; MIDDLE-EARTH: DAGOR DAGORATH SCRIPTS v.003; "Твердыни Средиземья" [ by Master_TW_DAR ]declare_counter Imladris_Noldorsdeclare_counter Mithlond_Noldorsdeclare_counter Dvimorden_Loriendeclare_counter Elven-Mirkwood_Silvandeclare_counter Erebor_Dwarvesdeclare_counter Misty-Mountains_Dwarvesdeclare_counter Bree_Eriadordeclare_counter Shire_Eriadordeclare_counter Esgaroth_Daledeclare_counter Dale_Daledeclare_counter Kings-Land_Rohandeclare_counter Helms-Deep_Rohandeclare_counter Anorien_Gondordeclare_counter Lebennin_Gondordeclare_counter Belfalas_Gondordeclare_counter Lake_Evendim_Arnordeclare_counter Arthedain_Arnordeclare_counter Weather-Hills_Arnordeclare_counter Gorgoroth_Mordordeclare_counter Morgul-Vale_Mordordeclare_counter Udun_Mordordeclare_counter Deep-Mirkwood_Mordordeclare_counter Mt-Gundabad_Northerndeclare_counter Carn-Dum_Northerndeclare_counter High-Pass_Gommdeclare_counter Misty-Mountains_Gommdeclare_counter Nan-Curunir_Isengarddeclare_counter Dunland_Dunlanddeclare_counter Mistrand_Rhundeclare_counter Harad_Haraddeclare_counter Umbar_Umbardeclare_counter Sindanor_Avarideclare_counter Morn_Penni_Vindansdeclare_counter Nimir_Kadar_Arthanordeclare_counter Arhanor_Pharasainmonitor_event ButtonPressed ButtonPressed siege_maintain_button if I_SettlementUnderSiege Imladris and I_CompareCounter Imladris_Noldors = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Imladris = noldors create_unit Imladris, noldors elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Imladris_Noldors 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Mithlond and I_CompareCounter Mithlond_Noldors = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Mithlond = noldors create_unit Mithlond, noldors elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Mithlond_Noldors 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Dvimorden and I_CompareCounter Dvimorden_Lorien = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Dvimorden = lorien create_unit Dvimorden, lorien elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Dvimorden_Lorien 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Elven-Mirkwood and I_CompareCounter Elven-Mirkwood_Silvan = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Elven-Mirkwood = silvan create_unit Elven-Mirkwood, silvan elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Elven-Mirkwood_Silvan 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Erebor and I_CompareCounter Erebor_Dwarves = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Erebor = dwarves create_unit Erebor, dwarves elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Erebor_Dwarves 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Misty-Mountains and I_CompareCounter Misty-Mountains_Dwarves = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Misty-Mountains = dwarves create_unit Misty-Mountains, dwarves elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Misty-Mountains_Dwarves 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Bree and I_CompareCounter Bree_Eriador = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Bree = eriador create_unit Bree, eriador elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Bree_Eriador 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Shire and I_CompareCounter Shire_Eriador = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Shire = eriador create_unit Shire, eriador elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Shire_Eriador 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Esgaroth and I_CompareCounter Esgaroth_Dale = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Esgaroth = dale create_unit Esgaroth, dale elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Esgaroth_Dale 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Dale and I_CompareCounter Dale_Dale = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Dale = dale create_unit Dale, dale elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Dale_Dale 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Kings-Land and I_CompareCounter Kings-Land_Rohan = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Kings-Land = rohan create_unit Kings-Land, rohan elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Kings-Land_Rohan 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Helms-Deep and I_CompareCounter Helms-Deep_Rohan = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Helms-Deep = rohan create_unit Helms-Deep, rohan elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Helms-Deep_Rohan 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Anorien and I_CompareCounter Anorien_Gondor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Anorien = gondor create_unit Anorien, gondor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Anorien_Gondor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Lebennin and I_CompareCounter Lebennin_Gondor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Lebennin = gondor create_unit Lebennin, gondor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Lebennin_Gondor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Belfalas and I_CompareCounter Belfalas_Gondor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Belfalas = gondor create_unit Belfalas, gondor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Belfalas_Gondor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Lake_Evendim and