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Some units in your army have reached their cap limit and as such they have been restricted. Certain units can be recruited only a limited number of times before they become unavailable and can be recruited anymore until they get disbanded or they get killed in combat.
Note: restricted units will become available only on the next turn you disband them.
Legionaries can only be recruited in Regions that have a majority of Latin religion because they are available only in centers that are fully under the control of Rome both politically and culturally.
Either increase the influence of Latin culture in the Region or utilize Auxilia infantry instead.
You have loaded a save-game that is not compatible with the latest version of Divide et Impera and as such reforms will be disabled. Reforms require the start of a new campaign or the use of a save that is compatible with them (with a campaign newly started with the reforms working).
You can continue playing the current Campaign but recruitment levels of units will not be correct since they are made for reforms in mind. As such It is suggested to use a previous version of Divide et Impera (prior to version 0.8) to finish the current campaign if you don't want to start a new one at this point.
Units caps
Legionaries restrictions
Reforms Disabled
You have recently defeated the Etruscan League and their local Celtic allies. After forcing their city states to become allies of Roma, the influence of our great city now stretches into central and northern Italia. However, you must continue to wage war if you hope to extend your dominion. Syracuse and Carthage own territory in Magna Graecia, so conflict with them is inevitable if you wish to expand across the Mediterranean. Otherwise, they may prove useful allies against the Greeks to the east or the Gaulish tribes to the north. Come what may, Rome will triumph!
Your possessions are divided: you must secure additional territory to ensure their protection and to establish your faction as the supreme Mediterranean power. You have already expanded into Hispana, perhaps further action will secure your holdings there. Relations are strained with Rome and Syracuse: you may find an ally in the Celts should you choose to invade the Italian peninsula, and maintaining good relations with the Masaesyli and your African protectorates will prove vital should you need to repel an invasion. Carthage will prevail!
After man, no other prey comes close.
"At full moon, use the ungent! Never before!"
"I know it tastes horrible. But it'll stop your runny bottom."
It gets lonely on the frontier. And hunger strikes too...
Under pitiless skies, the Gods speak.
"The next banquest, dear: would you one of my special sauces on the menu?"
"I've paid for this privilege with my blood"
On my signal, we march!
"I like shields."
"I've had all the slaves flogged. I need money, dear. One died out of sheer spite."
"Men, my darling, do not look at woman's mind first. And I have a sharp mind…"
"I sing in praise of Ahura Mazda…"
"Get me insect excrement, the urine of virgins, and seventeen powdered lizards… I will cure you."
"Yes, he's a disgrace. He knows how to run quickly though."
"To the standard men! Do the standard proud!"
"The Mother of the Gods, the Saviour who Hears our Prayers"
"Thracian horn for a thracian drink!"
"You are the best-est, greatest, most excellent leader..."
"Did you see that last one, his head caved right in when I skimmed it!"
"How about you pay those taxes and I'll see what can be done about getting the temple rebuilt."
"To the gallows, you dishonourable dog! Bring his kids too… and his pets."
Long nights at sea gives way to gambling...
"A whale's scaley arse! Don't you lot want to die today?"
"The Goddess blesses all those who looks after her horses."
Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!
"Look on my norks, ye Mighty, and despair!"
A most deadly blade, curved like the lion's claw.
When you see a Berber, worry.
Trophy Hunter
Naked Fanatic
Bloodied Sword
Personal Bard
Commander's Horn
Shield Savant
Lady Killer
Statuette of Anahit
Statuette of Armazd
Amulet of Zarathustra
Senet Board and Sticks
Blessed Arms of Ares
Wine Jar of Dionysus
Bow of Artemis
Staff of Asklepios
Harvest Horn of Demeter
Pelt of Hercules
Sandals of Hermes
Wreath of Nike
Poseidon's Trident
Amulet of Zeus
Amulet of Tanit
Ivory Drinking Horn
Skilled Blacksmith
Priestess of Astarte
Statue of Ba'al Hammon
Statue of Ba'al Lu'can
Statue of Eshmoun
Token of Melqart
Symbol of Tanit
Personalized Lorica
Extra Barley Rations
Efficient Praefectus Castrorum
Lucky Pilum
Renowned Principalis
Loyal Praetorian Guard
Funda and Lapis
Balearic Slinger
Inspiring Signifer
Inspiring Aquilifer
Trusty Gladius
Eager Military Tribune
Fan-Favorite Murmillo
Infamous Thraex
Vestal Virgin
Statue of Jupiter
Intimidating Crucifixion Nails
Awesome Courtesan
Tender of the Royal Backside
With Autumnus comes relief from scorching Sirius, through tempered warmth and rest from toil.
An early Autumn brings a poor harvest and hungry people.
Autumn comes late in this province, allowing for a healthy harvest and mild temperatures.
Ver Aerternum brings offerings to Fortuna Virilis, such was the life that golden Saturn led on earth.
A late Spring in this province has prolonged the cold months and depressed the population.
Spring, thank Fortuna! The snows melt and the birds sing.
Summer is unforgiving and relentless, disdaining comfort for oppressive humidity.
A Summer of warmth and happiness is good for the soul and replenishing for the body.
Hiems comes at last, with stumbling tread and his hair turned white.
As the snows cover the ground, hungry bellies and unhappy people yearn for warmth.
A mild Winter is a blessing from the gods! It may be cold, but it is endurable.
This Summer has brought sudden rainstorms and oppressive humidity, not to mention sickness and fever.
Early Autumn
Late Autumn
Late Spring
Early Spring
Wet Summer
Warm Summer
Harsh Winter
Mild Winter
Snows pile ceaselessly upon already frozen earth, even the most hardy are disheartened this Winter.
Extreme Blizzard
Water evaporates and the ground burns, there is no escape from the Sun.
Extreme Drought
The people may be used to the heat, but this Summer is unforgiving to even the most durable.
Scorching Hot Summer
Hiems comes at last, with stumbling tread and his hair turned white.
Increased missile attack range for all archers
Increased missile attack range for all cavalry units
Increased missile attack range for all infantry units
Increased missile attack range for all light cavalry units
Increased missile attack range for all support ships
Increased missile attack range for all units
Decreased enemy siege hold-out time
(double for city-ports)
%+n%% melee attack skill for all very heavy infantry units
%+n%% melee defence skill for all very heavy infantry units
Naval Prowess: %+n experience rank for Hellenic ship recruits
Знатные Всадники
Колесницы Знати
Тяжёлые Копейщики-метатели
Бритонские Избранные
Лёгкие Конные Метатели
Битонские Герои
Засадные Метатели
Мастера Меча
Последователи Меча
Тяжёлая Кавалерия
Разукрашенные Воины
Избранные Чемпионы
Избранные копейщики
Обнажённые Мечники
Карфагенские лучники
Карфагенские бронированные слоны
Элитная пехота Карфагена
Иберийская штурмовая пехота
Карфагенские пехота
Поздние африканские пикинёры
Поздняя карфагенская пехота
Поздняя ливийская пехота
Поздние карфагенские пикинёры
Ливийская кавалерия
Ливийская лёгкая пехота
Нумидийские лучники
Знатные нумидийские всадники
Нумидийские метатели
Воины нумидийских племён
Карфагенские пикенёры
Карфагенское гражданское ополчение
Священный Отряд тяжёлой кавалерии
Священный Отряд кавалерии
Священный Отряд мечников
Лёгкие Всадники
Строевые Копейщики
Кельтская Знать
Знатные Копейщики
Галло-Германские Воины
Лёгкие Мечники
Кельто-германская Кавалерия
Боевые Колесницы
Знатные Всадники
Знатные Мечники(поздние)
Лёгкие копейщики
Онажённые Воины
Обнажённая Ударная Пехота
Кельто-германские копейщики
Галатская Царская Гвардия
Тяжёлая Пехота Тенов
Балтийские Знатные Мечники
Кельто-эллинские Гоплиты
Избранные Пращники
Мастера Двуручного Меча
Альпийские Мечники
Лёгкая Кавалерия(поздняя)
Лёгкие Мечники
Дикие Всадники
Могучие Всадники(поздние)
Наёмная Кавалерия
Копейщики Гельветов
Копейщики Норика
Знатные Телохранители
Мечники Телохранители
Свободные Кельты
Свободные Копейщики
Давшие клятву крови
Новобранцы с дубинками
Тяжёлый Онагр
Лонгбоу Хантерс
Ночные Охотники
Знатные всадники
Новобранцы копейщики
Мастера Меча
Воины Германских Племён
Копейщики Вотана
Тяжёлая пехота
Конные разведчики
Кельто-германские копейщики
Свободные копейщики
Отборные мечники
Балтийские мечники
Конные таны
Кельто-Германская кавалерия
Воины с дубинками
Пехота с дубинками
Отборные копейщики
Обнажённые копейщики
Свирепые мечники
Xorjonoz Dreugondijoz
Clona Tekonac
Callaecae Roscaithera
Clona Gosnasio
Edetani Arjos Epones
Edetani Arjos
Equites Caetrati
Loricati Milites
Hastati Loricati
Loricati Scutarii
Ambakaro Epones
Loricati Caetrati
Clona Tekonac
Callaecae Roscaithera
Clona Gosnasio
Edetani Arjos Epones
Edetani Arjos
Equites Caetrati
Loricati Milites
Hastati Loricati
Loricati Scutarii
Ambakaro Epones
Loricati Caetrati
(British Ambactoi)
These spearmen are the other half of the chariot team, along with the Arioi foot nobles, and best serve them in a supporting role, backing up the swordsmens attack with javelins and forming a shield wall for their masters to fall back behind. They profit from long hours of regular weapons-drill and are disciplined, sturdy troops, not easily discomfited.
