
Грузинское Царство
Отправлено 18 июля 2008 - 17:13
Что мы знаем о средневековой Грузии ?
Тама́ра (около 1165—1213) — знаменитая грузинская царица (1184—1213), с именем которой связан один из лучших периодов в истории Грузии.
Она происходила из династии Багратидов и была дочерью Георгия III и царицы Бурдухан. Воспитала её высокообразованная тетка Русудан. Современные царице поэты восхваляли её ум и красоту. Её называли не царицей, а царём, сосудом мудрости, солнцем улыбающимся, тростником стройным, лицом лучезарной, прославляли её кротость, трудолюбие, послушание, религиозность, чарующую красоту. О её совершенствах ходили легенды, дошедшие в устной передаче до наших времён. Её руки искали византийские царевичи, султан алеппский, шах персидский. Всё царствование Тамары окружено поэтическим ореолом.
Внешняя политика.
Тамара была признана царицей от Понта до Гургана (Каспия) и от Спер (линия от Трапезунда к Карсу) до Дербента, Хазаретии и Скифии. Девизом своего правления она провозгласила милость и правду: «Я отец сирых и судья вдов», — говорила Тамара. В её царствование не было ни одного случая смертной казни и телесного наказания. Избегая осложнений внутри царства, царица вела ряд войн с соседними государствами. Первый её супруг, русский князь Георгий (по мнению Карамзина — сын Андрея Боголюбского), совершил военные экспедиции на север Армении, в Ширван и Эрзерум. Когда брак Тамары с Георгием был расторгнут — по словам грузинского летописца, вследствие творившихся князем бесчинств, — то бывший супруг Тамары стал её врагом и с большим греческим войском двинулся из Константинополя в Грузию для возвращения потерянного престола. Несмотря на то, что к нему примкнули некоторые областные правители, русский князь был разбит и исчез после того без вести. Через 10 лет после вступления на престол Тамара вступает в новый брак — с другом детства, осетинским владетелем Давидом Сослани, — и открывает наступательную политику. Она завоёвывает Хорасан, Тавриз, Эрзерум, одерживает блестящую победу над султаном ардебильским. Битва при Шамхорате (1203 г.) приносит ей громкую славу, отголоски которой слышатся в русском сказании об иверской царице Динаре. Победоносное её шествие завершается поражением (1204) Нукардина, султана алеппского.
Внутренняя политика.
Обеспечив Грузии политическое господство во всей Малой Азии, смирив внутренних и внешних врагов, расширив пределы царства, Тамара позаботилась и о духовном развитии Грузии. При её дворе собирается плеяда славных писателей, доведших грузинский язык до полного совершенства. Её правление ознаменовано поэтической деятельностью Шавтели и Чахруха, посвятивших «богоподобной царице» восторженные оды. При ней создаётся светская романическая словесность в прозе, представителями которой являются Хонили, автор «Амиран Дареджаниани», и Саргис Тмогвели, переводчик персидской повести о Висе и Рамине. Наконец, в её царствование выдвинулся певец Барсовой кожи Шота Руставели. Легендарная история, приписывающая Тамаре все замечательные храмы и крепости Грузии, недалека от истины: множество памятников искусства создано именно ею. Среди них — роскошный Вардзийский дворец, вырытый в обрывистой скале близ Ахалцихе, вмещающий в себе до 360 покоев. Христианство и гражданственность среди кавказских горцев распространялись благодаря энергии и заботам Тамары. Её имя с одинаковым благоговением передаётся в поэтических сказаниях различных народностей Кавказа.
Грузинская церковь причислила её к святым. Грузины-горцы считают Тамару богиней-целительницей всех недугов. В Сванетии Тамара из воинственной жены стала предметом религиозного почитания и вместе с тем идеалом волшебной красоты.
50 лари с портретом царицы Тамары. 1995, аверс
Народ верит, что Тамара не умерла, а спит на золотом ложе; когда дойдёт до неё голос людской скорби, она проснется и воцарится вновь. Это поверье поддерживается отсутствием точных указаний о местонахождении её могилы.
Общий, краткий обзор Грузинского государства в средние века.
Начало VI века — Тбилиси становится столицей Картли.
VI — X века — территория Грузии становится ареной борьбы между Ираном, Византией, арабами, которые попеременно устанавливают над нею своё господство.
Конец IX — начало X века — Совместная борьба грузин, албанов и армян положила конец господству арабов, а затем — и Византии. Возникают крупные феодальные государства —- Абхазское царство (вся Западная Грузия), Тао-Кларджети (юг), Кахети и Эрети (восток), Картли (центр), борьба между которыми завершается в X — XI веках объединением грузинских земель в единое феодальное государство во главе с царём Багратом III из династии Багратиони.
XI — XII века — период наибольшего политического могущества и расцвета экономики и культуры феодальной Грузии. Царь Давид IV Строитель (1089—1125) успешно отражает нашествие турок-сельджуков, освобождает значительную часть Закавказья — Ширван и Северную Армению — и включает их в состав грузинского государства. В царствование Георгия III (1156—1184) и правнучки Давида Строителя Тамары (1184—1213) влияние Грузии распространяется на Северный Кавказ и Восточное Закавказье, Иранский Азарбайджан, Армению и Юго-Западное Причерноморье (Трапезундское царство). Грузия была одним из сильнейших государств на Ближнем Востоке. В XII веке были установлены культурно-экономические и политические отношения с православной Киевской Русью; в украшении мозаикой главной церкви Киево-Печерской лавры участвовали живописцы из Грузии, между русскими и грузинскими княжескими родами стали заключаться брачные союзы (в 1185 сын владимиро-суздальского князя Андрея Боголюбского — Юрий и грузинская царица Тамара вступили в брак). Политическое могущество страны основывалось на высокоразвитом сельском хозяйстве и процветавшем городском хозяйстве (ремёсла, торговля). Высокого уровня достигла феодальная культура — философия, историография, филология, литература, искусство, чеканка по металлу, зодчество и монументальная живопись, миниатюра, керамика. К этой эпохе относится создание бессмертного творения Шота Руставели — «Витязь в тигровой шкуре». Грузинские культурно-просветительские центры существовали при монастырях как в самой Грузии, так и за её пределами — на Афоне (в Греции), в Сирии, Палестине, Болгарии.
2-я четверть XIII века — монголо-татарское нашествие наносит огромный ущерб политическому единству и хозяйству Грузии.
]]>карта Грузинского Царства]]>
Катон Старший.
Человек ты — значит, смертен. Помни это. Будь здоров.
Отправлено 18 июля 2008 - 21:22

