with the fief, the fief’s prosperity and your faction settings for village recruits.
Mercenaries no longer receive a Right to Rule bonus for peace declarations. Instead they receive a bonus payment.
Base contract payment for the player as a mercenary reduced from 75% to 60%.
Right to rule bonus from declaring peace for vassals has reduced from 3 to 2.
Right to rule bonus from declaring peace for rulers has increased from 3 to 4.
Village quests will no longer advance towards expiration if either the initiating village or target village is looted, being raided or infested with bandits.
Prisoners are now valued based upon their rating when sold. For many prisoners this will be seen as a loss in sale price, but for higher tiered troops this will improve their price.
The Khergit Kharnate now receive a +100% bonus to mount production and +50% bonus to stable capacity within their centers due to their nomadic nature.
The maximum quantity per food type in the storekeeper configuration screen has been raised from 4 to 6.
Food stores will no longer be consumed when resting within fiefs that you own and are consumed at half the normal rate when visiting a town.
Not attending a tournament from the “tournament invitation” quest will no longer trigger objections from honest companions.
The town chosen to deliver an escorted caravan to should be more geographically reasonable and non-hostile.
The starting merchant’s initial request for gathering 5 men now counts your men regardless of if they’re wounded or not.
The base health regeneration for the player when defeating an enemy has been improved by 1%.
The limits for the Party Unity factor have been extended from +/- 40 to +/- 60.
Regional patrol maximum size increased from 50 to 60.
Some of the equipment given for starting options has been altered.
An entirely new system for setup for determining battlefield loot has been implemented. The looting skill still ensures that you obtain more loot and of higher quality.
The background image for most menus and presentations has been changed to a more uniform light gray color. This is to enhance readability and allow for presentations to be simpler appearing in nature without the need for background boxes to enhance legibility.
The map has had its borders expanded to allow for future additions.
Companions and lords will now remove any helmets when inside the castle scene.
Companions are listed as being from the same faction as the player in tournaments.
Visiting the arena master and participating in the practice arena now uses the same scene as the tournaments are set to use.
The trade ledger access menus are now disabled until you access prices at least once.
Renaming Centers:
You may now rename a center that you own or is part of a faction that you rule via the general information screen.
Whenever a center is reclaimed by the AI it will be reset to the original name and culture.
When a center is renamed any unique troops from that location may also adjust their name to match.
Center Management:
The “manage this center” menu in all centers has been replaced.
The Trainer skill has been turned into a personal skill with the effect of lowering the cost of training troops into new roles by 2% per point of trainer. While not immediately beneficial for companions it provides the same bonus for them when promoted to vassal status.
Weekly wage calculation is now based on a troops rating & tier.
Recruitment Changes:
Troop trees have been completely removed.
The quest “raise troops” has been temporarily disabled.
The AI will now recruit troops using the same system that the player does. They use a scripted priority to purchase the best troops they can reasonably afford based upon maintaining a predetermined cultural balance of types.
Recruiting from any castle or town allows full access to any troops of that faction type.
Recruiting from villages limits the available troop types to those within the tier limit for the village.
Villages no longer regain recruits whenever relation changes.
The “recruit volunteers” menu in villages has been disabled.
The option to recruit volunteers directly from the village elders has been disabled.
All centers gain fresh recruits weekly based on; prosperity, distance from their bound town (if a village), center type, owner’s renown, Captain of the Guard renown & persuasion (if assigned), game difficulty setting, domestic policies and royal decrees.
Veteran recruits may become available within castles or towns based upon:
Winning a tournament as a vassal or greater.
A weekly chance based upon your right to rule score as a ruler.
Successfully laying siege to a castle or town.
Mercenaries have been disabled within taverns.
Mercenaries may now be directly recruited from towns. Having a mercenary chapterhouse is required to unlock higher level mercenaries.
Each center has a limited supply of mounted that are available for new soldiers being trained in cavalry duties. These mounts are built up slowly over time based on improvements in the surrounding villages and faction bonuses.
Bandits may now be directly recruited from towns and villages if you have a negative honor value. The bandits available are dependent upon the area.
Bug Fixes:
Storekeepers can no longer buy food from a raided or bandit infested village.