(Noble Horses)
The nobility of Caledonia are not so wealthy or well-equipped as their neighbors to the south, not to say that they are less well-off as the Celts of the continent. However, the Argyn Marca (Arg-en Mar-kah) are a far cry from the lower ranking levies that make up most of a Caledonian army. Mounted on ponies, armored in scale and helmets, and equipped with the best of local goods, they are the heaviest cavalry in Britain, and this gives them a serious advantage over the cavalry light Britons. Their charge is powerful, and their ponies are manueverable. Even against superior cavalry, their ability in forests can be used to great advantage. Their charge is augmented by an effective hail of javelins.
(Noble Chariots)
Chariots and horses were the pride of every Noble, and a sign of great prestige, but when battle was truly joined, the commander must be on foot - both to direct his men as well as he can, and to show himself no less brave than his lieges. Armed with fine swords and shields, some wearing excellent mail coats, the small band of nobles and aristocrats must pay for their privileged positions with their blood.
(Heavy Spearmen)
The Caledonians are a fierce people on the edge of the world. Beyond Caledonia stretches a great, empty ocean, and Caledonia itself is home to a rather isolated people. They are seemingly relics of a former era of Celtic history, they do not have great deals of iron, and so do not produce many swords. They instead fight with more practical weapons, spears, javelins, and slings. Balroae (Bal-ro-ee) are a vast number of men, of many ages and varying levels of experience. Seemingly fearless, and wild, their bodies are tattooed in esoteric spiral designs, their hair is spiked and red, and they are remarkably fearsome. They are very hardy and brave; their lifestyle demands it. Alone, a disciplined army would destroy them, but if incorporated into a more tactics minded commander of the more advanced Britons, they may prove more useful.
(Medium Infantry)
The Botroas (Boat-rows) are the basic medium infantry of southern Briton and Cisalpine Gaul. They are well trained, with a fair amount of experience, and good quality swords, with javelins to soften an enemy before a charge. Like near all Celtic warriors, they are loyal to a tribal head, who is himself loyal to numerous mounting tiers of nobles, leading to the king. These form the core of the southern armies. Like most Celtic shock infantry, the brunt of their attack is in the charge.
Celts are a collection of hero cultures, and the Britons are no different. Among their southern tribes especially, there are warriors of exceedingly great skill, who use Gallic equipment. The Calawre (Call-a-oo-re) are not actually generally real champions, but they wealthy, and skilled. They have good armor and good Gallic swords. They are called champions more because of their appearance than anything; they actually mostly simply fill in the need for more affordable, all-purpose heavy infantry among the Britons. They are skilled, and professional, but their expense generally would keep their numbers low.
(Marching Ones)
Cemmeinarn (Kem-ay-nayrn) are the mainstay of most midlander armies. They carry spears to be thrown before a charge, and engage with well made melee long-spears. They are unarmored, have a good shield, and are capable in battle. Appropriately supported by skirmishers, they can be quite useful in engaging most threats, though they are incapable of lasting against truly heavy infantry. A frontal attack, however, can be thwarted if the Cemmeinarn stand together; their shields provide them good defense from the front, but from the sides or flanks, the Cemmeinarn are incapable of defending themselves well and will likely be slaughtered. However, Cemmeinarn are only semi-professionals, and only the most experienced will readily hold together under the weight of a strong charge.
(Light Skirmishers)
The heads of family contingents, local chiefs of roundhouses and farming communities, they band together as light cavalry on the same kind of sturdy ponies that the noblemen ride. They can be deadly accurate with their javelins, but will not stick into a melee.
The Cwmyr (Koo-meer) are non-noble midlander champions. They carry swords; a rarity among midland soldiers, though these swords are still rather short compared to those of southerners and Gauls. They wear good quality leather armor, that remains flexible and allows them full movement to make use of their shields and swords. Their considerable skill at arms inspires their fellows in battle, and their bravery is noted.
The Drwdae (Droo-day) are not actually generally warriors. However, there were British warrior-druids; war was a fine profession, and even the best educated of society sometimes engaged in it. These particular Drwdae are warriors, however, and akin in many ways to the Carnutes of Gaul, in that they train a great deal and have the duty of protecting sacred places. They are extremely well motivated and disturbing to enemies, and inspiring to allies, but exist in such small number they're no use alone; they must be supported by other men to fight at their utmost.
The Imannae (Im-an-ay) are youths used throughout many less developed Celtic territories to ambush and disorient enemies. In an army, they generally act as a screen before the main force, loosening the enemy formations before the older warriors charge. They are actually more akin to a militia arm, and are employed by tribes in dire need of defense; they are best employed as hit-and-run soldiers. If left into a melee, they will break and flee.
(Sword Masters)
Kluddargos (Klud-arr-gus) are British champions who they employ very specialized weapons. Their weapons, longswords gripped in two hands instead of one, with especially heavy blades made to crush armor, require years of practice to master. Able to afford such weapons, they can also afford high quality armor; very fine quality chain shirts. Like other heroes and champions, they are marched to battle to inspire their fellow tribesmen, but their special weapons also give them a tactical purpose; annihilate enemy armor. Their great swings split helmets, smash shields, and collapse cuirasses into the body. These weapons are truly fierce and destructive. The heads they collect will surely be from grotesquely mangled bodies, obliterated by the force of their blows, and the wielders of such weapons likely took an amount of grim satisfaction to find their foes' bodies left in such a state.
(Sword Bearers)
Kluddobro (Klith-ab-ree) are Briton shortswordsmen. The shortsword is a common weapon, essentially a very long knife or dagger, and used by hunters, and carried by many as a form of self defense. Warriors using shortswords are not generally very well trained, if at all. However, they are readily available, cheap, and have a good charge. They are extremely vulnerable at range.
(Levy Spears)
During periods of strife and war, it is necessary sometimes to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Militia in Celtic societies, called Lugoae (Lug-oo-ay), are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.
(Heavy Cavalry)
Armed with the best swords, shields, and armour, these experienced horsemen can hit very hard indeed. There are best used in conjunction with the lighter armed and javelin-throwing cavalry of the Retainers and Tribesmen in the trimarcisia style of the Galatians that Pausanias described.
(Skirmish Cavalry)
The Myrcharn (Mur-churn) are British cavalrymen. These cavalry are essentially mounted skirmishers. The Britons are based upon infantry though, and cavalry are secondary. They are light cavalry, and incapable of standing too long in a close melee, though their use as extremely mobile skirmishers is of great value against lighter troops or when one doesn't wish to risk valuable soldiers to soften a heavier armored foe. Against longspears or a phalanx, they will almost surely collapse immediately, and should be kept from engaging such weapons directly, though they can be used to pepper such formations.
(Painted Ones)
The Pictone Neitos (Pek-tone Nee-yet-os) are cultic warriors of Teutatis, from the Pictone tribe in Lemovician territory. They are particular amongst Gauls in that they still paint themselves; a practice since defunct amongst most Gallic tribes on the continent, otherwise mostly maintained only by the Belgic and Gallic tribes in Britain; the others who paint themselves aren't generally Gauls. They are braver for their devotion, and use large heavy shields expertly to deflect incoming blows and catch arrows and javelins. Their higher morale makes them more useful than their peers from other tribes at holding gaps and opening up holes in the enemy line. Their charge is powerful and augmented by javelins to soften the target.
(Kingly Champions)
The British tribes' best warriors are not so much trained, as they are proven. Young men are trained to fight, but the older warriors grow through real experience in battle. The Rycalawre (Rie-call-a-oo-re) are near fearless, and even more hungry for glory than younger men. They have already felt the rewards of victory, and have many heads to their credit. Their original training has been augmented by years of warfare, often leaving their bodies scarred, but their fighting spirit as sturdy as tempered steel. The Rycalawre are wealthy, powerful men, but they were not necessarily born as such. When a young warrior begins to attract prestige to himself, often by having a mound of heads to his name, he also begins attracting favors and gifts from his chief. These favors, like armor, weapons, jewelry, and slaves, allow him to be outfitted in superior equipment to lesser men, as well as having beautiful ornate equipment and weapons. Any who survived a battle with Rycalawre present, would surely never forget them.
