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#1 hellvard8



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Отправлено 07 августа 2016 - 01:31

Witamy przyjaciół, przepraszam za pisanie po angielsku, ale niestety ja don't wiem rosyjski. Chciałbym przedstawić wam mój mod Medieval2: Kingdoms, ad Mari a Mare. Oto linki do:



Ogólny przegląd mod


Balkan factions preview


Rus and steppe factions preview


Więcej zapowiedzi wkrótce   ;)

Сообщение отредактировал hellvard8: 07 августа 2016 - 01:36

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#2 hellvard8



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Отправлено 07 января 2017 - 22:31

I'm looking for someone who can help me with finding info about feudal titles in XIIIth century Russia. Any volunteers?

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#3 holdfast


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Отправлено 07 января 2017 - 23:47

hellvard8 сказал(а) 07 Янв 2017 - 6:31 ПП:

I'm looking for someone who can help me with finding info about feudal titles in XIIIth century Russia. Any volunteers?

I have some bad news for you - there were no Russia in 13th century yet :)

https://en.wikipedia.../Russia#History ;)

Сообщение отредактировал holdfast: 07 января 2017 - 23:48

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#4 hellvard8



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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 00:52

I know this :) I mean Rus/Ruthenia.

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#5 holdfast


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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 02:41

That was a little political joke, sorry :)
I'm not the historian, so, using google, I've found this article: . I don't know how much truthful is it, but i think it's quite good.
The translation of the table in the end:
1. Veliki Knyaz (Grand Knyaz, Prince, Grand Duke) - the highest title, smth like western King or Kohung.
2. Udelny Knyaz (Udel = Fief or Feud) - next title, smth like western Duke. They have to submit Veliki Knyaz in theory, but in period of "Rus Fragmentation" they usually were independent in their Principalities indeed.
3. Namestnik - (literally translates like Viceroy) boyar, who was assigned to manage some region.
4. Posadnik - (literally translates like Mayor) boyar, who was assigned to manage the part of some region.
5. Volostelin - (Also used SOTNIK: Volost means smth like township, sometimes called "Sotnya". Sotnya translates "One hundred", so Sotnik means also smth like Centurion in Roman army) boyar, who was assigned to manage Volost/Sotnya.
6. Boyarin - Boyar, high rank hereditary noble.
7. Deti Boyarskie (literally translates like "Boyars Children or Sons") - Lower rank noblemen, all ranks and titles martial people, free servants, etc.

ЗЫ: Probably, Great Novgorod had some differences in titles because of its republican system.
ЗЫ: ЗЫ: Sorry for my ill English :)
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#6 hellvard8



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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 02:59

Nice, thank you :) But I need a bit more detailed info, for example in which settlement should rule knyaz, in which posadnik and so on. 

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#7 holdfast


    CiЧовий дiд

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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 03:21

Oh, sorry, it's too difficult for me. Hope somebody with historical education will help you with it.

But if you want to make the ancillary system I think that you have to use only "Knyaz" (means Udelny Knyaz) and "Namestnik" titles. Title Knyaz you can give for cities, that were capitals of Rus Principalities. The list of Principalities you can find, for example, here:

Another cities could be ruled by "Namestnik's" because there were no Knyaze's there. Posadnik ruled the smaller regions, I think it is unnecessary for you.

But that's only me opinion - opinion of amateur.

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#8 Gunnover



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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 03:24

holdfast сказал(а) 07 Янв 2017 - 10:41 ПП:

That was a little political joke, sorry :)
I'm not the historian, so, using google, I've found this article: . I don't know how much truthful is it, but i think it's quite good.
The translation of the table in the end:
1. Veliki Knyaz (Grand Knyaz, Prince, Grand Duke) - the highest title, smth like western King or Kohung.
2. Udelny Knyaz (Udel = Fief or Feud) - next title, smth like western Duke. They have to submit Veliki Knyaz in theory, but in period of "Rus Fragmentation" they usually were independent in their Principalities indeed.
3. Namestnik - (literally translates like Viceroy) boyar, who was assigned to manage some region.
4. Posadnik - (literally translates like Mayor) boyar, who was assigned to manage the part of some region.
5. Volostelin - (Also used SOTNIK: Volost means smth like township, sometimes called "Sotnya". Sotnya translates "One hundred", so Sotnik means also smth like Centurion in Roman army) boyar, who was assigned to manage Volost/Sotnya.
6. Boyarin - Boyar, high rank hereditary noble.
7. Deti Boyarskie (literally translates like "Boyars Children or Sons") - Lower rank noblemen, all ranks and titles martial people, free servants, etc.