у меня есть польний список , вся информация о Грузии (12-13 в.) для форума ТВЦ (на англииском), переведу на Русском и выложу здесь. даже рисунки есть юнитов.

и так, начнём потихонку:
Грузинское Царство - Сакартвелос Самепо
XI — XII века — период наибольшего политического могущества и расцвета экономики и культуры феодальной Грузии. Царь Давид IV Строитель (1089—1125) успешно отражает нашествие турок-сельджуков, освобождает значительную часть Закавказья — Ширван и Северную Армению — и включает их в состав грузинского государства. В царствование Георгия III (1156—1184) и правнучки Давида Строителя Тамары (1184—1213) влияние Грузии распространяется на Северный Кавказ и Восточное Закавказье, Иранский Азарбайджан, Армению и Юго-Западное Причерноморье (Трапезундское царство). Грузия была одним из сильнейших государств на Ближнем Востоке. В XII веке были установлены культурно-экономические и политические отношения с православной Киевской Русью; в украшении мозаикой главной церкви Киево-Печерской лавры участвовали живописцы из Грузии, между русскими и грузинскими княжескими родами стали заключаться брачные союзы (в 1185 сын владимиро-суздальского князя Андрея Боголюбского — Юрий и грузинская царица Тамара вступили в брак). Политическое могущество страны основывалось на высокоразвитом сельском хозяйстве и процветавшем городском хозяйстве (ремёсла, торговля). Высокого уровня достигла феодальная культура — философия, историография, филология, литература, искусство, чеканка по металлу, зодчество и монументальная живопись, миниатюра, керамика. К этой эпохе относится создание бессмертного творения Шота Руставели — «Витязь в тигровой шкуре». Грузинские культурно-просветительские центры существовали при монастырях как в самой Грузии, так и за её пределами — на Афоне (в Греции), в Сирии, Палестине, Болгарии. 2-я четверть XIII века — монголо-татарское нашествие наносит огромный ущерб политическому единству и хозяйству Грузии. 1-я половина XIV века — закончиваетса почти столетнее господство монголов в Грузии. Георгий V Блистательный восстановил единство Грузии, упрочил царскую власть, возродил разрушенную монголами Грузию.
баннер фракции:


городские баннеры:
Тбилиси -

Kutatisi -

Artanuji -


Отправлено 18 июля 2008 - 21:31
Отличная символика ! Нам как раз ее нужно побольше, что бы хватило на знамена, если есть еще по 13 веку - будем благодарны. А рисунки юнитов, это как раз то, что нам просто необходимо

Сообщение отредактировал Барбаросса: 19 июля 2008 - 19:40
Катон Старший.
Человек ты — значит, смертен. Помни это. Будь здоров.
Отправлено 18 июля 2008 - 23:11

а сколько регионов можно дать Грузии ? по моему миниум 3 надо...

Отправлено 18 июля 2008 - 23:38
Камрад, по нашей карте выходит вот что : Тбилиси, Кутатиси, Дарубант (Дербент), Цхуми, Ани, Трапезунд, далее...Эрзерум и у озера Ван г. Хлат. Изначально мы планируем дать Грузии - Кутатиси, но не большое войско (6-8 отр.) будет на подходе к Тбилиси (ребелс). Так что в расширении границ Грузинского Царства, на начальном этапе, я думаю проблем особых не будет. Если только усиленные гарнизоны ребелс...а сколько регионов можно дать Грузии ? по моему миниум 3 надо...
Нету такого закона, который был бы хорош для всех.
Катон Старший.
Человек ты — значит, смертен. Помни это. Будь здоров.
Отправлено 19 июля 2008 - 02:53