(Silurii Warband)
The Silurae Birnai (Sel-oor-ay Bern-ay) are a tribe from the south of Cambria. Reknowned for their ferocity, skill, and discipline, they offer up fine spearmen to their lord, braver than most others, and more sturdy and skilled. They are, for all intensive purposes, little more than local spearmen, but of greater trainer and skill. The Silures fill the same role, acting as both anti-infantry and anti-cavalry soldiers, and can also be used to pepper an enemy at distance with javelins. They are disciplined and capable of standing in orderly lines and use tight formations at times to absorb enemy charges.
(Bow Soldiers)
Celtic archers, Sotaroas (Sow-tah-rows), while not great or exceptional, are good. They are well trained, disciplined, and can put a fair deal of range behind their attacks. While their arrows aren't too notable, their ability to swiftly pepper an enemy with arrows is always of use. They are not really meant to defeat an enemy force, or even truly damage one, so much as they are meant to irritate and draw attention away from a main force, so it can position itself for flanking. As such, they are good runners, who fire a few volleys as a distraction, and then withdraw to a safe position to hide. If caught in a melee, they would be slaughtered for sure.
(Champion Spearmen)
A small core of experienced warriors would have been housed and fed year-long by the nobles and kings. They have sworn their lives to their master, and will fight and die by his side. In return they are honoured and rewarded.
(Slinger Spearmen)
Slightly older than the other youths, or the sons of higher-classed men, these are not warriors ready for the front-line of battle - but they are unencumbered by heavy shields and can move in quickly with their spears against other light troops, or take up flanking positions with their slings. Many of these youths will someday take their fathers and uncles places, and this is where they begin their training.
(Naked Swordsmen)
The Uirodusios (Oo-row-doo-see-os) fight in the ancient Celtic style, stripped nude but for his torc, anklets, and bangles, and sometimes a cloak. Though poorly defended, and not nearly as skilled as the Gaesatae mercenaries of Gaul, nor on drugs, they are still formidable and present a frightening visage that unnerves enemies. These are not so much an elite as they are often only somewhat experienced warriors who wish to increase their fame by daring acts of bravery.
(Swift Horsmen)
Acus Eporedoi (Ak-us E-po-red-oy) are fast and well armed cavalrymen: a staple force in Iron Age warfare. In Celtic Europe, the emphasis on cavalry is well known and rightly feared. The Acus Eporedoi are among the great horsemen of tribe and state. Their weapons of choice are charging spears and javelins, and their constant training as well as good/excellent horsemanship allow them to perform well in battle with admirable staying power. Similar to other wealthier or noble units, their skill and access to superior equipment improves through various reforms as time progresses, which enables them to remain the medium cavalry of choice among Celts.
(Phalanx Spearmen)
The alpine tribes experienced a great deal of influence from the Hellenes and Italians. The Appea Gaedotos (Ap-ee-ah Guy-doo-tos) use a type of spear wall. They are solid soldiers, and should be able to stand rather well in combat, and a phalanx is always good when combatting mounted enemies, as well as defending against light infantry.
The Argoi fight on foot with the best equipment money can buy: a fine quality longsword and the Gaesum, a sturdy war spear. Each soldier has a bronze Montefortino helmet, richly decorated and adorned with a plume, as well as a large shield painted with colourful patterns. Many can also afford to wear body armour of some sort, usually consisting of a hardened leather cuirass or simple mail shirt extending down to below the waist.""
(Spear Nobles)
The Arjos sport the finest equipment available and train daily in its use. Due to their wealth and status they tend not to be as concerned with feats of valor, but instead exhibit greater tenacity in battle. Though not the equal of the Greeks or Macedonians, the Arjos fight well in phalanx and prove themselves a sturdy force in any battle line.""
(Medium Warriors)
Batacorii are the file warriors of the Belgae, a group of extremely fierce tribes that were highly independent, well trained and experienced in war. The Belgae were a group of Gallo-Germanic tribes living in northern Gaul. Shunning the 'comforts' often afforded the members of the 'civilised' states, they pride themselves on their rugged way of life, their toughness of mind and body and their skill at arms.
(Nothern Gallic Swordsmen)
The Bataroas hail from a region the Romans call Transalpine Gaul (Gaul the other side of the Alps). Raised from the Celtic Warrior Class, these Gauls are proud and experienced fighters who often value feats of impetuous valour over acts of more prudent common sense.
(Bow Hunters)
The Berukomtouga Selgoi are part-time soldiers at best. Being unable to afford the life of a warrior for long, they mostly consist of hunters who will tag along during a campaign, before returning to their simpler livelihoods. As such, they are not particularly fierce and should not be expected to hold for long in combat, although their spears give them an edge over other archers and provide some defence from cavalry. Their common role is to harass and soften up the enemy, rather than to cause any real damage. However, they are fast moving, and their arrows are not entirely harmless: they can become deadly in their own right if positioned correctly.""
The Boii Cingetos (Kin-jet-os; Marchers"") are professional warriors from the Boii homelands. These men fight in the familiar Celtic fashion, but carry slashing and thrusting broad-bladed swords, a weapon not so common among Celts. They are fairly well-defended from attack, with leather cuirass and good quality helmet with earguards, and a Celtic longshield. Prior to a charge, like other Celtic warriors, the Boii unleash a barrage of javelins to soften their target. In a melee, their swords are of excellent use, being highly versatile with a good slashing edge and a tapered point, good for thrusting or finding a weak spot in an enemy's armor. Further, compared to most other Celts, the Boii are more prone to stricter discipline, tempered by centuries of incessant combat with neighbors.""
The Batoroi are ferocious in combat. Following common Celtic battle tactics, they loose their javelins at the enemy before attempting to rout them with a single powerful charge. Even if their foes withstand this initial assault, the excellent morale of Batoroi means they are more than willing to continue the fight in close melee, where their longswords can prove extremely deadly.""
The Carnute Cingetos are the warriors of the Carnutes, 'druidic' warriors from Aulercia. Their skill is tremendous, as is their bravery. However, their inspiring appearance, a product of their fine armor, with horned helmets, urges on their fellows, and their skill in combat makes them useful against other heavy infantry. The Carnutes were devoted followers of the horned god, Cernunnos. Their bravery would be unquestionable, and skill at arms most surely superb. They would be armed and outfitted in the best equipment available. They were also charged with defending the ""Great Gallic Council"" where Celts tried to solve their internal grievances diplomatically; a job they likely took with great severity and pride.""
(Spear Carriers)
The Gaedann (Guy-dun; Spear Carriers"") are warriors of the savage and fierce Caturiges. These alpine warriors are hardy and capable of shattering enemies with a fierce charge. They employ javelins and thrusting spears, and defend themselves with fair quality shields, and Celtic bronze chest plates. Historically, alpine tribes in Gaul were always generally a bit behind or unusual in their development compared to their neighbors. This gave them a savage, uncivilized reputation; not necessarily a bad thing in combat.""
(Vassals Cavalry)
The Marholeudiz Wolhiskoz are an effective medium cavalry, drawn primarily from Germanic horsemen who have migrated into Celtic areas, and their descendents. They are bold horsemen, with skill in both skirmishing and melee. With a simple breastplate and helmet enhancing their fierceness, they have staying power in melee against most other regular cavalry, but their javelins enable them to skirmish as well. They are best used to secure dominance in pre-battle skirmishing and on the flanks, before being used to break up weakened enemy formations.""
(Celtic Chariots)
Celtic Cidainh are an ancient vehicle of war. While soon to fall out of use in Gaul, the Cidainh are very popular in the southern tribes of the Britons, who mingle often with the Belgae, who introduced this type of chariot.
The Scordisci are Celtic warriors who live near Macedonia. They are famous for their use of sheering curved swords that can open wide gashes on an opponent. Like the Solduros of the Gauls, in the east, the Carduci have the Cordinau Orca (Kor-dee-now Urk-ah; Battle Boars), the guardians of their chief, and fearsome, strong warriors. Historically, the Scordisci were a rather extroverted Celtic people; they were so cosmopolitan that their enemies sometimes thought them Thracians or Illyrians.
(Elite Cavalry)
The Remi were famed horsemen. Brave, unrelenting, and powerful, their cavalry could ride over opposition, and rout numerically superior enemies; their Mairepos (Mar-ep-os; Great Horses"") were able to smash infantry and their armor, shields, and weapons were of good quality, and their skill was unquestionable.""
(Elite Soldiers)
Gallic armies of the late period relied upon the same shock tactics they had employed during earlier times, but the need to combat increasingly better armoured and trained enemies led to the formation of a professional force. Well armored in quality chain, with sturdy shields, and good longswords, the Neitos are professional soldiers, and excellently skilled and disciplined when compared to the bulk of light Gallic soldiers. Their charge has great strength, and their skill in close is frightening; they would be capable of fighting hardest where needed.""