Starting merchant’s dialog should now work correctly when you’ve collected 5 additional troops instead of moving to the “Surrender or Die” message.
Rival agents should no longer appear randomly in taverns.
The book Idyll at Court now improves relation by +1 when visiting a lady.
Sarranid veiled helmet no longer provides a body armor bonus.
When failing to persuade a lady to elope she will not refer to her guardian as the wrong gender.
During the Craftsman’s Knowledge quest the incorrect name of the local lord will not be displayed if a companion engineer is being used.
The warband engine’s cheat mode setting should no longer be disabled during gameplay.
Companions are no longer displayed in the list of known lords by relation unless they are an active vassal.
Companion advisors stationed in a fief that is given to another lord will now automatically be dismissed and attempt to rejoin your party after a delayed time period.
Changing the bandit faction color should now apply changes to every bandit type.
Nissa now displays character notes when recruited into the party.
The battle mini-map should now activate more consistently.
Prisoner pricing should now function correctly.
Deserter parties with 0 members leading to crashes should be resolved.
The view lord holdings page now shows how each enemy and friend of a lord will change in relation with you based upon assigning a fief to this lord. This is only displayed if you are the ruler of the faction in question. This is ignored if the change is between 0 to -2 to prevent excessively long lists of enemies.
You may now leave the mercenary service of a faction by speaking to the faction’s ruler.
A message will now appear at game loading to let you know if WSE is running or not.
Companions now have their relation with the player displayed in their character notes.
Companions now have their abilities and a brief description in their character notes.
Game Balancing:
Marnid, Nissa, Klethi & Nizar have each had their starting strength improved by 1 to support starting equipment. With this change each of these characters should receive a retroactive increase in Strength of +1.
Версия 0.15.12 (сохранёнки работают с версии 0.13)
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Bug Fixes:
Corrected the constant flickering issue with the tournament in-combat display.
The troop ratio bar should no longer lose part of its bordering during combat.
You can no longer dismiss prisoners to gain peasant recruits in a town where those recruits were normally accessible.
Bonus experience is no longer granted for knocking yourself off of your horse.
Salt can no longer be sold for a higher value than it is purchased at the salt mine.
Relinquishing a fief dialog no longer has numerous “Never mind” options.
Bandit parties will now join each other in combat again when player level is 7+.
Deserter parties with no members leading to game crashing should be fixed this time.
Informed the sultan that his new cloths are not simply invisible to the ignorant and that he in fact needs to put some on.
Former lieges and pretenders should no longer give weekly script errors due to an unrecognized reputation type.
Storekeepers will no longer purchase food if they are not in the party. A warning message will be displayed to assign a new person to the role.
The courtships in progress report should be repaired for kingdom ladies now.
Game Balancing:
Sprinting duration has been extended slightly.
Sprinting lower end speed has been improved while the upper end speed has been reduced. A larger emphasis is placed upon the Athletics skill.
Companion leveling speed has been set to +145% of native speed down from +150%.
Reduced mount resource production rate by roughly 25%.
Новая версия 0.17 и русификатор к ней(сохранёнки работают с версии 0.13):
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Save Game Compatibility: Maintained! (from v0.13+)
Compatible Warband Version: 1.158 (designed for 1.153)
WSE Minimum Required Version: 3.1.5 (included)
Bug Fixes:
Prisoner management’s tooltip should now display the correct values.
The party morale report should now accurately reflect all factor values.
Selling prisoners to the slaver now displays the correct sequence of speakers.
Corrected a bug preventing fields of grain being built more than once.
Players will now receive the intended right to rule bonus upon marrying. Save games where a player has already been married will receive a retroactive bonus upon updating.
Debug messages will no longer appear when selecting to build improvements.
Debug messages from battle-weariness should no longer occur.
Corrected an error with town selection during certain quests where a town could end up randomly picking itself if no other viable locations are available.
Game Balancing:
Party morale is now increased when visiting a fief that is feasting.
You may now loot villages without being at war with their faction. This will potentially provoke war between two factions. If you are a ruler then it will definitely provoke a war.