Отправлено 19 июля 2008 - 12:57

Начало 1189 год по 1314-ый. Прекрасно, значит между Тбилиси и Кутатиси будет пол-стека с заданием взять г. Кутатиси. Но возиожно мы изначально дадим Грузии 2 региона, выше перечисленные.
Катон Старший.
Человек ты — значит, смертен. Помни это. Будь здоров.
Отправлено 20 июля 2008 - 12:24
а можно я опубликую инфу на Англииском, а потом потехонку переведём на Русском ?
Sakartvelos Samepho (Kingdom of Georgia) at 1189 AD.
Religion: Ortodox Christianity
Capital: Tbilisi – large city (region Kartli, east Georgia)
other regions and cities: Imereti (Kutatisi – large city, west Georgia), Samtskhe (Artanuji – castle, south Georgia)
Roayl dinasry – Bagrationi
Ruler family at 1189 AD
P.S. at 1189 AD in reality Georgia was ruled by great queen – Tamar Bagrationi (1184-1213), her husband was David Bagrationi – ”Soslan” (another branch of Bagrationi royal dynasty)
Mephet Mephe (King of Kings) –
David Bagrationi (reigned 1189-1207) – 38 year old
Dedophali (Queen) – wife, Tamar (Georgian: თამარი; 1160 – 1213, reigned in 1184-1213), – 29 year old
Mephe (prince, future King) – at 1189 AD still was not born, in future (in 1192 AD) was born Giorgi Bagrationi, future King of Georgia (reigned in 1213-1222)
Short description of Sakartvelos Samepho (kingdom of Georgia) and political situation at 1080 AD.:
In 1001 Georgian king Bagrat III Bagrationi united all Georgian principalities - principality of Kakheti, Abkhazian reign, principality Tao-Klardzheti and principality of Kartli into the united reign and in the Caucasus was formed new dominant power, the strong, centralized feudal state - Kingdom of Georgia (Sakartvelos Samepho). Georgian one of most is ancient of the modern peoples of world, having its statehood from the time of Kingdom of Colchis (from XII-VIII BC). In 319 ad to year Georgian became Christianity as state religion. Georgian alphabet one of 14 original alphabet in the world, created in V-III BC.
Georgian Apostolic Ortodoxal Church, based by apostles Andrey and by Simeon of Cana, became autocephaly in V century. Besides Georgia, great Georgian religion centers were based in Jerusalem, in Greece, in Cyprus, in Sinaye, in Egypt, in Syria and Palestine.
Most might, power and developments feudal Georgian reign reached in XI-XIII century, under the rule of the royal dinasty of Bagrations, from whom Georgia guided such famous to entire world monarchs, as David IV "the Builder"(r.1089-1125) and quin Tamara the Great (r. 1184-1213).
The might of Georgian Kingdom founded on the great military traditions, developed feodal economic infrastructure of the country into that epoch and certainly wise of the administration of the kings of dynasty Bagrations.
The reign of Queen Tamar represented the peak of Georgia’s might in the whole history of the nation. In 1194-1204 Tamar’s armies crushed new Turkish invasions from the south-east and south and launched several successful campaigns into Turkish-controlled Southern Armenia. As a result, most of Southern Armenia, including the cities of Karin, Erzinjan, Khelat, Mush and Van, came under Georgian control. Although it was not included in the lands of the Georgian Crown, and was left under the nominal rule of local Turkish Emirs and Sultans, Southern Armenia became a protectorate of the Kingdom of Georgia.
The temporary fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1204 to the Crusaders left Georgia as the strongest Christian state in the whole East Mediterranean area. The same year Queen Tamar sent her troops to take over the former Byzantine Lazona and Paryadria with the cities of Atina, Riza, Trebizond, Querasunt, Amysos, Kotyora, Heraclea and Sinopa. In 1205, the occupied territory was transformed into the Empire of Trebizond and Tamar's relative Prince Alexios Komnenos was crowned as Emperor. The Empire of Trebizond was heavily dependent on Georgia for more than two hundred years. In 1210 Georgian armies invaded northern Persia (modern day Iranian Azerbaijan) and took the cities of Marand, Tabriz, Ardabil, Zanjan and Qazvin, placing part of the conquered territory under a Georgian protectorate. This was the maximum territorial extent of Georgia throughout her history. Queen Tamar was addressed as “The Queen of Abkhazians, Kartvels, Rans, Kakhs and Armenians, Shirvan-Shakhine and Shakh-in-Shakhine, The Sovereign of the East and West”. Georgian historians often refer to her as “Queen Tamar the Great”.
The period between the early 12th and the early 13th centuries, and especially the era of Tamar the Great, can truly be considered as the golden age of Georgia. Besides the political and military achievements, it was marked by the development of Georgian culture, including architecture, literature, philosophy and sciences.
Army units of Georgian kingdom and descriptions –
1. peasant - att. 3, def, 4
2. peasant militia swordsmen – att, 6, def, 6
3. Shubosani (lavy spearmen) – att. 7, deff. 9
These simple Georgians, free people, the civil guardsmen, ready to protect the native land from overseas aggressors. They are dressed in simple clothes from a leather and fabrics, in fight used spear, dagger and round/oval shields.
4. Kartlian spearmen * (medium spearmen) – att. 9, deff. 13
In IV century up to Christmas of Xhrist legendary king Parnavaz in Mtskheta has called Iberian-Kartlian on service in heavy infantry. "Erie", or "people", went on war to protect Kartli from Persians invasion. The tradition has remained, there were years, after Persians send Romans,Khazars and Huns, behind them Seljuks, Khorezmian and Mongols, hordes of Tamerlan 8 times interfered in Georgia! And always the basic force of the Georgian army was Kartlian spearmen. They are peasants, with calloused workers hands. They love the ground on which work and are ready to protect it up to last drop of blood! Strong, courageous, equally skilful in a floor and in сече, these hard armed infantrymen overturn the enemy a powerful impact of the rallied shields and spears.
Many conquerors were seen by Georgia, many have remained here for ever... For ever to decay in the Georgian ground! Now Ottoman Turks, Persians and Kyzilbashs plan on conquest proud Kartlian. But they do not know descendants of king Parnavaz...
5. Metsikhovne (garrison havy spearmen) – att. 11, deff. 14
Metsikhovne - verbatim indicates" the guard of fortress ", then garrison guard eats. Them in Georgia they used for the strengthening for those seized it was municipal and fortresses. Metsikhovne was equipmented by due to the state, was dressed in the chain-mail armors, it managed well the habits of battle with the spear and shield, and also used bows. Metsikhovne can be used just as linear, combat infantry.
6. Tadzreuli qveitebi (foot medium swordsmen) – att. 12, deff. 15
Tadzreuli, on the Georgian verbatim indicates - "knight-templar". These are soldier, the servant of the holy apostolic church of Georgia. Georgian church as one of the rich classes in XII-XV c. centuries in the Georgian reign, subordinated the big enough number of small nobles – aznaurs, free mens and peasants. The servants of the church, aznaury protected church and faith, correctly served the king and the our land. Gradually, in the highly developed feudal society of Georgia, in XII-XIII c. explosives, tadzreuli became military class. To tadzreuli elite infantrymen by the Georgian of army, the knights of the honors, always ready life to return for the faith, the native land and for the tsar. They the well trained and well equipped, very experienced soldiers, strong by spirit, without are sorrowful to the enemies of Georgia and Christianity, but they are virtuous to the simple people, them all love and respect on this, and enemies feel trembling before their persistent view.