The La Tene Celts were used as mercenaries all over Europe and Africa by the Romans, Carthaginians, other Celts, and various peoples. These men often form the core of a mercenary army, and are usually tough veterans who have seen many different campaigns and have taken pay from many different masters. They are an excellent heavy infantry, well able to deal with most opponents. They are armed with javelins and spears and use these javelins to break up an enemy formation before the charge. As with most Celts, the charge can become disorderly, but it often succeeds in breaking through the enemy line none-the-less. Their name, Curoas (Koo-roo-as) means Paid Soldiers"".""
(Light Spear Warriors)
The Gaelaiche are the lightest members of the Celtic warrior class. They carry cheap equipment; Celtic longspears, javelins, and a shield. Celtic longspears were of fair quality, with broad, sharp heads that would cause deep, terrible gashes, and could be used as well to bring down horses. They would accompany these weapons with javelins thrown into an enemy position to disorient and kill a few foes. They would probably be mostly the youngest Celtlic warriors, but there wasn't shame in an older, experienced warrior fighting with a spear as well; the spear was a respected weapon in Celtic society.""
(Spear Soldiers)
Gaeroas are the file warriors of the tribes of Gaul and Britain. The Gaeroas all utilize well-made long spears, and a few decent javelins, making them both fair melee warriors and impromptu skirmishers. They have some experience with combat, but are not yet hardened to battle. While unarmored, they have large oval shields, which provides them a good amount of protection. They are fairly well trained with these shields, and they provide a fair amount of protection from ranged attacks, but the lack of armor makes them quite vulnerable to flanking.""
(Naked Spear Throwers)
The Gaesatae are easily one of the most fearsome groups of warriors in the known world. They fight stripped bare but for neck torcs and sometimes their shoes or boots. They fight with longswords, but are named for their incredible skill with javelins; they can hurl them unnaturally long distances and deal great damage with them. Their charge is most ferocious though, causing many lines to simply fold and flee. This is not all solely due to skill and strength, though they are experienced and huge, muscular men. They imbibe a chemical before battle making them seemingly impervious to pain. They will fight to the very end, and are very destructive when employed properly.""
The Gaisatoi are great shock unit intended to lead an attack, as well as experienced crack infantry excelling in skill and performance. Due to their ritual nudity, they strike fear into the hearts of the enemies unaccustomed to their brazen display. Though true professional warriors would master many weapons and fight styles, the Gaisatoi are most renown for their skill with the spear and are foremost masters of the heavy javelin. Many of them fight naked in battle as they are certain that their gods of war are watching and protecting them from above.
(Foreign Spears)
On the borders between Celtic and Germanic territories, the cultures overlap and give rise to troops that are a mesh of both cultures. These spearmen, the Gaizoz Alje (Foreign Spears"") are capable warriors who fight with long shields, javelins, and Celtic longspears that are excellent for killing horses. They throw javelins before charging, and can use their spears to absorb the shock of a cavalry rush. Their skills are a mix of Celtic and Germanic warfare and are a good addition to any army.""
The La Tene Celts were used as mercenaries all over Europe and Africa by the Romans, Carthaginians, other Celts, and various peoples. These men often form the core of a mercenary army, and are usually tough veterans who have seen many different campaigns and have taken pay from many different masters. They are an excellent heavy infantry, well able to deal with most opponents. They are armed with javelins and spears and use these javelins to break up an enemy formation before the charge. As with most Celts, the charge can become disorderly, but it often succeeds in breaking through the enemy line none-the-less. Their name, Curoas (Koo-roo-as) means Paid Soldiers"".""
(Fighting Men)
The Karotovas are the wealthier warriors of some of the tribes around the south of the Baltic sea, and in neighboring regions. Possessing neither great amounts of armor or iron weapons, these men are special. They carry decently made unique slashing swords, and can hit with a powerful, if heavily disordered charge. Due to disorder, they can be prone to charging at their own wont, regardless of prudence.
(Spear Phalanx)
These shock infantry are Celto-Hellenic 'men-at-arms', Celtic warriors of a mixed culture. While they are not of especially great station, they are sufficient warriors, fighting in the Celtic manner, in a motley combination of Hellenic and Celtic gear and dress; long Celtic shields, a Greek helmet, and a Celtic spear and javelins. They soften up an opponent with their javelins and charge an enemy once they're weakened with the great brunt and force of Celtic warriors.
(Stone Killers)
Klappagnetoi are renowned for their use of slings, the Celts bring excellent slingers with them. Although small in number, they are considered the best in all of Northern Europe. However, these men are not true warriors; and unfit for melee except against other slingers and light units. If kept at a distance these men can inflict significant damage on the enemy in little time; making armoured opponents think twice before entering shooting distance of these men.
The La Tene Celts were extremely skilled iron workers. One of their greater weapons produced were the two-handed swords; a Celtic longsword with an elongated grip and a heavier blade. The Kludda Lugiae (Swords of the Lugians"") are not necessarily the best outfitted, but their sword is good quality, and can do a great amount of damage. They require great mobility and space to use, meaning the wielders don't organize into lines, but throw themselves at the enemy in a wide-spaced group. Historically, La Tene two-handed swords were used in several regions, but were not overly popularized. They were expensive, and difficult to make, and the method of using such weapons often disallowed the wearing of much armor.""
(Sword Band)
Tribes from the Alps and some nearby territories have swordsmen of their own, the Kluddacorii (Klod-ah-kur-ee-eye; Sword-Band). These men often wear little in a battle, removing anything that might act as a hinderance but for trousers and their shoes much of the time, and fight using a powerful charge in an attempt to overwhelm an enemy position, or break a gap in an opposing line, after throwing their javelins. Such tribes are high-spirited and very eager to fight given the chance, so they have decent morale, but their lack of armor is a detriment in a prolonged engagement, or if they should be flanked.
(Light Cavalry)
Leuce Epos constitute the bulk of Gallic cavalry. Comparatively well-trained to many of their enemies' cavalry, they are invaluable to a Gallic army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. They are so named for their speed, rather than equipment. A bronze helmet, shield, and their weapons may not seem the equipment of any partiuclarly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.""
(Fierce Swords)
Called upon when war looms, the Gargokladioi answer most readily. Hailing from all over the Celtic Europe, these are free members of the tribe or state who choose to follow the path of the warrior. They wield swords that they have typically won in single combat, or taken from a better equipped fallen foe as few are truly wealthy enough to have one made themselves. They strike first with the javelin, and then charge in with swords leading the way.
(Savage Riders)
The Celts of Eastern Europe are known for their savage nature in war and this, combined with their long standing and famous cavalry tradition, produces great cavalry of like minded temperament. Renowned for their large numbers and daring ambushes, the Londo Epatoi are quick, agile horsemen that spearhead any campaign or raid, no matter how great or small. Seated in the Gallic saddle, they can deliver a greater charge than most other horsemen of similar armament and can melee like cavalry of greater rank. These riders fulfill the need of bridging cavalry that excels in fast hit-and-run strikes with that of notable staying power during melee.
(Levy Troops)
During periods of strife and war, it is necessary sometimes to call upon ordinary citizens to organize as militia. Militia in Celtic societies, called Lugoae are farmers, craftsmen, fishermen, and so on, called to brief military service in periods of crisis. They may train a few times a year to fight, and games and sports encourage a decent level of physicality, but they're still only militia, and can only be trusted to do so much.""
(Mighty Knights)
The Mogeto Epathias are just as deadly. Their armor is hardened leather for protection and increasingly longer slashing swords. Helmets include Montefortino helmets, Agen Port helmets for the later periods, and hardened leather types. All together cavalry is a staple of Celtic warfare and none can be seen to have such a glorious and prestigious reputation as these cavalrymen. Their morale is second to none and given that they stand to lose the most in the event of a defeat, are highly motivated. First on and last off the field, they leave a lasting impression on the few who survive an encounter with them.
(Light Mercenary Cavalry)
Curepos are mercenary Gallic light cavalry. Comparatively well-trained to many of their enemies' cavalry, they are invaluable to a Gallic army. They throw javelins at a distance, depleting an enemy before charging with their main spears. They are trained to throw javelins, charge, and withdraw repeatedly, and they do it well. They are so named for their speed, rather than equipment. A bronze helmet, shield, and their weapons may not seem the equipment of any partiuclarly great cavalry, but they are a solid medium cavalry force, capable of running down routers, defeating light cavalry, and skirmishing if necessary.""
(Helvetii Spearment)
The Mori Gaesum is an elite mercenary unit of Helvetii origin. The Helvetii tribes are more known for their fierceness than their unity. As such, much of the great warriors of each tribe sell their services to the highest bidders. Some of these men are used to face Hellenic armies and, consequently, have incorporated some of their enemy's tactics in to their own.
