Empire Specialists:
The Empire is the Arguable the single greatest realm of men in the existing. Its armies are known for being the most disciplined, organized, and professional in the old world. Most people when asked to describe and empire army will list a number of traits that have become its hallmark. Blocks of well disciplined halberdiers advancing in good order while supported by thundering hand-gun fire and mighty, roaring cannons, all the while zealous devouts of Sigmar preach bombastically to steel the courage of the warriors that fight in his name. But for all the forces that defend the empire that can be called typical there are some either lesser known or less common forces that do their part to ensure the safety of Sigmar's people.
The Imperial Naval Marine Corp (INMC)
So long as there will be ships there will be those who seek to plunder them. Whether they be Pirates, Norse Raiders, or the treacherous dark elves, it is clear the empire's shores must be guarded. In the early days of empire, seafaring was almost immediately followed by piracy. For every man who sought to profit by trading there was another man who sought to profit of stealing what someone else had the intention to trade. The early remedy to this problem was to hire privateers. These sea-bourn sell-swords varied greatly in quality, some of the wealthiest traders had their own elite core of men protecting their assets while it was not uncommon to hear the average ship owner walk into a portside tavern and shout "5 crown to any man who can lift a sword". These privateers took on a dubious reputation as it became common for groups of men to hire themselves out to protect a ship only to later kill the captain and crew and return to Tilea with everything the unfortunate crew had the intention of selling. Eventually as the empire grew in size and strength it was decided that a state force was needed ensure the protection of the empire's ships. There had already been semi-official soldiers hired by counts in the past but it was not until the year 2425 that a single completely unified, completely state loyal and state controlled force was founded by the count of Reikland as a division of the Imperial Naval Academy. The Imperial Navel Marine Corp has since become almost autonomous from the navy that once commanded them, and as a result there is a slight but notable animosity between them. The Imperial Marine Corp Recruits men from every corner of the empire, they are drawn for the chance to prove their ability or their loyalty and also that the job is known to pay remarkable well in comparison to that of a common soldier. But those who are not up to the mark or joined simply for pay are quickly driven away by the harsh discipline, grueling training, and the incessant nationalistic rhetoric, until only those who are truly willing and capable remain. The end result is a group of men who have left behind them any loyalty they may have had to their individual provinces in place of an unswerving loyalty to the empire as a whole, and will rarely see their equal in a fight.
Imperial Marine Corpsmen: M4 WS4 BS4 ST3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8 10 points
Armed with a Saber (hand-weapon), shield, pistol, and wearing light armor.
Upgrade to musician for 5 points, standard bearer 10 points, or petty officer 10 points.
Petty officer: M4 WS4 BS4 ST3 T3 W1 I4 A2 LD8
Unit size 5-20
Imperial Marine Sharpshooter: M4 WS4 BS4 ST3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8 15 points
Armed with: light armor, hand weapon, long-rifle.
Long-Rifle: ST4, armor piercing, move or fire, 30"
Upgrade to musician for 5 points, standard bearer 10 points, or Expert Marksman 10 points.
Expert Marksman: M4 WS4 BS5 ST3 T3 W1 I4 A1 LD8
Unit size 5-20
Marine Chaplain: 95 points, to be treated the same way as a normal warrior priest only instead of giving any unit he joins hatred, he instead makes them stubborn and follows the same rules as all marines.
Marine Captain: 65 points M4 WS5 BS5 ST4 T4 W2 I5 A3 LD9
Equipment: Saber (hand weapon)
May be given: an additional hand weapon 4 points, halberd 4 points, a navel claymore (great weapon) 4 points, Pistol 6 points.
He may also be given a long-rifle at 15 points.
May take light armor 1 point or heavy armor 2 points
May take up to 50 points from the common or marine magic item list.
Marine Special Rules:
"SEMPER FIDELUS!": Marines add plus one to their LD when attempting to rally to a maximum of ten.
Marines: Marines treat any water based difficult train as normal terrain and any water based very difficult terrain as difficult terrain.
Marine Magic Items:
Samuel's Saber: Captain Samuel Fuler will always be remembered for both his eagerness and his ruthlessness. To this day no other captain is responsible for hanging of so many pirates (Partially because it is now marine policy to take prisoners where possible). Not once did he ever show an ounce of mercy to those who committed piracy. In fact his disdain for pirates was so great that he attempted invade Tilea with no more than the 50 marines under his command. This would lead to one of the marine's famous and heroic (though completely unnecessary) last stands.
Weapon confers plus one Strength and attacks to the user. 30 points
Heinric's Cap: Captain Heinric Davis was among the first marine captains and will always be remembered for his ingenuity. He was known for making small changes to equipment the marines used, many of which survive to this day. After being shot in the foot by one of his gunners during a boarding action he adopted a white cap with gold lacing forming a cross on its top. He was then on easily distinguished as a marine officer. The design is now part of the standard marine officer dress uniform, like many of his innovations surviving to this day.