7. Aznauri qveitebi (foot feodals infantry, medium swordsmen) – att. 13, deff. 20
Aznauri - it is the feudal lord in Georgia during an epoch of feudalism. Aznaurs shared on small, on imperial, on church estates, some of them owned a family fortress, and the some not. Main craft Aznaurs was beaten military science and service to king of Georgia or their direct patron - Eristavs, to larger feudal lord, than Aznauri. Азнаури under arms had an average and heavy armour, a sword and spear, well owned the bows. As it is usual Aznaurs was as horsemen, but were able to be at war as infantry too.
8. Monaspa qveitebi (foot royal infantry, havy spearmen and swordsmen) – att. 14, deff. 22
Monaspa - elite part of the Georgian army after the reforms of David IV ,,the Builder” (1089-1125). First monaspa composed loyal to king and to the fatherland, cavalrymen from the average and small feudal class, and now and then also from the free people also. Monaspa, as the basic of the impact parts of the army, was subordinated directly only to king and gradually became regular troops, responsibilities were characterized by a high feeling, by steel discipline it is excellent to trained. With the by means of of such regular and accurate military parts, Georgian king successfully fought with the enemies of state both in the inside of the country and far beyond its limits. More lately appeared other regular units of the troops in the Georgian army, on the same to principles as the first cavalrymen Of monaspa, they were monaspa infantry, monaspa archers and monaspa archers cavalrymen.
9. Georgian highlanders * (havy swordsmen) – att. 16, deff. 15
Khevsureti - one of the most beautiful high-mountainous region of east Georgia. There during centuries it was created unique culture and originality Khevsurs, Pshavs, Tush’s and other mountain Georgian tribes. One of basic elements of this original culture is systematized military art. Khevsurs, in other as well as other mountaineers, perfect own art of fencing and protection in fight. In Middle Ages Khevurs the pedestrian and horse groups created special divisions in royal army of Georgia. Proud and aggressive Khevsurs, being free and independent from the feudal lords, were often called in bodyguard of the Georgian kings. Khevsurs are dressed beat in a chain armor, it is frequent their headdress from a chain armor closed all person Khevsur warrior. Thus before enemies there was not knowing fear, violent and at times a mysterious soldier without the person which scared to enemies.
1. cavalry militia (light swordsmen) – att. 7, deff. 10
2. Egriseli moisarni * (light cavalry archers) – att. 7, miss. 8, deff. 11
This cavalry are horsemen archers from the western Georgia, since olden days known as good cavalrymen archers. It is light cavalry, armed by an bows and a sword. They are very effective for sudden an attack and for exhaustion of the enemy remote fire from an bows.
3. Highlanders cavalry * (medium swordsmen) – att. 10, deff. 12
Khevsureti - one of the most beautiful high-mountainous region of east Georgia. There during centuries it was created unique culture and originality Khevsurs, Pshavs, Tush’s and other mountain Georgian tribes. One of basic elements of this original culture is systematized military art. Khevsurs, in other as well as other mountaineers, perfect own art of fencing and protection in fight. In Middle Ages Khevurs the pedestrian and horse groups created special divisions in royal army of Georgia. Proud and aggressive Khevsurs, being free and independent from the feudal lords, were often called in bodyguard of the Georgian kings. Khevsurs are dressed beat in a chain armor, it is frequent their headdress from a chain armor closed all person Khevsur warrior. Thus before enemies there was not knowing fear, violent and at times a mysterious soldier without the person which scared to enemies.
4. Aznaurta mkhedroba (medium feodals swordsmen ) – att. 11, deff. 15
Aznaur - it is the feudal lord in Georgia during an epoch of feudalism. Aznaurs shared on small, on imperial, on church estates, some of them owned a family fortress, and the some not. Main craft Aznaurs was beaten military science and service to king of Georgia or their direct patron - Eristavs, to larger feudal lord, than Aznauri. Азнаури under arms had an average and heavy armour, a sword and spear, well owned the bows. As it is usual Aznaurs was as horsemen, but were able to be at war as infantry too.
5. Eristavta mkhedroba (havy feodals lancers) – att. 13, deff. 17
Eristavi - this is great feudal lord in Georgia in the epoch of feudalism. Saeristavo - indicates the administrative division in Georgia, under the management of appointed as king by eristavi. First ,,Saeristavo”, based with the first king of Kartli (Iberia) – Pharnavaz I. He divided kingdom by administrative neighbourhoods - saeristavo and were placed its there officials assigned, Eristavs. In the antique Iberian (Katlian) kingdom there were only eight saeristavo. When in Georgia the epoch of feudalism came, then king officials - eristavi of steel by strong, rich and influent feudal class, their feudal of about- ancestors it is possible to consider “large aznaur’s”, which managed fortresses. Eristavi, as strong feudal lords had their fortress, the large hereditary earth and the well armed and trained guards. On the convocation of tsar, with the war, yeristavi it must advance to tsar its guard. Eristavs guards basic there were cavalrymen, is heavy equipment, armament with spear and with sword. Eristav’s cavalrymen excellently trained and veterans of war, are ready to the latter to protect and to war with the enemies the fatherland... and now and then also against the king himself in order to render a service to the political ambitions of its owner – Eristav’s.
6. Tadzreuli (medium lancers) – att. 10, deff. 15
Tadzreuli, on the Georgian verbatim indicates - "knight-templar". These are soldier, the servant of the holy apostolic church of Georgia. Georgian church as one of the rich classes in XII-XV c. centuries in the Georgian reign, subordinated the big enough number of small nobles – aznaurs, free mens and peasants. The servants of the church, aznaury protected church and faith, correctly served the king and the our land. Gradually, in the highly developed feudal society of Georgia, in XII-XIII c. explosives, tadzreuli became military class. To tadzreuli elite infantrymen by the Georgian of army, the knights of the honors, always ready life to return for the faith, the native land and for the tsar. They the well trained and well equipped, very experienced soldiers, strong by spirit, without are sorrowful to the enemies of Georgia and Christianity, but they are virtuous to the simple people, them all love and respect on this, and enemies feel trembling before their persistent view.
7. Monaspa (royal havy missile and lancers cavalry) – att. 14, miss. 11, deff. 20
Monaspa - elite part of the Georgian army after the reforms of David IV ,,the Builder” (1089-1125). First monaspa composed loyal to king and to the fatherland, cavalrymen from the average and small feudal class, and now and then also from the free people also. Monaspa, as the basic of the impact parts of the army, was subordinated directly only to king and gradually became regular troops, responsibilities were characterized by a high feeling, by steel discipline it is excellent to trained. With the by means of of such regular and accurate military parts, Georgian king successfully fought with the enemies of state both in the inside of the country and far beyond its limits. More lately appeared other regular units of the troops in the Georgian army, on the same to principles as the first cavalrymen Of monaspa, they were monaspa infantry, monaspa archers and monaspa archers cavalrymen.