(Spearmen Warband)
Noricene Gaecorii (Guy-kur-ee-eye) are a product of Celtic, Italic, and Hellenistic influences present in Noricum. They are essentially a Celtic warband, but their oval shield is reinforced. These men are semi-professional soldiers, not levies, despite their simple armaments. They are from the mountains, and, as such, are more resilient to the natural elements than most, and are quite hardy. Their throwing spears aren't of the greatest quality, but they can soften an enemy before they charge.
(Devoted Ones)
The Solduros are remarkably skilled, fearless elite guards of Celtic nobles. They pledge themselves to eachother and their charge, and fight to the very end. Small in number, they are a remarkable elite, best used to combat an enemy's opposing elite soldiers or heavy troops. Each man pledged his life to a fellow of this brotherhood, and the man pledged to would return this pledge; if the one of these two died, and the other did not, the remaining man would take his own life after the battle, for having failed defend him. Julius Caesar noted that no man ever backed down from this duty, and did so fearlessly.""
Kombaragoues are bodyguards and chief vassals of the mighty Argoi. Elite in status, Kombarargoues furnish the Argoi with veteran warriors bound by the ethos of protecting their chieftain while furthering his aims of glory and prestige. In turn, they receive varied gifts and honor from their chief and remain in supreme standing among other warriors. Their infantry based panoply is second only to the Argoi and as time progresses, advances in Celtic technology resulted in a more deadly and formidable group of bodyguards.
(Axe Soldiers)
The Teceitos are a facet of a Celtic army that is not written about as much as their swords and spears, but many Celtic warriors were buried with axes, particularly in Britain and eastern Europe. The axe is a fine weapon, able to do great damage, even through armor. Coupled with their axes and javelins, they are especially valuable at breaking up heavy infantry; they make a great asset to chariots particularly, following the chariots into breaches in the enemy heavy infantry, and cutting open the gaps wider.
(Axe Carriers)
The Raetians are a very bizarre alpine people; raiders often, and have repeatedly attracted ire from Celts. The Tekastos (tek-as-tus; Axe Carriers) form the basic warbands of the Raetians. They carry a Raetian battle axe to crush through armor, and two javelins in the manner of Italic pila, and wear linen armor of Etruscan design, as well as a helmet. This sturdy, unique warband can be very useful as shock troops, with weapons made to allow them to stand against superiorly armored enemies.
(Elite Spearmen)
The Uisusparos Kingetoi (Wai-soo-spar-os kin-get-oy). These units come from the middle of the freemen class and can afford to commit themselves fully to the warrior life. Comprising mostly of young to middle aged men, they can be found serving as mercenaries in many armies all across Europa and even Anatolia. When in battle, they prefer to fight in a dense shield-wall formation, maximixing the protection afforded by their shields and using their spears to fight off infantry and especially cavalry.
(Spear Warriors)
The Uisusparos come from the middle of the freemen class and can afford to commit themselves fully to the warrior life. Comprising mostly of young to middle aged men, they can be found serving as mercenaries in many armies all across Europe and even Anatolia.""
(Heavy Infantry)
Germanic Heavy Infantry are the Germanic tribes' best warriors. They are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord and equipped with the best weapons and armor.
(Scout Cavalry)
Dreugulozez Exworeidondijoi ride small and sometimes poor quality horses, though they are excellent light cavalry. They are useful as scouts as well as skirmishers. Like many Germanic warriors, however, they can lack battle-discipline and be over-keen to enter battle against worthy opponents. This can lead them to be headstrong, and difficult to restrain before a fight, as personal glory gained in battle is always welcome. Honor and standing come from fighting, and sometimes the urge for glory overwhelms their good sense!
(Celto-Germanic Spearmen)
Gaisolitho Aljod live on the borders between Celtic and Germanic territories. They are capable warriors who fight with long shields, javelins, and Celtic longspears.
(Spearmen Hunters)
Gaizoz Frije, whose name also means ""Free Spears"" are composed largely of local farmers and hunters, Germanic ""free"" men of the lowest rank, accustomed to frequent raids and tribal warfare from a young age. According to Germanic tradition, as soon as these men receive their gaizaz (spear) and skelduz (shield), they are frije (""free"") adults, charged with equal shares and responsibilities in the tribe. Frije also came to mean ""one's own,"" for to belong was to fulfill those duties of being ""free.""
(Companion Infantry)
Herthaganautoz, often called thegnoz (""thanes"") in a general sense, are the Germanic tribes' best warriors. A war-leader is obeyed by his warriors because of his bravery, not because of his rank. In battle he must act as an example to his men and it is a disgrace for him to be surpassed by them in bravery. The warriors in turn have to equal the bravery of their war-leader. The lord fights for victory, his companions for their lord. Herthaganautoz are fearless, and even hungrier for glory than younger men. Their original training has been augmented by years of warfare, often leaving their bodies heavily scarred. Herthaganautoz are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord. Their weapons and armor are the best, because these warriors have joined the retinue of a chieftain or other powerful lord who often provides better equipment.
(Sword Bearers)
The Herunautoz come from such warlike tribes as the Heruskoz, Habukoz, Hattoz, and other numerous tribes of the Sweboz confederation. They are well trained, experienced and armed with superior quality swords and javelins to soften the enemy before their furious charge.
(Baltic Swordsmen)
Oskywie Swordsmen are semi-professional warriors from the southern Baltic coast and can be found campaigning in neighboring regions. They are uniquely equipped with well-crafted single-edged swords.
(Companion Cavalry)
Marhathegnoz are an heavy cavalry unit composed of the Germanic tribes' best warriors, by foot or horseback. Those Thegnoz have joined the retinue of a chieftain or other powerful lord who can provide them with the finest Celtic warhorses and wargrear at his disposal. Their original training has been augmented by years of warfare gaining glory and wealth through battle prowess and weapon skill. They are extremely wealthy and powerful men, but still fiercely loyal to their lord who brings them victory.
(Celto-Germanic Cavalry)
Marxolitho are an effective medium cavalry, drawn primarily from Germanic horsemen who have migrated into Celtic areas, and their descendents.
(German Riders)
Ridanz ride small and sometimes poor quality horses, though they are excellent light cavalry. They are useful as scouts as well as skirmishers. Like many Germanic warriors, however, they can lack battle-discipline and be over-keen to enter battle against worthy opponents. This can lead them to be headstrong, and difficult to restrain before a fight, as personal glory gained in battle is always welcome. Honor and standing come from fighting, and sometimes the urge for glory overwhelms their good sense!
Skutjanz are equipped to harass and break up enemy formations so more experienced and valuable melee warriors can get in amongst their thinned ranks and finish them. Skutjanz are often untrained or uncapable warriors who guard the baggage train, but many are also excellect hunters or Germanic freemen of the lowest rank who cannot afford training or equipment. Skutjanz are also armed with the typical Germanic spear, which means that they can do a little more than other units of similar type in hand-to-hand combat and can act as light infantry in times of need. Their presence on a battlefield is always useful, as they have the flexibility to be both archers and infantry, but they will not last long in melee battle against opponents with superior training and protection. Skutjanz are at their best in wooded country, where their superior ambush skills, learned on the hunt, can be put to best use.
Slaganz are Germanic warriors who specifically choose a cudgel for close combat in order to cause massive and deadly blunt force trauma. Even if they might not be able afford metal weapons of higher status, Germanic warriors are typically able to make effective arms quickly from any readily available materials.
(Club Infantry)
Sloxones are fierce and aggressive warriors, though lacking in discipline like most Germanic warriors because their sense of honor and bravery makes them all too eager to get into the fray. They are most effective when deployed against armored units.
(German Pike Infantry)
Speudogordoz are a unit of very disciplined warriors fighting in a phalangite formation. They use the Germanic pike (speutom) - a deadly and intimidating weapon with a very long spearhead.
(Tribes Champions)
Thegnoz Drugule, are the Germanic tribes' best warriors. A war-leader is obeyed by his warriors because of his bravery, not because of his rank. In battle he must act as an example to his men and it is a disgrace for him to be surpassed by them in bravery. The warriors in turn have to equal the bravery of their war-leader. The lord fights for victory, his companions for their lord. Thegnoz are fearless, and even hungrier for glory than younger men. Their original training has been augmented by years of warfare, often leaving their bodies heavily scarred. Thegnoz are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord. Their weapons and armor are the best, because these warriors have joined the retinue of a chieftain or other powerful lord who often provides better equipment.
Germanic Levy Spearmen are Germanic ""free"" men of the lowest rank, farmers and hunters accustomed to persistent raids and ritual warfare, but their experiences in constant tribal clashes make them more effective than militia mustered by other peoples.
(Naked Spearmen)
Germanic Naked Fanatic Spearmen daub their bodies with pitch and black dye, giving them a frightening and otherworldly appearance. They are seriously disturbing to their foes because of their fierce and dark nature combined with a shocking entrance, where they charge seemingly out of nowhere with wide-eyes, ""mad,"" foaming at the mouth, naked and screaming.