ЗЫ: Probably, Great Novgorod had some differences in titles because of its republican system.
ЗЫ: ЗЫ: Sorry for my ill English :)

IMHO.Also privileged was Clergy. It was the most educated privileged class. High level: metropolitan, bishops, hegumen of monastery and lower level were placed by priests. But Orthodox Church was accessory for political life.

In XIII Ruthian classes were unfinished for ideal feodalism, because most of peasants were free and many cities formed local communities. 

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#9 holdfast


    CiЧовий дiд

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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 03:31

Gunnover сказал(а) 07 Янв 2017 - 11:24 ПП:

IMHO.Also privileged was Clergy. It was the most educated privileged class. High level: metropolitan, bishops, hegumen of monastery and lower level were placed by priests. But Orthodox Church was accessory for political life.

In XIII Ruthian classes were unfinished for ideal feodalism, because most of peasants were free and many cities formed local communities. 

Good remark! Rus XIII is too difficult for clear feudalism :) 

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#10 Anri


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Отправлено 08 января 2017 - 14:48



That was a little political joke, sorry :)
I'm not the historian, so, using google, I've found this article: . I don't know how much truthful is it, but i think it's quite good.
The translation of the table in the end:
1. Veliki Knyaz (Grand Knyaz, Prince, Grand Duke) - the highest title, smth like western King or Kohung.
2. Udelny Knyaz (Udel = Fief or Feud) - next title, smth like western Duke. They have to submit Veliki Knyaz in theory, but in period of "Rus Fragmentation" they usually were independent in their Principalities indeed.

Slugiliy Knyaz - landless feodal, at the service of ruling knyaz.




5. Volostelin - (Also used SOTNIK: Volost means smth like township, sometimes called "Sotnya". Sotnya translates "One hundred", so Sotnik means also smth like Centurion in Roman army) boyar, who was assigned to manage Volost/Sotnya.

Tysyatsky - official princely(knyaz) administration in the cities of medieval Rus. There were two kinds tysyatskih: zemsky in towns(Miasto) and princely(knyaz) . Zemsky elected to the Veche(Wiec) and were a buffer between the knyaz and the urban community. Initially, the military leader of the urban militia ("thousands"), which is subordinate to sotniki.  Tysyatsky(princely) commanded "Malaya druzhynoy" knyaz court, military contingent that was always on hand to knyaz.


Dvorskij -  headed knyaz court, was the head of his military contingent. However, on Dvorskij as one of the closest to knyaz officials pinned and other responsible business.


Pechatnik - keeper of the knyaz seal, chancellor, one of the highest ranks of the court of the knyaz. Position existed in the 13th century only principality Galicia-Volhynia, in no other knyaz court in Rus XIII century such position no existed.


Voevoda -  military commander, general.




7. Deti Boyarskie (literally translates like "Boyars Children or Sons") - Lower rank noblemen, all ranks and titles martial people, free servants, etc.

Deti Boyarskie It appeared later, in the end of the 14th century, on the territory of the future of Russia (Moscow, Novgorod). The Galicia–Volhynia principality they were not.



Dworiane - that is, people of the knyaz court. They were in a tough depending on knyaz. Malaya druzhina quad joins in the knyaz court.

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Мы ждали, мы верили. И наша вера была вознаграждена! Анонс Total War: WARHAMMER состоялся! Скептики были посрамлены, а вахоманы возликовали! Но разработчики на форумах успели уже рассказать немало подробностей. Во первых стало известно? что это будет не одна игра, а трилогия сдобренная целым сомном аддонов и дополнительного платного и бесплатного контента. Во-вторых фракций будет только четыре (Империя Сигмара, Зеленокожие, Гномы и Графы-Вампиры) но обещают сделать их максимально проработанными, богатыми на юниты и реально отличающимися друг от друга по геймплею. В третьих - главы фракций теперь не просто генералы которых не жалко потерять в бою. Теперь это Легендарные Лорды (Карл Франц, Гримгор, Торгрим и Маннфрэд фон Карштайн), герои со уникальным оружием, верховым животным, шмотками и набором квестов. Еще обещают такие новинки как летающие юниты, магию, танки, пушки и мущкеты... в общем вкуснятинка! В общем ждем больше информации и надеемся, что игра станет прорывом в серии.

Ну а апологетам историчности спешим успокоить - над Вархаммер трудится отдельная команда. Исторические игры Тотал Вар производство фэнтэзийной игры не тормозит.

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Total War: Rome 2

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