Anyone shooting at a character wearing Heinric's Cap or the unit the character has joined is at minus one to hit. 25 points
Moodie's collar: Captain Moodie Decker will always be remembered for his harsh discipline and refusal to compromise. He is quoted as once saying "If I lash you with my tongue it will save you from the whips of foreigners". In a battle over a Tilean island he is credited with holding his ground against enemy assault after enemy assault. Even when his group of 60 men was reduced to 10 and had already killed 3 times his original number he refused to withdraw before the enemy did. He is believed to have succeeded and that by the end of the battle the only survivors were 3 corpsmen 2 sharpshooters and himself.
Any character wearing Moodie's collar is stubborn, this is conferred to any unit he joins. 20 points
"I'll have his hide. I'll skin the pale bastard alive" Morgan thought to himself. Morgan had been dispatched to deal with dark elf raiders off the Nordland coast; he was not the first to be given this task. Another captain known to him personally had been sent out a month before, but his skin now flew above the black arc like morbid banner.
"Ship spotted port side! Closing 40 knots!" The spotter in the crows nest shouted. "Prepare to fire!" The ships captain ordered. "Form, port side, 3 man depth, kneeling" Morgan commanded. 60 marines emerged from below deck and formed a 3 rank line from one side of the ship to the other, kneeling with swords drawn. "Marksmen, form, standing, at the hind" Morgan ordered. The twenty riflemen stood ready fire over the heads of their comrades. "Clapton!" Morgan called, "Yes Sir!" the petty officer responded. "Move ten men down bellow with the cannon crewmen, saber and pistol" "Aye Sir!" he responded, carrying out the order almost immediately.
The Cannons began to fire, most of the shots missing the slender black arc. The ship was getting close; Morgan could see the skin of the unfortunate captain flowing in the breeze. The black arc turned suddenly, "DOWN!" Morgan shouted before diving behind a crate. The Marines continued to kneel and the marksmen fell to the prone position, not a moment later a hail of repeater cross-bow fire flew over their heads. Captain Morgan stayed down for a few seconds after the fire had stopped until the ships spotter fell from the crows-nest impaled by literally hundreds of cross-bow bolts. Morgan Rose to his feet, "Marksmen, Reform, Standing", which they did as though nothing had happened. The Black arc continued to close, "Move, Rearward, 2 Meters!" The marines stood and took a few long steps backward and then began kneeling again exactly as they had before, their was now a two meter gap between the marines and the ships edge.
The black arc was now alongside the ship; suddenly 10 boarding bridges fell across the gap between ships, the ends of which holding jagged downward spikes, intended to crush and impale any defenders close to the ships edge, fell short of the marines by one foot exactly. "MAKE READY!" Morgan commanded at the top of his voice. 40 dark elves stormed across the boarding bridges which seemed to form a single solid deck between the two ships. The marksmen fired and every shot fired found its mark, decimating the dark elves front rank, the marines stood immediately after the volley was fired, the attackers continued undaunted.
"FOR THE EMPIRE!" Morgan shouted with all the power his lungs could muster, drawing his saber. Morgan watched as steel met steel on the now blood slick deck, then he heard a voice that caught his attention. "Be sure to take some alive! An intact human hide brings 200 Denari". "YOU!" Morgan shouted at the dark elf, though his voice was lost in the sound of the fighting on deck. Morgan saw a small gap in the combat, he ran though it slashing and dodging as he went. He rushed the dark elf of the boarding deck, who come down at him with a swift down stroke of his sword which Morgan met with his saber in one hand and with his pistol the other fired into the dark elf's abdomen. The dark elf fell to on his back; Morgan kicked the dark elf's sword away from him. Morgan pulled the dark elf that was now looking at him with a mix of fear and hatred, up toward him by the collar. Morgan looked the dark elf in the eyes with a vicious smile and unconcealed anger "I will take pleasure in gutting you" Morgan said, and the last thing that dark elf ever heard was the sound of his own screaming.
Captain Morgan 120 points M4 WS5 BS5 ST4 T4 W3 I5 A3 LD9
Equipment: Samuel's sword, Dark elf commodore's sword, Pistol, Shield, Heavy armor, Dark elf commodore's hide.
Dark elf commodore's sword: Was taken by Morgan as trophy which he displays proudly, if he chooses to use it then it uses the following rules: may opt to make one attack that always wounds characters on a 2+ and any unsaved wounds do D3 wounds instead. If he is killed by dark elves they get an extra 50 points for retrieving it.
Dark elf commodore's hide: Was also taken By Morgan as a trophy which he displays proudly, (Despite being considered a little morbid by those around him). Causes fear against dark elves.
Hates: Dark elves