(Wild Infantry)
Indo-European warriors who are ""Wolves"" or ""Outlaws"" from regular society, sometimes by choice, and oftentimes young men seeking to prove themselves in accordance to extremely ancient customs.
(Fierce Warriors)
Xerunoudozez are a unit of fierce and valiant warriors who are privileged, successful, or lucky enough to carry rare weapons among Germanic tribes: swords. They fight in dense formation, often with their own kinsmen at their side.
(General Freemen)
Not every xorjonoz (general) in Germanic society was of noble lineage, be it by blood, marriage or adoption. There were many freemen of status who could be elected command of an army through fame, skill, or influence at the Thenxoz (Assembly of Freemen). Sometimes though, he's a dreuguloz (mercenary) selling his military knowledge to whomever can pay the high salaries he demands. And any mercenary general is like any craftsman, if he does his deals in a satisfactory manner, more will want his services and he can raise his fee as his reputation justifies it.
(Bodyguard Infantry)
Xosenthozez are the Germanic tribes' best warriors. They are wealthy, powerful men, fiercely loyal to their lord and equipped with the best weapons and armor.
(Arevaci Champions)
The first into battle, last the leave the fray, the bravest of the brave. With the strength of a bull, the ferocity of a wolf and the agility of a lynx, these men are without par among the ranks of the Areuakoi warriors.
(Arevaci Lancers)
These Katuekuauiroi live, breathe and drink the heroic mantra; that it is better to enjoy an heroic and glorious death at a young age, than to suffer to live to be an old and forgotten man.
(Arevaci Medium Infantry)
With skin made tough as leather by the Iberian sun and hearts made hard by ceaseless inter-tribal warfare, the Mezukenoi swordsmen form the core of any great Celtiberian army.
(Arevaci Medium Spearmen)
The Retukenoi may not have the blue blood of their comrades, nor the swords and high-crested helmets, but they will still hold the line when asked, they will still pepper the enemy with javelins and run down and trample all those who seek to put a yoke on our people.
(Arevaci Skirmishers Cavalry)
Hardened by a life of scratching a living from the ebony soil of Iberia, sat upon a sinuous and dogged steed, these men and their mounts are no strangers to the hardships of life.
(Arevaci Skirmishers)
The Neitotoi are composed of the poorest and youngest members of Celtiberian society. They spend their lives eking out an existence wherever it may be found.
(Arevaci Medium Cavalry)
As swift as arrows, and just as deadly, Celtiberian cavalry are renowned for their speed, discipline and deadly skill. These warriors, hailing from the upper strata of society, can afford excellent weapons and armour, and their mounts are some of the finest in Western Europe.
(Cantabrian Ambacti)
The Ambacti where chosen Soldiers, devoted to the chief whom they accompanied, and who supplied them with food.
(Cantabrian Austurian Axemen)
The Astures and the Cantabrii were groups of indigenous tribes with a similar Celtic-influenced but distinctive culture, which were well-known for their fierceness, lust for freedom and indomitable character.
(Cantabrian Ebherni Spearmen)
The Dubosaverlacica ""Blackened Fighting Ones"", are an absolute elite of all of the Goidilic tribes.
(Cantabrian Goidilic Berserkers)
The Ordmalica are a particular type of elite Goidilic heavy infantry. They wield two-handed axes ready to smash and crush attackers and break armor.
(Cantabrian Goidilic Cavalry)
Cruvamendica ride upon sure-footed, hardy ponies, and are outfitted with heavy throwing spears and a thrusting spear.
(Cantabrian Goidilic Levy Spearmen)
Vellinica are the most basic warriors of the Goidilic tribes. They fight as spearmen, with a single heavy javelin to throw before attacking, or at a charging enemy, to weaken them, before engaging with their spears.
(Cantabrian Goidilic Nobles)
The Eiras are Goidilic chiefs and their retainers. Their experience, high morale, and strength of their attacks make them valuable, and their presence inspires others to fight.
(Cantabrian Light Infantry)
The Cladaca are the backbone of the early Goidilic warrior society.
(Cantabrian Medium Infantry)
Roscaithrera are armed with a local version of the celtic longsword, soliferrum javelins and protect themselves with an iron montefortino helmet and a caetra shield.
(Cantabrian Skirmishers)
These warriors make up the most poorly armed men of the Northern Iberian Celts, and as such make up the bulk of the forces those tribes can field in a time of war.
(Cantabrian Vasci Spearmen)
The Dosidataskeli were a unit of exceedingly heavily armed and armored shock infantry originated from the Vasci tribes.
(Edetani Noble Cavalry)
Highly-experienced and respected fighters, Edetani nobles are a heavy striking force able to handle themselves in the cut-and-thrust of melee.
(Edetani Nobles)
Highly-experienced and respected fighters, Edetani nobles make ruthless opponents in one-on-one situations.
(Heavy Cavalry)
These men are an heavy armored shock cavalry, armed with lance and able to deliver a devastating charge attack.
(Heavy Infantry)
Hailing from the Celtiberi, ferocious and battle-hardened, they�re the best regular footmen in Iberia, and widely regarded as some of the best mercenaries on this part of the world.
(Light Cavalry)
The Equites Caetrati are an agile and stealthy skirmishing cavalry, able to carry many javelins and hurl them at enemy formations while staying out of that formation�s reach.
(Loricati Spearmen)
Iberi Milites are a reliable levied militia. Fast and able to pepper the enemy with javelins before charging with their spears, they can be relied to beef up Iberian armies whenever necessity of men is paramount.
(Loricati Scutarii Spearmen)
Iberian Scutari are tough, fast and well-equipped medium spearmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. Although having advantage fighting against cavalry, they are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.
(Loricati Scutarii)
Iberian Scutari are tough, fast and well-equipped medium swordsmen that form the main battle line in Iberian armies. They are very dangerous against enemy light infantry and can hold their own against heavy troops.
(Lusitani Ambushers)
Gestikapoinann is equipped with light armour made of leather combined with a small bronze breastplate, a galea leather helmet and a rather large shield that gives them their name.
(Lusitani Bodyguard Cavalry)
This general has a bodyguard of loyal spear-armed and armoured cavalry to accompany him onto the field.
(Lusitani Cavalry)
Although not a numerous unit of Lusitanian armies, these cavalrymen are fundamental as scouts and, most of all, as good skirmishing medium cavalry, allowing them to use the agility and speed of their horses.
(Lusitani Light Infantry)
The Caetranann are the Lusotana variant of the typical Caetratii found in all Iberian armies, and no less fierce than their Iberian brethren.
(Lusitani Light Spearmen)
Gestikapoinann is equipped with light armour made of leather combined with a small bronze breastplate, a galea leather helmet and a rather large shield that gives them their name.
(Lusitani Medium Spearmen)
These men are some of the most well equipped and heaviest warriors the Lusotannan can muster.
(Lusitani Shock Infantry)
The Ambakaro were the elite infantry of the Lusotannan and the personal foot guard of the Lusitanian chieftains.
(Lusitani Skirmishers)
Iovamann are armed with several sude, which is a wooden javelin, sharpened and fire-hardened on both ends.
(Medium Cavalry)
The Curisi are a good medium cavalry that is able to perform the role of shock against light troops, but will generally get cut to pieces by superior spear infantry or heavy cavalry.
(Medium Infantry)
Loricati Caetrati are well-equipped Caetratii. A multi-role infantry that can be relied upon to defeat far more heavily armored opponents in battle.
(Militia Skirmishers)
Imannae generally act as a screen before the main force, loosening the enemy formations before the older warriors charge.
Drawing upon local knowledge presents an advantage.
Those who defend their homes are eager to fight.
"Fight for me and you'll get land, gold, and women aplenty!"
A man with an eye for recruitment and connections can win skilled soldiers to his cause.
"Drill in the morning, drill in the afternoon, drill in the evening!"
"Why waste our own people when mercenaries can bleed just as well?"
Support from noblemen and the rich can result in lower military costs.
"Politics are much deadlier and treacherous than war."
"The wine must flow at all costs!"
A good harvest is a good foundation for both peace and war.
"Taxes, executions, and fairs; all in a day's work."
"Patricians? Plebs? Are we not all just people?"
"I have seen countless enemies, as well as comrades, fall before me."
"No Mercy" is his battle cry and the lamentations of enemies, his joy.
Through the underworld and back, and then once again.
What is there to fear when you surround yourself with skilled and intelligent men?
Other men might lead from the back, this man leads by example.
"Birds, deer, or men; these are all the same words for target."
Some think he was born in the saddle, his enemies think his mother was a horse.
Best not to be a swordsman at all than a middling swordsman.
This man feels more at home in the rocking of the sea than in the comforts of his own bed.
Every battle can be won before it is even fought.
Every battle can be won before it is even fought.
A general skilled in scouting can see victories a hundred miles away.
A general skilled in scouting can see victories a hundred miles away.
Even after defeats, armies can be replenished quickly with the right combination of motivation and threats.