You may now lay siege to a castle without being a vassal with their faction, but this will immediately provoke a state of war.
The payment for escorting a merchant caravan has been improved.
The payment for delivering wine for the guild master has been improved.
Destinations picked for quests should be a little more random, yet still be relatively close and friendly.
New Interface: Party Morale (accessed from party reports menu)
A new party morale historical log has been added to track each change to your party’s morale and why. This log can be viewed in the new interface.
The party morale interface now displays the individual morale of troops and warns you if they are approaching a desertion status.
You can now ask to trade with passing merchant caravans.
The recruitment interface now has a control for setting exactly how many troops you wish to recruit or dismiss.
Added a new mod option to change the setting for the warband engine cheat mode that is normally accessed from the configuration screen prior to starting the game.
Party Morale:
Days on the March morale factor has been disabled.
New Factor: Battle-Weariness added. Each combat reduces ideal morale by 8 even while real morale is given an immediate boost due to winning a battle. The battle weariness factor improves based on time not spent in combat and improves faster the longer you’ve been out of combat.
Battle Weariness limits set as -60 to +15.
The kingdom management settings for march tolerance and march resistance have both been removed.
A new kingdom setting for weariness penalty has been added to adjust how much ideal morale is reduced per engagement.
A new kingdom setting for weariness recovery rate has been added to adjust how fast battle weariness improves back towards its maximum positive value.
A new kingdom setting for weariness recovery rate limit has been added.
Save Game Compatibility: Maintained! (from v0.13+)
Compatible Warband Version: 1.158 (designed for 1.153)
WSE Minimum Required Version: 3.1.5 (included)
Bug Fixes:
Quartermasters will no longer mention not being able to sell books in their possession.
Corrected minor typos on the Kingdom Management Screen.
Reverted the Formations mod from version 4.0 to 3.0 which should correct a number of unit control issues and compatibility with the PBOD mod.
Corrected an issue with the Autoloot armor limit restrictions causing the medium armor setting to ignore items below the light armor limit.
The kidnapped girl should no longer show up in the tournament options.
Corrected an error with tournament options where you could potentially select more than three options.
Accepted a lord’s pledge of vassalage in the field no longer leads to the encounter menu.
Your prisoner caravan from “Escort to the Salt Mine” quest being defeated should now correctly cause the quest to fail.
The party gaoler should no longer try to sell spies or their partners if you have the “Follow Spy” quest active.
Companions now receive an experience bonus for each book they complete.
The Training Grounds improvement now allows a 2% chance to upgrade a peasant recruit into a veteran every three days. This chance is further improved by 0.3% per point of Training the local Captain of the Guard has.
A new mod option [ Companion Action Log ] has been added for toggling the reports companions make to the message log between being detailed or summarized. This is set as detailed by default.
Save Game Compatibility: Maintained! (from v0.13+)
Compatible Warband Version: 1.158 (designed for 1.153)
WSE Minimum Required Version: 3.1.5 (included)
Bug Fixes:
Corrected an issue where the limit on how many tournaments you could participate in during a feast could prevent you from being able to complete the tournament invitation quest.
With the new garrison recruitment system taking its payments directly from a fief’s treasury, the finances interface now displays the net change as what will change in that location’s treasury. A new line for “funds sent to you” displays what you will receive as a net income from that fief.
The Advisors interface link from “manage this town” has been hidden until it can be completed.
The background common to all interfaces in the mod has been replaced.
Garrison Recruitment:
An entire new system for handling the restocking of your garrisons has been implemented.
The “garrison” UI from “manage this town” now leads to a new series of interfaces related to that location’s garrison.
The “General Info” UI now displays each troop type currently stationed within a garrison, their combat ratings, how many are stationed there and how much they cost you.
The “Queue” UI now allows you to see what is currently within the garrison’s hiring queue, what should be hired next week based on the current queue / settings, how you wish the garrison’s budget to be spent, how much to allocate to the budget and allows you to enable or disable recruiting.
The “Recruitment” UI now allows you to add to or remove from the queue with an interface that resembles the normal recruitment screen. There is no upfront cost for adding troops to the queue as they’ll only be hired if you meet their prerequisites upon hiring.