8. General bodyguard (Monaspa cavalry model) – att.15, miss. 11, deff. 22
missile infantry
1. peasant archers – att. 5, miss. 6, deff. 7
2. Svanta Svimra * (light archers from Georgian province Svaneti) – att. 7, miss. 9, deff. 10
Svimra "(guard) Svans - the autonym of "mushvan" - ethnic group is Georgian, that lives in the unapproachable mountains of west Georgia. These are tower-less and wild soldiers, who do not know fear. Although Christianity already had long ago been taken root among the mountaineers, ancient heathen customs are still very strong among the Svanians clans. The faith in Christ is nearby with the heathen altars, the cult Hittite -Subarian god to Telepinu and terrible Lasharela, the gloomy patron of soldiers, which rushes among the mountains on its horse... Svans the skillful hunters and pathfinders, from the earliest times they composed the impact force of the armies of Colchis, then Lazika-Egrisi and united Georgia. When there is no war, Svans frequently quarrel between themselves, blood vengeance as before acts among the snow-covered mountains of Svaneti. But sometimes Svans forget their quarrels. This occurs, when external enemy attacks in Georgia. In Georgia they indicate that if you send by war on Svaneti, then to you it remains to hope on gentlemen of God, because besides it, you already no one will help!
3. Metsikhovne archers (garrison medium archers) – att. 9, miss. 10, deff. 11
Metsikhovne - verbatim indicates" the guard of fortress ", then garrison guard eats. Them in Georgia they used for the strengthening for those seized it was municipal and fortresses. Metsikhovne was equipmented by due to the state, was dressed in the chain-mail armors, it managed well the habits of battle with the spear and shield, and also used bows. Metsikhovne can be used just as linear, combat infantry.
4. Monaspa moisarni (royal archers) – att. 11, miss. 12, deff. 14
Monaspa - elite part of the Georgian army after the reforms of David IV ,,the Builder” (1089-1125). First monaspa composed loyal to king and to the fatherland, cavalrymen from the average and small feudal class, and now and then also from the free people also. Monaspa, as the basic of the impact parts of the army, was subordinated directly only to king and gradually became regular troops, responsibilities were characterized by a high feeling, by steel discipline it is excellent to trained. With the by means of of such regular and accurate military parts, Georgian king successfully fought with the enemies of state both in the inside of the country and far beyond its limits. More lately appeared other regular units of the troops in the Georgian army, on the same to principles as the first cavalrymen Of monaspa, they were monaspa infantry, monaspa archers and monaspa archers cavalrymen.
* - national unit
Georgian medieval names and surnames
male names:
female names:
Georgian feudal families:
Georgian medieval titles, ancillaries and important historical persons
religion titles -
Catholicos-Patriarch all Georgia
+ 5 piety
Mtavarepiskoposi = Archbishop
+ 3 piety
Episkoposi = Bishop
+ 2 piety
civil titles -
Mepheta Mephe Saqartvelosi = king of kings of all Georgia
+ 4 command
+ 4 authority
+ 2 dread
+ 3 piety
Mesiis makhvili = Sword of Mesiah, only to the Georgian kings, when Georgian king defeat major muslims armyes in 3 major battles.
+ 2 authority among the ortodox Christians rullers and kings
+ 3 command against muslims
+ 3 popularity
+ 3 loyalty receive from nobility
Eristavt-Eristavi = Grand Duke > Only in megacities
+1 authority
-2 loyalty
+10 % tax income
+5 law
Eristavi = Duke of some region or city
+3 law
+1 authority
+5% tax income
-1 loyalty
Aznauri = smal or middle feodal
+ 2 loyalty
Mtsignobartukhutsesi = Prime-Minister, only for king
+2 authority
+2 loyalty
+1 piety
Mechurchletukhutsesi = minister of Finance, only for king
+1 authority
+1 loyalty
+15 tax income
Mandaturtukhutsesi = head of security police, only for king
+ 2 authority
+ 3 loyalty
+ 10 law
Amirspalari = minister of Defence, only for king
+2 command
+2 authority
+3 dread
Spasalari = army general
+ 2 command
+ 1 authority
+ 1 dread
Spaspety = chef of 1000 soldiers
+1 command
+1 dread
Raindi = knight
+ 1 command
+ 2 chivalry
King of Kings all Georgia (for forighn Christians)
Emir of Tbilisi (Muslims)
Eristavt-Eristavi of Kartli (for Georgian ruler)
+10 tax income
+ 5 trade
+10 law
+3 authority
-3 loyalty
grand duke of Kutaisi (for forighn Christians)
Emir of Kutaisi (for Muslims)
Prince of Imereti (for Georgians)
+ 5 tax income
+ 5 Sea trade
+ 10 law
+ 3 authority
-3 loyalty
SPECIFIC Ancillaries for Georgia
Mouravi -
Owing to this person trade and extraction of taxes increases + 2 trade, + 1 tax income
Mtsignobari -
The scientific person always helps the mister, the authority and influence, on a society and in people, will increase + 1 authority, + 1 influence
Bazieri -
The assistant during hunting, + 1 security, +2 range of vision.
Mstovari -
The secret agent men, spy + 2 security, + 2 movement, + 3 range of vision.
Mstovartukhutesi -
head of spies guild , + 4 security, + 4 movement, + 5 range of vison.
Amirejibi -
chef of royal cavalry stables, + 3 movement, + 1 cavalry command.
Rindi -
Member secret a society mistics and philosophers, - 3 piety, + 1 command.
Mushaiti -
The acrobat and the athlete, + 2 Healthy
Mchedeltukhutsesi -
head of blacksmits guild, - 10% armor upgreids cost, - 10% weapons upgreids cost, - 10% havy infantry trained cost.
Memathrakhe -
veteran cavalrymen, + 3 movement, + 2 when cavalry command.
Moisari -
The champion on shooting from bow, + 2 range of vision, + 1 when archers command
Svanian pathfinder -
Hunter from Svaneti, highlander Georgian province , + 2 security, + 3 range of vision, + 2 when archers command
Mekhmle -
The champion on fencing, + 2 when swordsmen infantry command.
Khevisberi -
The authoritative person in a high-mountainous province of Georgia, + 2 law, + 1 authority, +1 when command Khevsurs forces.
Meabjre –
The servant who bears an armour and the weapon of his patron, + 1 chivalry, + 1 movement.
Ioane Petritsi
Georgian medieval philosopher and scholar in the XI-XII century, has based scientific academy in Gelati's monastery. During the reign of King David IV Aghmashenebeli, Ioane Petritsi worked at the Gelati Academy, where he left an important legacy of translations and original works. He was instrumental in spreading the ideas of neo-platonism and humanism in Georgia that influenced subsequent development of Georgian philosophy and theology. He tried to prove the existence of God on the basis of Aristotelian logic and Proclus’ emanation theory. He argued that Platonic philosophy could reach a true understanding of God and strived to become the Aristotle of Christian theology. His translation of Nemesius of Emesa’ On the Nature of Man introduced Christian anthropology into Georgian philosophical thought.
+ 1 authority, + 1 piety, + 1 popularity.
Beqa Opizari -
well-known Georgian jeweller, the sculptor and the artist, goldsmith and silversmith (XII century). They were outstanding masters of the traditional techniques of embossing and chasing in silver gilt. Working in a monastery at Opiza in the Tao region, Beka and Beskhen produced a number of uniquely ornamented icons that set a standard for the subsequent masters. While most of their work perished in the following centuries, several icons and gospel chasings survive, including the chasing of the Anchis Khati (the Anchi icon) frame and the silver chasing of the Tskarostavi Gospel.
+ 1 popularity, + 5 trade income.
Shota Rustaveli -

