Эта версия и патч [ENG]:PATCH CONTENTS
-Middle Earth Enhancement Mod by Louis Lux, Aikanar and ackrite26. Please go to
]]>http://www.twcenter....ad.php?t=355906]]> for details
-latest updated UI's by cedric37
-Aikanar's ME Lore mod 0.55
-Aikanar's HE sound pack
-Louis Lux's latest Visual Enhancement + Thranduil's Halls, Barrow Downs, Front Porch
-1.4.1 compatability
-slight reductions in mount mass
-Next in Line Submod by Sensei Kiisu - choose your heir
-Erebor has Gold and Silver mines
-Moria has additional Silver resource
-Nazgul take 1 year to regenerate after being destroyed
-cedric37's superb optional Gondor UI, Isengard UI, Lorien UI and Mirkwood UI's
-some ancilliary effect changes
-minor unit stat updates
-Looting script by Germanicu5
-many other small tweaks - have been working on this update for a few months on and off and haven't kept track of all changes
-optional 'Limited Activities' campaign scripts by Germanicu5 that restrict orders for recruitment and building to settlements with resident generals, otherwise AI runs the settlement - this works very well in SS to increase the challenge
-Louis Lux's latest Visual Enhancement content
-Dol Guldur unique building
-Minas Tirith removed from invasion list
-Rohan bodyguard slightly increased in size
-Whether trolls are immediately available after building Troll Cage etc depends if the player has barracks events on or off
-All factions can now build roads through forest. Non-elvish factions pay more and take more time to do this
-Elvish cities in forests start with Forest Paths already present
-Unit availability re-worked so units that became unavailable due to settlements not being able to reach huge city/citadel size are usually now available at a lower tier
-david.coole's BETTER WATER mod
-2 nazguls in Dol Guldur to start
-Barad Dur provides +1% global culture change bonus to Mordor settlements
-Germanicu5's latest BAI
-some minor changes to some ancilliary and trait bonuses
-compatible with TATW patch 1.4, give some +rep to KK for the great patch
-updated code - again - to attempt to fix save-game CTD's
-Added Winter Campaign Map textures
-very latest Germanicu5 BAI, please see this thread for details:
]]>http://www.twcenter....ad.php?t=257970]]>-improved stability
-economy updates
-River ports available for Large Towns on or near rivers, or for those settlements located right on rivers, Large River ports are available for Minor City or above
-New BAI from G5 - this is the best yet!
-Rhunnic Pikemen are now phalanx halberd with Armor Piercing, but unit size has been reduced
-Eriador AI economy further nerfed
-enhanced error logging
-adds experience for most units recruited in castles
-fixes some goblin/animation mismatches that caused some goblins to be too big
-OotMM Bodyguards now non-phalanx polearm
-gives a diplomat to every faction at game start
-removes secondary weapon from Rhun Mounted Clanguard - now they only have a spear
-reduces priority of recruitment of Southron Lancers and Raiders
-MaxMazi's excellent new Dale unit cards
-balances Rhunnic chariots and adds Rhunnic Elite Archers
-allows heavy Elvish units to upgrade armor
-adds missing agility bonus to some evil polearm units
-compatible with 1.3, please +rep KK!
-completely new, consistent mass system for all foot units, considers: armor, shield size, weapon type, race and unit category
-Mordor, OotMM and Isengard bodyguards now phalanx polearm (thanks to PSIHOPAT for idea)
-Updated some horse movement rates
-some horse armor protective values updated
-ongoing economy updates
-phalanx polearm animation updated to advance quicker to contact, reducing tendancy for formation to bunch up
-Updated BAI by Germanicu5
-Black Guard of Barad-dur and Sons of Wainriders by Sgawara84
-Heavy cavalry has more weight in autoresolve
-Evil generals can start with and acquire traits 'Leader', 'Captain', 'Great Captain' and 'Black Captain' that improves their troops morale and provides some extra authority
-Economy tweaks
-Dwarven weaponsmithing +1 bonus reinstated
-Only Elves with attack delay calculated to be < 0 (ie typically specialty melee units + Bodyguards) now get the +1 Elven Blade bonus, ie this reflects that such well-forged blades are, especially for the Silvans, quite rare.
-Some tweaks to Dwarven recruiting, so that regional AOR units reduce availability of standard units at that settlement. This brings them into line with other factions
-Aquisition of dread by Evil generals by prisoner execution etc revised
-some minor tweaks to bonuses provided by 2 or 3 ancillaries - Shadowfax faster, Smaug Scale +1 defense, Dwarven Armor now +2 defence rather than +1
-more unique buildings made by the craft of Numenor or the power of the Ring are indestructible
-All factions receive specific bonuses as follows. What items does each faction have that are needed by other factions, or are advantageous to trade those items, or that if it has more of those items, the faction will benefit? Bonuses start only with second-tier buildings, except for Harad which gets a bonus for first-tier roads:
Dwarves: weapons, armor. Smiths give additional +1 increased trade goods
Dale: food, provisions (especially desired by the Dwarves). Farms give additional +1 increased trade goods
Eriador: as for Eriador, plus the famous Shire pipeweed. Farms give additional +1 increased trade goods
Silvan Elves: Wine, song, culture. Culture buildings give additional +1 increased trade goods
High Elves: trade through their sea ports, goods from far away. Ports give additional +1 increased trade goods
Rohan: The best horses in ME. Stables give additional +1 increased trade goods
Rhun: far to the east, the steppes are covered with massive grain fields. Farms give additional +1 increased trade goods
Harad: In the sparse desert, long trade caravans travel between the distant cities under the hot sun. All roads give additional +1 increased trade goods
Gondor: Constant trade between all the cities of the realm, and with foreigners beyond. Paved roads give additional +1 increased trade goods
OotMM: No increased trade goods, but raw meat is a delicacy prized by the most discerning orc. Hunting huts give additional +1 population growth
Mordor: as for OotMM
Isengard: In Dunland, Farms give additional +1 increased trade goods. In other Isengard settlements, where the Uruk-hai must be fed, Hunting huts give additional +1 population growth. Isengard also gives an additional +1 trade goods - Saruman was known for his clever arts and wonderful devices before he turned to evil.