Each fief may elect to have a focused or split budget for how they handle their queue.
Focused budget means that a fief will spend all money on the troop type at the top of the queue until its entirely quantity has been delivered.
Split budget means that the entire budget will be divided by the number of troop types in the queue. Each type will attempt to buy as many as it can within its given “mini-budget”. If a troop type is too expensive to buy even one then it will force its mini-budget to increase to meet purchasing a minimum of one troop. This will cause the last troops in the queue to receive less budgeting for them, but will ensure the queue gets worked down. Any excess left over from attempting to purchase the last troop type will be applied towards the next troop type
Такк же обновлён русификатор
Сообщение отредактировал HunterWolf: 07 ноября 2013 - 05:15
Save Game Compatibility: Maintained! (from v0.13+)
Compatible Warband Version: 1.158 (designed for 1.153)
WSE Minimum Required Version: 3.1.5 (included)
Bug Fixes:
Corrected an error where the item autoloot system was applying double the rating for damage type and not considering attack speed at all for melee weapons.
Corrected an error where an unpledged player’s force size report would show them with a title bonus of +120 due to being king and marshal of their own inactive kingdom.
You can no longer queue 0 of a troop to or remove from the garrison queue.
Corrected a script error with health regeneration passing an invalid agent error.
Bandits can now be dismissed from your party in the town recruitment screen even if you are honorable and could not otherwise recruit them.
Fixed an issue where Nissa being wounded, but not knocked unconscious, in Part II could still cause failure.
Corrected an issue where mercenary players were being treated like vassals by some game functions such as gaining right to rule.
Item – Flamberge Zweihander – now functions like a greatsword.
Tournament in-combat displays should no longer randomly go out of whack.
Altered the “report xp & prof gain” mod option to now handle reporting or disabling of all mod-related in-combat messages such as riders being knocked from their mounts.
A lord’s character notes now display their reputation type if you’ve met them before.
Borcha has had his level 5 ability changed from Sprinter to Nimble.
Firentis has had his level 12 ability changed from Watchful Eye to Indomitable.
Every new character begins with at least 1 in Prisoner Management.
Improved the contribution Scavenger ability makes towards loot quality.
Increased the base value limit for looted items by 14%.
Increased the scaling value limit for Looting by 25%.
The Looting skill and Scavenger ability now heavily alter how many items you can loot in a single battle.
The guildmaster’s deliver cargo quest cooldown has been reduced from 20 to 5 days.
The guildmaster’s escort cattle quest cooldown has been reduced from 20 to 5 days.
The guildmaster’s escort cattle quest cash reward has been significantly increased.
Mercenary contract base pay has been increased by 15%.
Capturing a castle or town now resets all peasants, mercenary and veteran recruit pools for both the player and the AI. This occurs if the player takes the location or the AI does. This reduces the available mounts to 1/3rd the previous value.
Raiding a village now resets all peasants, mercenary and veteran recruit pools for both the player and the AI. This occurs if the player takes the location or the AI does. This reduces the available mounts to 1/3rd the previous value.
The maximum limit of bandit parties has been slightly reduced.
Troop Abilities:
Players may now select troop abilities at an interval of one per five levels up to a maximum of six total abilities. A new interface, accessed through the character reports menu, has been added to accommodate this.
Indomitable (New) - Improves a troop’s strength by a factor of three when considering strength based encumbrance penalties.
Nimble (New) - Improves a troop’s agility by a factor of three when considering agility based encumbrance penalties.
Storyteller (New) - Improves the renown gained by winning combat by 1 point per troop. Companions with this ability improve this further for each point of Persuasion. The total bonus is limited to +5 renown per battle.
Stealthy (New) – Provides a chance for your party to avoid detection by nearby hostile parties based upon your party size and the sum of your Tracking & Spotting skills. This ability receives a +100% effectiveness synergy bonus if you also have the Trailblazer talent.
A new “party report” has been added to display your current stealth chance.
Savant (New) – Improves the extra experience gained by having a high Intelligence by 50%.
Rallying Figure (New) – Improves the maximum party size limit by 3 per rank of Leadership. Improves the party’s ideal morale by 2 per rank of Leadership.