The greatest Georgian poet of XII-XIII century, has written genius poem, Masterpiece of the medieval literature "knight in the Panter scin", well known all over the world, + 2 piety, + 5 popularity, +1 authority.
Shalva of Akhaltsikhe -[/B]
Georgian military commander and court official. Lord Shalva belonged to the Akhaltsikeli branch of the powerful Toreli family and owned large estates in Akhalkalaki and other regions of Javakheti. Lord Shalva served as the mechurchletukhutsesi (treasurer) and later mandartukhutsesi (grand chamberlain) at the court of Queen Tamar and King Giorgi IV Lasha. He distinguished himself at the battle of Shamkhor in 1195, where he seized the enemy royal flag and delivered it to Queen Tamar. In the 1200s, Shalva, and Sargis Tmogveli, commanded the Georgian troops during the victorious campaign against Kars. In 1203, he and his brother Ivane led the Georgian advance guard at the battle of Basian. In 1210, he successfully campaigned throughout southern Georgia and Armenia. However, he also clashed with the influential Mkhargrdzeli family and their feud played an important role in 1225. During the Khwarazmean invasion of Jalāl al-Dīn in that year, Shalva Akhaltsikheli led the Georgian advance guard and engaged the enemy at Garhni. Despite repeated pleas from Akhaltsikheli, Ivane Mkhargrdzeli, the commander-in-chief of the Georgian forces deployed on the nearby heights, refused to commit his forces in support of his rival lords and watched as the Khwarazmean troops slaughtered them. Shalva survived the battle but was captured and delivered to Jalāl al-Dīn. He refused to convert to Islam and secretly informed the Georgian forces of the enemy numbers and movements, for which he was executed in late 1225.
Shalva of Akhaltsikhe, St (Georgian: შალვა ახალციხელი, Shalva Akhaltsikheli) (died 1227; commemoration day on June 17/June 30 (O.S.)) was a Georgian general executed by the Khwarezmian invaders for having refused to serve them and to denounce Christianity.
He was a member of influential noble family having Akhaltsikhe in hereditary possession. Under Tamar of Georgia, he held top posts of Lord High Treasurer and Lord High Mandator consecutively. He was titled as Grand Duke (eristavteristavi) and served as a governor general in the southern province of Javakheti.
Shalva distinguished himself particularly in the Battle of Shamkor against the Seljuk atabek of Azerbaijan, 1195, when he fought in vanguard and captured a war banner of the Caliph. In 1206/1207, he together with Sargis of Tmogvi commanded a Georgian army that took Kars from the Seljuk Turks. At the Battle of Basian (1203) Shalva and his brother Iwane were put in command of Meskhetian vanguard and played a decisive role in the Georgian victory. The brothers commanded a Georgian vanguard again in the Battle of Garni against the Khwarezmians, 1225. The battle was lost however. Iwane fell on the battlefield and Shalva, grievously wounded, was captured. Shah Mingburnu offered him a position in his army provided he would convert into Islam. Shalva refused however and was martyred in June 1227.
+ 1 command, + 1 command againts muslims.
The architect Arsukidze-