I_CompareCounter Lake_Evendim_Arnor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Lake_Evendim = arnor create_unit Lake_Evendim, arnor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Lake_Evendim_Arnor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Arthedain and I_CompareCounter Arthedain_Arnor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arthedain = arnor create_unit Arthedain, arnor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Arthedain_Arnor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Weather-Hills and I_CompareCounter Weather-Hills_Arnor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Weather-Hills = arnor create_unit Weather-Hills, arnor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Weather-Hills_Arnor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Gorgoroth and I_CompareCounter Gorgoroth_Mordor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Gorgoroth = mordor create_unit Gorgoroth, mordor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Gorgoroth_Mordor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Morgul-Vale and I_CompareCounter Morgul-Vale_Mordor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Morgul-Vale = mordor create_unit Morgul-Vale, mordor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Morgul-Vale_Mordor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Udun and I_CompareCounter Udun_Mordor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Udun = mordor create_unit Udun, mordor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Udun_Mordor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Deep-Mirkwood and I_CompareCounter Deep-Mirkwood_Mordor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Deep-Mirkwood = mordor create_unit Deep-Mirkwood, mordor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Deep-Mirkwood_Mordor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Mt-Gundabad and I_CompareCounter Mt-Gundabad_Northern = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Mt-Gundabad = northern create_unit Mt-Gundabad, northern elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Mt-Gundabad_Northern 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Carn-Dum and I_CompareCounter Carn-Dum_Northern = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Carn-Dum = northern create_unit Carn-Dum, northern elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Carn-Dum_Northern 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege High-Pass and I_CompareCounter High-Pass_Gomm = 0 and I_SettlementOwner High-Pass = gomm create_unit High-Pass, gomm elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter High-Pass_Gomm 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Misty-Mountains and I_CompareCounter Misty-Mountains_Gomm = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Misty-Mountains = gomm create_unit Misty-Mountains, gomm elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Misty-Mountains_Gomm 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Nan-Curunir and I_CompareCounter Nan-Curunir_Isengard = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Nan-Curunir = isengard create_unit Nan-Curunir, isengard elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Nan-Curunir_Isengard 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Dunland and I_CompareCounter Dunland_Dunland = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Dunland = dunland create_unit Dunland, dunland elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Dunland_Dunland 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Mistrand and I_CompareCounter Mistrand_Rhun = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Mistrand = rhun create_unit Mistrand, rhun elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Mistrand_Rhun 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Harad and I_CompareCounter Harad_Harad = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Harad = harad create_unit Harad, harad elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Harad_Harad 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Umbar and I_CompareCounter Umbar_Umbar = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Umbar = umbar create_unit Umbar, umbar elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Umbar_Umbar 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Sindanor and I_CompareCounter Sindanor_Avari = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Sindanor = avari create_unit Sindanor, avari elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Sindanor_Avari 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Morn_Penni and I_CompareCounter Morn_Penni_Vindans = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Morn_Penni = vindans create_unit Morn_Penni, vindans elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Morn_Penni_Vindans 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Nimir_Kadar and I_CompareCounter Nimir_Kadar_Arthanor = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Nimir_Kadar = arthanor create_unit Nimir_Kadar, arthanor elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Nimir_Kadar_Arthanor 1 end_if if I_SettlementUnderSiege Arhanor and I_CompareCounter Arhanor_Pharasain = 0 and I_SettlementOwner Arhanor = pharasain create_unit Arhanor, pharasain elite unit, num 5, exp 0, arm 0, wep 0 set_counter Arhanor_Pharasain 1 end_ifend_monitor