-Some minor stats fixes
-Gandalf should have Gandalf strat-map model (not tested yet)
-Rohan Dismounted Royal Guard available 1 tier earlier
-Integrated with latest Visual Enhancement by Louis Lux, please +rep him
-Further economy updates
-Mordor can build paved roads
-Good factions less aggressive in 'Peace' campaign
-Some minor stats changes
-All Dwarves except Miners get +1 attack for outstanding weaponsmithing
-Twist of Cain's Settlement color changes
-Gondor Infantry now hardy
-some other units have stamina changes (usually increases)
-fix for Gandalf causing crash for Eriador (I hope)
-Sgawara84's Dol Amroth, Warriors of Pinnath Gelin and Dunlending units added (more to follow)
-Hardy attribute removed from Gondor Archers and Spearmen
-Dol Amroth units are lighter-armored, but hardy and highly-trained
-Silvan Elf Galadhrim units can be recruited outside of Lorien, but the AOR conditions are restrictive
-Harad has slightly more King's Purse
Предидущие версии:- Слегка уменьшена точность стрелковых юнитов, кроме Лесных Ельфов.
- Более быстрые Варги, с лучшим моральным состоянием.
- Слегка уменьшен эффект хитов, на юнитах в броне.
- Изменено поведение ИИ при дальнем огне.
- Исправлен баг где ИИ в начале битвы строился в единую длинную линию.
- Большинство арбалетчиков остаются в закрытой формации чаще чем в открытой.
- Некоторые характеристики героев были добавлены малому количеству юнитов: Power of the Eldar, Light of Elbereth, Courage of the Lion, Chief of the Dunedain, Terror of the Nazgul, Terror of the Witch King.
- Добавлен мод «Middle-Earth Lore» (Aikanar's)
- Исправлен баг в файле миссий
- Уменьшен шанс убийства.
- Гномы должны уничтожить Рун по условиям победы.
- Лучшая важность Варягов для Руна.
- Увеличена казна Руна.
- Увеличен приоритет найма для всех юнитов.
- Стрелковые юниты теперь не тупят, и в ближнем бою сразу достают оружые ближнего боя...
- Обновлены цены на некоторые здания.
- ОМГ стартуют с уменьшенными силами.
- Улучшена сплочёность.
- Переписаны условия попеды для всех фракций в версии
"LORE EDITION" - Варги более доступны , особенно для ОМГ.
- У варгов увеличено число воинов в отряде.
- Варги могут использывать формацию "орды".
- Копейщики получили -2 к защите и +15 к атаке.
- Олог-Хаи получили больше единиц брони, но немного уменьшена защита.
- У Руна была увеличена казна.
- Лучники имеют на 5 стрел меньше, а арбалетчики - на 4.
- Был добавлен скрипт Безсмертных назгулов.
- Продолжаються изменяться цены.
- Размеры отрядов некоторых фракций изменены, для отрегулирования сил фракций.
- Обновлены стартовые силы ОМГ и Изингарда.
- Катапульты тролей теперь наносят больше повреждений.
- Некоторым зданиям были добавлены бонусы.
"LORE EDITION" включает всесторонний динамичный AOR (Региональный найм юнитов) для каждого юнита в игре основаный на виде фракции, на определённой местности, культурном/религиозном уровне, типе юнита. Все фракции нанимают найлучших в их родных областях, затем в предпочитаемом виде местности (Леса для Ельфов, Горы для Гномов), с дальнейшим уменьшением для мение подходящих видов местности. Более высокий уровень культуры может возместить этот эфект.
- Динамические тэмпы роста поселения основаны на региональном значении роста населения , фракциях/расах, предпочтительном типе местности и значении резмера поселения.
- Обновление к стартовом уровне некоторых поселений.
- Изменение размера отрядов некоторых юнитов.
- Увеличен бонус к морали ИИ на Сложном и Очень Сложном уровне.
- Небольшое сокращение казны ИИ.
- Атака элитных копьеносцев немного уменьшена.
- Время перезарядки Эльфийских лучников уменьшено.
- Заметьте что много изменений которые только должны были быть включены в версию
"LORE EDITION" были включены в обычную версию.
- Гномы более дорогие для найма, но дешевле в содержании.
- Роханские «воины» дороже в содержании, но дешевле в найме.
- Остальные юниты «людей» дороже в содержании, но дешевле в найме.
- Налоги Рохана уменьшены, Изенгарда – увеличены.
- Юниты «Тёмных» фракций стоят дешевле и имеют увеличенный размер отрядов.
- стоимость содержания юнитов увеличена на 20 %
- цены на некоторых юнитов урегулированы.
- ИИ получает немного большую прибыль с поселений.
- обновлена версия «Уникальных зданий» до версии 2.0.
- обновлена версия «Тактического ИИ»
- Обновлены настройка осады и битвы.
- Кузницы больше не требуют высокоуровневых бароков.
- Новые юниты AOR .
- Отредактированы настройки получения наград за выполнение миссий.