Thrifty (New) – Tooltips for trade goods now display how far above or below an item is being bought or sold from its base value. This ability also provides notification in the message log whenever trade good merchant inventories are reset.
Savage Bash (New) – Bashing with your shield now causes damage equal to two times the sum of your Strength and Shield skill.
Endurance (Modified) - Now reduces a troop’s weight for the purpose of encumbrance calculations by 1 per point of Athletics.
Agile Rider (Modified) - This troop now ignores encumbrance penalties to the Riding skill.
Graceful Rider (Modified) - This troop now ignores encumbrance penalties to the Horse Archery skill.
Sharpshooter (Modified) – This ability now receives a +30% effectiveness synergy bonus from also having the Master Archer talent.
Master Archer (Modified) – This ability now receives a +30% effectiveness synergy bonus from also having the Sharpshooter talent.
Trailblazer (Modified) – This ability now provides a flat +2 to Path-finding if the player has it. This is in addition to the previous +3 limit troops could provide.
A new mod option has been added to enable the body-sliding effect. This allows you to take over control of another nearby troop when your character is knocked out during combat. It prioritizes the closest available companion first and then moves on to standard troops if none are available.
Quest ‘Expanding Your Talents’ (New) has been added as a tutorial and reminder to assign character abilities as they become available.
Included Mods:
Blood Enhancement Tweak v0.5 by neil_v. (moved from Cinematic to Basic)
Mortal Weapon Sound Pack by Mortal. (moved from Cinematic to Basic)
Body-sliding by DrTomas. (1257AD)
Мы ждали, мы верили. И наша вера была вознаграждена! Анонс Total War: WARHAMMER состоялся! Скептики были посрамлены, а вахоманы возликовали! Но разработчики на форумах успели уже рассказать немало подробностей. Во первых стало известно? что это будет не одна игра, а трилогия сдобренная целым сомном аддонов и дополнительного платного и бесплатного контента. Во-вторых фракций будет только четыре (Империя Сигмара, Зеленокожие, Гномы и Графы-Вампиры) но обещают сделать их максимально проработанными, богатыми на юниты и реально отличающимися друг от друга по геймплею. В третьих - главы фракций теперь не просто генералы которых не жалко потерять в бою. Теперь это Легендарные Лорды (Карл Франц, Гримгор, Торгрим и Маннфрэд фон Карштайн), герои со уникальным оружием, верховым животным, шмотками и набором квестов. Еще обещают такие новинки как летающие юниты, магию, танки, пушки и мущкеты... в общем вкуснятинка! В общем ждем больше информации и надеемся, что игра станет прорывом в серии.
Ну а апологетам историчности спешим успокоить - над Вархаммер трудится отдельная команда. Исторические игры Тотал Вар производство фэнтэзийной игры не тормозит.
Анонс Total War: Attila с одной стороны немало удивил нас, а с другой еще раз доказал, что СА идет проторенной дорожкой. Ведь Аттила по сути это сиквэл аддона "Вторжение варваров" для Рима 1. Правда на этот раз они не стали скромничать и назвали его "новой игрой". Ок, мы не будем спорить. Отдельная игра про нашествие варварских племен на цивилизации античного мира - это прекрасно. Нужно отметиьт что разработчики действительно поработали на славу. По мнению большинства игроков, Аттила действительно оказался достойным продуктом, позволившим окунутся в мрачные эпохи.
Анонс Rome II Total War состоялся 2 июля и это вызвало настоящую бурю восторга нашего сообщества! Настолько люди истосковались по рукопашному бою и легионерам, что анонс сиквела восприняли как настоящее чудо и "сбычу мечт". Снова вести в бой скованные железной дисциплиной легионы, непоколебимых греческих гоплитов и македонских сариссофоров, топтать врагов слонами и забрасывать отрубленными головами - это ли не счастье! Но ведь новые игры Total War это еще и морские баталии. И тут уж будет море фана, ведь разработчики обещают активное взаимодействие между сухопутными и военно-морскими силами. Обоюдный обстрел между береговыми укреплениями и боевыми кораблями на рейде даст новую степень свободы "стратегосам" античного мира.