Even after defeats, armies can be replenished quickly with the right combination of motivation and threats.
"Weapons? Armor? Ammunition? I know a guy."
"Weapons? Armor? Ammunition? I know a guy."
"I AM the State."
Diplomacy is the art of offering an open hand, and a dagger in another.
"I would rather be first in a village than second in Rome."
"Friends, Brothers, Countrymen, lend me your ears!"
Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
"Unseen and unheard that is, until we strike like wolves and they fall like sheep."
"Unseen and unheard that is, until we strike like wolves and they fall like sheep."
"We strike before dawn!"
"We strike before dawn!"
The best defense is a good offense.
The best defense is a good offense.
"The ram has touched the walls! No mercy!"
"The ram has touched the walls! No mercy!"
"Hold the line men! Hold!"
"Hold the line men! Hold!"
Stalwart Hearth Defenders
Defenders of the Wall
Stalwart City Defenders
Defenders of Roma
Auxiliary Defense Legion
Provincial Guard
Legio Roma Invicta
Army Incentives
Camp Administrator
Mercenary Connections
Patron of the Military
Capable Bureaucrat
Adept Tradesman
City Governor
Political Reformer
Commander of Men
Booming Voice
Dread Commander
Proven Leader
Sworn Bodyguards
Ferocious Warrior
Experienced Archer
Skilled Cavalryman
Trained Swordsman
Veteran Marine
Military Logistician
Master of Scouts
Military Conscriptor
Rightful Sovereign
Master of Statecraft
Political Animal
Unwavering Patriot
Skilled Tactician
Effective Ambusher
Night Commander
Relentless Attacker
Siegecraft Expert
Tenacious Defender
Vanguard Legion
Garrison Auxilia
Engines of War
Frontier Garrison
Rampart Takers
Frontier Conquerors
Phoenician Vanguard
Mercenary Garrison
Siege Specialists
Wolves of the North
Hearth Bearguard
Rapine Plunderers
Horse Raiders
Royal Guard
Strategos Spears
Polis Defenders
Wall Breachers
British Chariot Masters
Legendary Spartan Hoplites
Foreign Troop Garrison
Veteran Legionaries
Veteran Hoplites
Dynastic Bodyguards
Veteran Citizen Guard
Chieftan's Chosen
Only the best soldiers live to become veterans.
Veterans form the backbone of any spear wall.
Those who survive, thrive.
Loyalty and strength only increase through experience.
For every scar, there is a story and a dead Roman.
Glory is won where the fighting is thickest.
Service to Mother Italia brings honor and prosperity.
The mind and the hand are brothers in victory.
"To the front! Take it to those Roman scum!"
The homeland is worth the price of protection.
Nothing has been made that cannot be unmade.
The howls of wolves are only a prelude to slaughter.
"Always preserve the halls of our ancestors."
Kill the enemy, take his gold and enjoy his women.
Swiftness of hooves leads to swiftness of victory.
The life of the sovereign is the life of the state.
"Those who do not bow to us shall be put to dust."
The spear of the general points toward victory.
"We struggle only for the preservation of the City."
The first to the wall is the first to be honored.
"We of the island conquer by the wheel."
"Mention our name, and the battlefield is cleared."
The borders of the empire must be maintained.
"Do you have anymore mead? Blleeeccchhh"
"To the breach, men! The first man over gets double the share!"
Expand or die, or at least die trying.
Horde of the Steppes
Camp Defenders
Never allow the horde to be caught flat-footed.
Celtic Confederation
Eastern Barbarian
Celtic Confederation
Gallic Confederation
Gallic Confederation
Celtiberian Confederation
British Confederation
Horde of the Steppe
German Confederation
African / Arabian
British Confederation
Celtiberian Confederation
German Confederation
Horde of the Steppe
Hellenic League
Hellenic League
Polybian Military Reforms
Polybian Military Reforms
Polybian Military Reforms
Polybian Military Reforms
Roman Polybian Reforms
Roman Polybian Reforms
Roman Polybian Reforms
Roman Polybian Reforms
Rome Polybian Reforms
Rome Polybian Reforms
Rome Polybian Reforms
Rome Polybian Reforms
Marian Military Reforms
Marian Military Reforms
Marian Military Reforms
Marian Military Reforms
Roman Marian Reforms
Roman Marian Reforms
Roman Marian Reforms
Roman Marian Reforms
Rome Marian Reforms
Rome Marian Reforms
Rome Marian Reforms
Rome Marian Reforms
Imperial Military Reforms
Imperial Military Reforms
Imperial Military Reforms
Imperial Military Reforms
Roman Imperial Reforms
Roman Imperial Reforms
Roman Imperial Reforms
Roman Imperial Reforms
Rome Imperial Reforms
Rome Imperial Reforms
Rome Imperial Reforms
Rome Imperial Reforms
Thureophoroi Military Reforms
Thureophoroi Military Reforms
Thureophoroi Military Reforms
Thureophoroi Military Reforms
Hellenic Thureophoroi Reforms
Hellenic Thureophoroi Reforms
Hellenic Thureophoroi Reforms
Hellenic Thureophoroi Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thureophori Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thureophori Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thureophori Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thureophori Reforms
Thorakitai Military Reforms
Thorakitai Military Reforms
Thorakitai Military Reforms
Thorakitai Military Reforms
Hellenic Thorkitai Reforms
Hellenic Thorkitai Reforms
Hellenic Thorkitai Reforms
Hellenic Thorkitai Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thorakitai Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thorakitai Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thorakitai Reforms
Hellenic Faction Thorakitai Reforms
Kbedim Military Reforms
Kbedim Military Reforms
Kbedim Military Reforms
Kbedim Military Reforms
Carthaginian Kbedim Reforms
Carthaginian Kbedim Reforms
Carthaginian Kbedim Reforms
Carthaginian Kbedim Reforms
Carthage Kbedim Reforms
Carthage Kbedim Reforms
Carthage Kbedim Reforms
Carthage Kbedim Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Celtic Neitos Reforms
Celtic Neitos Reforms
Celtic Neitos Reforms
Celtic Neitos Reforms
Celtic Faction Neitos Reforms
Celtic Faction Neitos Reforms
Celtic Faction Neitos Reforms
Celtic Faction Neitos Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Neitos Military Reforms
Germanic Neitos Reforms
Germanic Neitos Reforms
Germanic Neitos Reforms
Germanic Neitos Reforms
Suebi Neitos Reforms
Suebi Neitos Reforms
Suebi Neitos Reforms
Suebi Neitos Reforms
Loricati Military Reforms
Loricati Military Reforms
Loricati Military Reforms
Loricati Military Reforms
Iberian Loricati Reforms
Iberian Loricati Reforms
Iberian Loricati Reforms
Iberian Loricati Reforms
Iberian Faction Loricati Reforms
Iberian Faction Loricati Reforms
Iberian Faction Loricati Reforms
Iberian Faction Loricati Reforms
As the influence of Roma grows beyond its humble Italian origins, the Romani begin to encounter new customs and techniques that they are quick to adopt. By the mid 3rd century B.C., the Camillan system was found to be obsolete and ineffecient. In this new Polybian system, infantry are sorted by age and experience rather than class. Along with their new divisions, the infantry begin using gladii and two pila instead of spears. Accensi and Leves are no longer used, while Velites become the chosen skirmisher unit. When engaging an enemy, the Velites would cover the advance of the Hastati who, if they failed to succeed, would fall back onto the Principes. The Triarii formed the last and most experienced line of defense.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Romani have reached a new military reform.
As the influence of Roma grows beyond its humble Italian origins, the Romani begin to encounter new customs and techniques that they are quick to adopt. By the mid 3rd century B.C., the Camillan system was found to be obsolete and ineffecient. In this new Polybian system, infantry are sorted by age and experience rather than class. Along with their new divisions, the infantry begin using gladii and two pila instead of spears. Accensi and Leves are no longer used, while Velites become the chosen skirmisher unit. When engaging an enemy, the Velites would cover the advance of the Hastati who, if they failed to succeed, would fall back onto the Principes. The Triarii formed the last and most experienced line of defense.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
Rome reached a new military reform.