Architect of the Svetiskhoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta. In 1010, King Bagrat III commissioned the architect Arsukidze to build a magnificent cathedral and its construction was continued by his son Giorgi I. While constructing the new Svetitskhoveli Cathedral between 1010–1029, Arsukisdze proved himself an innovative engineer, changing the old basilica into the domed temple and erecting the largest ecclesiastical building in Georgia. Tradition claims that Arsukisdze surpassed all other architects in mastery of his craft, and his rivals conspired to have his hand chopped off. The central arch of the northern facade has a relief of a hand holding a bevel square with the inscription underneath “The hand of the servant of God Arsukisdze, pray for him.”
- 5 % cost religion buildings buid, reduce build time – 2 turn.
Arsen Ikaltoeli -[/B]
Georgian religion figure in XII c., monk, he founded Academy in Ikalto - + 3 piety, + 1 law, + 1 authority.
Peter the Iberian, or Peter of Iberia, (Georgian: პეტრე იბერი, Petre Iberi) (A.D. c. 411-491) is a Georgian Orthodox saint, who was a prominent figure in early Christianity. (in georgian - Petre Iberieli)

Some of his accomplishments are the foundination the first Georgian monastery in Bethlehem and being the bishop of Gaza near Mayuma. In additon to being canonized by the Georgian Orthodox Church as a saint, he is also recognized by various eastern Chruches, some of which have deviated from the Orthodox doctrine, + 5 piety, + 2 authority
Giorgi At'oneli
George the Hagiorite – Giorgi Mt'ats'mindeli or Giorgi At'oneli (Georgian: გიორგი მთაწმინდელი, გიორგი ათონელი) – (1009 – June 27, 1065), was a Georgian monk, religious writer, and translator, who spearheaded the activities of Georgian monastic communities in the Byzantine Empire. His epithets Mt'ats'mindeli and At'oneli, meaning "of the Holy Mountain" (Hagiorite) and "of Athos" (Athonite) respectively, are a reference to his association with the Iviron monastery on Mount Athos, where he served as hegumen.
One of the most influential Christian churchmen of medieval Georgia, George acted as an arbitrator and facilitator of cross-cultural engagement between his native country and the Byzantine Empire.
+ 5 piety, + 2 popularity.
Tornike Eristavi
Prominent Georgian statesman and military commander, also known as Ioannis Tornikios or John Thornikios or John Tornik. He came from a family in the immediate circles of the Bagration rulers, and his father, Chordvaneli (referred to in Byzantine sources as the patrikios 'Zourbaneles') had been a member of the suite of the curapaltes Ashot when he visited the Emperor Constantine Prphyrogennetos in Constantinople in c. 950. He achieved prominence while serving David III Curopalates of Tao Klarjeti but, around 963, he abandoned secular society for a monastic live and worked under the name of Ioane (Ioannis, John) in the Athanasius Lavra on Mount Athos. In 978, Byzantine Emperor Basil, facing a powerful rebellion of Bardas Scleros (976-979), appealed for help to David Curopalates, who asked Tornike Eristavi to return temporarily to a layman’s life and lead the Georgian forces. As the Life of Saint John and Euthymos relates, Tornike was reluctant to leave the monastery but was persuaded by Athanasios and John the Iberian, prominent Georgian theologians, that it would be in the best interests of the Athonite monks for him to fulfill the imperial request. A Georgian expeditionary corps under Tornike Eristavi was dispatched to Basil’s aid and defeated the insurgents led by Bardas Skleros restoring royal authority to the emperor in March 979. Tornike was generously rewarded and granted the title of synkellos. As the Life of Saints Jogn and Euthimious reports, Tornike returned with "perecious objects: and some twelve kentenaria (1,200 lb, over 600 kg) of gold and used this money to found the famous Iviron Monastery on Mt. Athos. Tornike donated all his possessions to this monastery and spent the rest of his life as a monk here. The Ivirion Monastery soon became one of the most important Georgian cultural centers, where Georgian monks produced original illuminated manuscripts, translations and treatises.
+3 command, + 1 authority, + 3 piety
[b]Bacurius Hiberios (4th century).
Prominent Georgian military commander in the Byzantine service, also known as Bakur Iberieli and Bakur Iberi. Unfortunately few details are available on his life. He was born into the Iberian royal family and later lived in Constantinople, where he rose through the ranks and distinguished himself commanding Byzantine and Roman troops in several campaigns. He participated in the Battle of Adrianople in 378 and later helped Emperor Theodosius I to suppress Flavius Eugenius’ uprising in the Battle of Frigidus in 394. Bacurius also established himself as a notable scholar and philosopher, whose knowledge was praised by many contemporary Greek logicians
+ 1 command
[b]Grigol Bakurianisdze
Prominent Georgian prince and commander of the Byzantine forces, also known as Gregory Pakurianos. The son of Eristavteristavi Bakur of Tao, Grigol entered the Byzantine service and quickly rose through the ranks. He governed the Byzantine provinces in Syria, Kars and Theodosiopolis. In 1064, he fought against the Seljuks of Alp Arslan at Ani and, in early 1070s, commanded Byzantine troops against King Giorgi II of Georgia. Grigol was one of the most influential nobles in the Byzantine Empire and, in 1081, he played an active role in a coup against Emperor Nicephorus III. Under the new emperor, he became the commander-in-chief (megas domestikos) of western regions of the empire and controlled vast territories in the Balkans. He supported Georgian monasteries in the Holy Land and the Byzantine Empire, making substantial donations to the Georgian Iviron Monastery on Mount Athos and establishing the Georgian monastery of Petritsoni (modern Bachkovo). He died in one of the battles against the Pechenegs in 1086. His typikon of the Petritsoni monastery provided the history of the foundation of the monastery and set its curriculum and objectives.
+ 2 command
Сообщение отредактировал Kartveli: 20 июля 2008 - 16:14

