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#21 Werebear


    Значний Радец

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  • Откуда:Русь, город-герой Москва
  • Прозвище:Гефест
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  • Создатель:Call of Warhammer:TW; Deus lo Vult
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Отправлено 17 апреля 2010 - 11:40

Вот примерное описание параметровInfluenceThis is obviously Diplomats. Increases his ability to pull off a successful diplomacy deal. Is there any real noticeable effect though?ChivalryThis is for Generals and Family Members, opposite of dread. I believe it effects their authority when acting as Governer in addition to having an in battle effect when he is the armies General - higher Chivalry results in higher friendly troop morale (does this effect only his particular army, or any other's in an alliance?)PietyFor Priests - increases Conversion rate, resistance to Inquisition, resistance to Heresy, and ability to denounce blasphemers.Piety also works like Management in RTW for governors: Adds to settlement income.CommandHigher Command means that your troops have a higher morale in battle. Again, does this effect only the Generals particular army, or those under a different general?LoyaltyHow Resistant a character is to Bribery. Has no effect on Faction Leaders and Faction Heirs.Also (plus FL's Authority) how likely the character will rebel or accept a marriage by a foreign princess.Authorityuthority for FL might prevent characters from rebelling (not tested). For other FMs it sets the chance of becoming next FH (tested), but has no effect on the abilities as a governor (tested) and most likely also no effect on the battlefield (untestable)SubterfugeFor Spies and Assassins. Spies increases his ability at infiltrating a castle, and staying undetected, in addition to increase the chance of a gate opening during a siege. For Assassins, increases success rate of Sabotage and Asassinations.FinanceFor Merchants. Increases the amount of money he is able to milk from a particular resource, and increases the success rate of your Merchant Successfully acquiring an opponents business.CharmFor Princesses - increases Diplomacy rating like Influence, and also increases chance of marrying your daughter to an enemy general.MagicI'm unsure of this. I have no idea.ManagementI believe this is for Generals, as it increases Public Order, or decreases reasons for Population "de-growth".Не известно работает ли этот параметр из римаTroopMoraleSimply for generals, increases all troops morale under them. Again, does it only work for units under the general, or for all friendly armies involved in the battle.AttackUnsure. I think this may be bonus command points given when you are the attacker. Alternatively, is it anything to do with how strong the General and his Bodyguard actually is in combat?DefenceSimilar to before, but command points given when being the defender. Alternatively, does this increase the General and his bodyguards defence value?SiegeAttackBonus Command Points given when the General is attacking a town, having laid siege to it. Doesn't require walls, only that the general has attacked a city or a castle. Does this include when defending against a Sally?SiegeDefenceBonus Command Points given when the General is defending a city or castle to which a siege has been laid. Does include when sallying out?AmbushBonus Command Points given when the General is Ambushing. Or does it apply even when the General is defending against an ambush?NightBattleEnables the general to choose to fight a night battle if he attacked. Should the battle be fought (regardless of attacker) at night, the General will recieve an additional command star.NavalCommandFor admirals. Increases the effectiveness of ships.SiegeEngineeringIncreases the Build Points of any army commanded by a general with this by the set amount.MovementPointsIncreases the models Movement Speed. Does this apply to all other units in the army?LineOfSightIncreases the models vision into Fog of War.PublicSecurityPublic = Changes of detecting a spy entering the settlement (must be governor?)PersonalSecurityPersonal = Changes of preventing from being assassinated.PersonalSecurityConstructionDiscounted Construction Costs, for Governers.TradingFor governers, increasing the value of trade LocalPopularityHigher values decreases Unrest.BriberyIncreases costs required to Bribe.BribeResistanceIncreases resistance to character being bribed.TrainingUnitsDecreases training costs of units in a town or castle he is governing.TrainingAgentsSame as above, but works only for agents.FarmingGenerals - Increases the amount of money gained from farming if Governer.MiningSame as above - but for mining, rather than farming.TaxCollectionSame as above - but for Taxes.FertilityIncreases chance of having children. Unsure if it increases the chance of certain traits passing over generations.CavalryCommandGrants a Command Bonus while commanding Cavalry.InfantryCommandSame as above - but for InfantrySabotageIncreases Assassins success rate for sabotaging.AssassinationSame as above - but for Assassinations.UnorthodoxyThis is for all priests. I think it defines becoming a heretic.PurityUnsure what bonuses it confers.ViolenceUnsure what it does. Pope is more likely to accept targets for crusades, and issue targets for them as well.I think it has to do with denounciation. Accepting Crusades seems to be defined by the Papal standing only.Combat_V_Religion_factionGrants a Command Bonus while fighting a particular faction?HealthFor Generals, grants Public Order and Population Growth Bonus if governer.SqualorFor Generals, reduces Public Order and Population Growth if Governer.UnrestFor Generals, reduces Public Order if Governer.LawFor Generals, increases Public Order if Governer.Also reduce corruptionLooting t raises the money you get from plundering a conquered settlement.HitPointsIncreases the Generals Hit Points.TrainingAnimalUnitsUnsure. Never had it. I assume works similar to Training Units/Agents, but for those who use animals, e.g Elephants?BattleSurgeryFor Generals, increases the amount of casualties healed after a battle.HeresyImmunityI assume for Priests, can denounce Heretics without the chance to become a Heretic.GunpowderCommandWorks similar to other commands, but when commanding Gunpowder.ArtilleryCommandThree guesses.

Сообщение отредактировал isilendil: 17 апреля 2010 - 11:46

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Мы ждали, мы верили. И наша вера была вознаграждена! Анонс Total War: WARHAMMER состоялся! Скептики были посрамлены, а вахоманы возликовали! Но разработчики на форумах успели уже рассказать немало подробностей. Во первых стало известно? что это будет не одна игра, а трилогия сдобренная целым сомном аддонов и дополнительного платного и бесплатного контента. Во-вторых фракций будет только четыре (Империя Сигмара, Зеленокожие, Гномы и Графы-Вампиры) но обещают сделать их максимально проработанными, богатыми на юниты и реально отличающимися друг от друга по геймплею. В третьих - главы фракций теперь не просто генералы которых не жалко потерять в бою. Теперь это Легендарные Лорды (Карл Франц, Гримгор, Торгрим и Маннфрэд фон Карштайн), герои со уникальным оружием, верховым животным, шмотками и набором квестов. Еще обещают такие новинки как летающие юниты, магию, танки, пушки и мущкеты... в общем вкуснятинка! В общем ждем больше информации и надеемся, что игра станет прорывом в серии.

Ну а апологетам историчности спешим успокоить - над Вархаммер трудится отдельная команда. Исторические игры Тотал Вар производство фэнтэзийной игры не тормозит.

Подробней о Total War: WARHAMMER

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Подробней о Total War: Attila Часть 1 и Часть 2

Total War: Rome 2

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Подробней о Total War: Rome II