Отправлено 20 июля 2008 - 13:56

Да-а, инфы много...Темно-синие буквы вообще не черном фоне не видно. А мод у нас будет русско-язычный, ну начинай потихоньку переводить.
Катон Старший.
Человек ты — значит, смертен. Помни это. Будь здоров.
Отправлено 25 июля 2008 - 22:30

надеюсь ты сам переведешь, а то меня Барбаросса замучает с переводом

Сообщение отредактировал S1LVER: 25 июля 2008 - 22:32
Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1
0 пользователей, 1 гостей, 0 анонимных
Мы ждали, мы верили. И наша вера была вознаграждена! Анонс Total War: WARHAMMER состоялся! Скептики были посрамлены, а вахоманы возликовали! Но разработчики на форумах успели уже рассказать немало подробностей. Во первых стало известно? что это будет не одна игра, а трилогия сдобренная целым сомном аддонов и дополнительного платного и бесплатного контента. Во-вторых фракций будет только четыре (Империя Сигмара, Зеленокожие, Гномы и Графы-Вампиры) но обещают сделать их максимально проработанными, богатыми на юниты и реально отличающимися друг от друга по геймплею. В третьих - главы фракций теперь не просто генералы которых не жалко потерять в бою. Теперь это Легендарные Лорды (Карл Франц, Гримгор, Торгрим и Маннфрэд фон Карштайн), герои со уникальным оружием, верховым животным, шмотками и набором квестов. Еще обещают такие новинки как летающие юниты, магию, танки, пушки и мущкеты... в общем вкуснятинка! В общем ждем больше информации и надеемся, что игра станет прорывом в серии.
Ну а апологетам историчности спешим успокоить - над Вархаммер трудится отдельная команда. Исторические игры Тотал Вар производство фэнтэзийной игры не тормозит.
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Total War: Attila
Анонс Total War: Attila с одной стороны немало удивил нас, а с другой еще раз доказал, что СА идет проторенной дорожкой. Ведь Аттила по сути это сиквэл аддона "Вторжение варваров" для Рима 1. Правда на этот раз они не стали скромничать и назвали его "новой игрой". Ок, мы не будем спорить. Отдельная игра про нашествие варварских племен на цивилизации античного мира - это прекрасно. Нужно отметиьт что разработчики действительно поработали на славу. По мнению большинства игроков, Аттила действительно оказался достойным продуктом, позволившим окунутся в мрачные эпохи.
Подробней о Total War: Attila Часть 1 и Часть 2
Total War: Rome 2
Анонс Rome II Total War состоялся 2 июля и это вызвало настоящую бурю восторга нашего сообщества! Настолько люди истосковались по рукопашному бою и легионерам, что анонс сиквела восприняли как настоящее чудо и "сбычу мечт". Снова вести в бой скованные железной дисциплиной легионы, непоколебимых греческих гоплитов и македонских сариссофоров, топтать врагов слонами и забрасывать отрубленными головами - это ли не счастье! Но ведь новые игры Total War это еще и морские баталии. И тут уж будет море фана, ведь разработчики обещают активное взаимодействие между сухопутными и военно-морскими силами. Обоюдный обстрел между береговыми укреплениями и боевыми кораблями на рейде даст новую степень свободы "стратегосам" античного мира.
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