As the influence of Roma grows beyond its humble Italian origins, the Romani begin to encounter new customs and techniques that they are quick to adopt. By the mid 3rd century B.C., the Camillan system was found to be obsolete and ineffecient. In this new Polybian system, infantry are sorted by age and experience rather than class. Along with their new divisions, the infantry begin using gladii and two pila instead of spears. Accensi and Leves are no longer used, while Velites become the chosen skirmisher unit. When engaging an enemy, the Velites would cover the advance of the Hastati who, if they failed to succeed, would fall back onto the Principes. The Triarii formed the last and most experienced line of defense.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
With the expansion of Rome into overseas provinces and the dilution of possible recruits in the propertied classes, the Republic reaches a tipping point. These problems, as well as various other political issues, provide the stage for a major overhaul of the Roman military system. The Marian Reforms bring the inclusion of the capite censi into the ranks of the legions, men who have no significant property and who rely on the state for their arms and armour. With the promise of pay, loot, citizenship and a retirement, Rome has a new professional class of legionary. These new legions are now a standing army with standardized training, equipment and a new organization into cohorts and centuries. While this new system was initially highly successful, it also heavily influenced the Roman political landscape.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Romani have reached a new military reform. With the expansion of Rome into overseas provinces and the dilution of possible recruits in the propertied classes, the Republic reaches a tipping point. These problems, as well as various other political issues, provide the stage for a major overhaul of the Roman military system. The Marian Reforms bring the inclusion of the capite censi into the ranks of the legions, men who have no significant property and who rely on the state for their arms and armour. With the promise of pay, loot, citizenship and a retirement, Rome has a new professional class of legionary. These new legions are now a standing army with standardized training, equipment and a new organization into cohorts and centuries. While this new system was initially highly successful, it also heavily influenced the Roman political landscape.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
Rome reached a new military reform. With the expansion of Rome into overseas provinces and the dilution of possible recruits in the propertied classes, the Republic reaches a tipping point. These problems, as well as various other political issues, provide the stage for a major overhaul of the Roman military system. The Marian Reforms bring the inclusion of the capite censi into the ranks of the legions, men who have no significant property and who rely on the state for their arms and armour. With the promise of pay, loot, citizenship and a retirement, Rome has a new professional class of legionary. These new legions are now a standing army with standardized training, equipment and a new organization into cohorts and centuries. While this new system was initially highly successful, it also heavily influenced the Roman political landscape.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
While the legions served the Republic well for a century, the Roma of her ancestors has changed into a very different animal. Republic gives way to Empire, and the legions also have to change with the times. A standing, set army is established to patrol the various provinces spread across the world. In theory, the legions are now loyal to the State and each legionary has a set period of service and standardized pay. The symbol of each legion is the aquila, embodying that legion's honor and glory. The Praetorian Guard is also converted from battlefield bodyguards to the personal protectors of the Head of State. In time these new Imperial bodyguards would wield more power than anyone could imagine.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Romani have reached a new military reform. While the legions served the Republic well for a century, the Roma of her ancestors has changed into a very different animal. Republic gives way to Empire, and the legions also have to change with the times. A standing, set army is established to patrol the various provinces spread across the world. In theory, the legions are now loyal to the State and each legionary has a set period of service and standardized pay. The symbol of each legion is the aquila, embodying that legion's honor and glory. The Praetorian Guard is also converted from battlefield bodyguards to the personal protectors of the Head of State. In time these new Imperial bodyguards would wield more power than anyone could imagine.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
Rome reached a new military reform. While the legions served the Republic well for a century, the Roma of her ancestors has changed into a very different animal. Republic gives way to Empire, and the legions also have to change with the times. A standing, set army is established to patrol the various provinces spread across the world. In theory, the legions are now loyal to the State and each legionary has a set period of service and standardized pay. The symbol of each legion is the aquila, embodying that legion's honor and glory. The Praetorian Guard is also converted from battlefield bodyguards to the personal protectors of the Head of State. In time these new Imperial bodyguards would wield more power than anyone could imagine.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
The development of the thureos has altered unit equipment and training. A large oval shield made of leather-covered wood and braced by a spined boss, the thureos is first adopted from the Galatians by the Illyrians and Thracians. Some say it resembles the Oscan scutum and was brought back after Pyrrhus' Italian campaign. However it made its way into Greek hands, it is now used by the Thureophoroi who have become tactically flexible troops in the Greek army.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Greeks reached a new military reform.
The development of the thureos has altered unit equipment and training across the Hellenic world. A large oval shield made of leather-covered wood and braced by a spined boss, the thureos is first adopted from the Galatians by the Illyrians and Thracians. Some say it resembles the Oscan scutum and was brought back after Pyrrhus' Italian campaign. However it made its way into Greek hands, it is now used by the Thureophoroi who have become tactically flexible troops in the Greek army.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
An Greek faction reached a new military reform.
The development of the thureos has altered unit equipment and training for a rival Hellenic faction. A large oval shield made of leather-covered wood and braced by a spined boss, the thureos is first adopted from the Galatians by the Illyrians and Thracians. Some say it resembles the Oscan scutum and was brought back after Pyrrhus' Italian campaign. However it made its way into Greek hands, it is now used by the Thureophoroi who have become tactically flexible troops in the Greek army.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
As the need for better equipped, more disciplined and highly trained troops becomes apparent, the wide-scale use of Thorax plated armor emerges. Along with this better armor, some soldiers are trained to fight in the Roman-style using javelins and a legionary organization. While still using the thureos, the improved armor and training will produce elite Hellenic warriors ready to take on any task on the battlefield.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Greeks have reached a new military reform.
As the need for better equipped, more disciplined and highly trained troops becomes apparent, the wide-scale use of Thorax plated armor emerges. Along with this better armor, some soldiers are trained to fight in the Roman-style using javelins and a legionary organization. While still using the thureos, the improved armor and training will produce elite Hellenic warriors ready to take on any task on the battlefield.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
A Greek faction has reach a new military reform.
As the need for better equipped, more disciplined and highly trained troops becomes apparent, the wide-scale use of Thorax plated armor emerges. Along with this better armor, some soldiers are trained to fight in the Roman-style using javelins and a legionary organization. While still using the thureos, the improved armor and training will produce elite Hellenic warriors ready to take on any task on the battlefield.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
As the enemies of Carthage develop better tactics and equipment, we must also change with the times. Carthaginian and Libyan soldiers are now equipped with better armor and specialized training in order to combat the improvements of our enemies and the inevitable changing ways of war.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Carthaginian have reached a new military reform.
As the enemies of Carthage develop better tactics and equipment, they must also change with the times. Carthaginian and Libyan soldiers are now equipped with better armor and specialized training in order to combat the improvements of their enemies and the inevitable changing ways of war.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
Carthage has reached a new military reform.
As the enemies of Carthage develop better tactics and equipment, they must also change with the times. Carthaginian and Libyan soldiers are now equipped with better armor and specialized training in order to combat the improvements of their enemies and the inevitable changing ways of war.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of our society are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Celtics have reached a new military reform.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of Gallic society are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
A Celtic faction has reached a new military reform.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of a rival Gallic faction are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of our society are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Germans have reached a new military reform.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of Germanic society are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
Suebi reached a new military reform.
As a result of increased contact with the heavily armed forces of the Mediterranean peoples, wealthier elements of a rival Germanic faction are now equipping themselves as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry. Improvements in training and iron technology give rise to a more professional soldier who sees warfare as his primary duty. These soldiers are tactically proficient and disciplined in formation.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
Improvements in iron technology and warfare tactics have brought changes to your forces. Like their Greek and Roman rivals, highly disciplined Iberian soldiers are now outfitted with heavier armor. These new professional warriors use both tactics and improved equipment to defeat their foes.
New reforms usually open up new equipment and new ways of combat, not necessarily overall stronger but usually more efficient for the time and for the challenges presenting ahead. Some reforms can require from the player a period of adaptation to the new tactics adopted. Study well the differences in your troop because this can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
The Iberians reached a new military reform.
Improvements in iron technology and warfare tactics have brought changes to the Iberian forces. Like their Greek and Roman rivals, highly disciplined Iberian soldiers are now outfitted with heavier armor. These new professional warriors use both tactics and improved equipment to defeat their foes.
New worldwide reforms are an ample spectrum military advancement concerning a culture. This advancement doesn't benefit only the interested factions but the repercussions are global: new auxilia options will open up for all factions worldwide as new mercenaries will become recruitable.
An Iberian faction has reached a new military reform.
Improvements in iron technology and warfare tactics have brought changes to a rival Iberian faction. Like their Greek and Roman rivals, highly disciplined Iberian soldiers are now outfitted with heavier armor. These new professional warriors use both tactics and improved equipment to defeat their foes.
Another player faction has reached an high enough Imperium Level to advance to a new reform. Differently from worldwide reforms this benefits exclusively that faction so beware of this, but you can also use the time required to adapt to the new reform as a good moment to start an attack if the faction is your enemy.
Advanced Barracks Construction
Barracks Construction
Provincial Romanization
More elite units come with the more substantial and permanent barracks structure.
Construction of specific buildings to handle military training allows for better troops.
With more territory to control, Roma now spreads her military order to the world.
You are attacking the Hayasdan!
You are attacking the Arverni Tribal Council!
You are attacking Carthaginian Adirim Loyalists!
You are attacking Epirean Noble Usurpers!
You are attacking the Iceni Tribal Council!
You are attacking the Antigonidai!
You are attacking Antigonid Usurpers!
You are attacking Parthian Noble Usurpers!
You are attacking Pontic Noble Usurpers!
You are attacking the Ptolemaioi!
You are attacking Ptolemaike Usurpers!
You are attacking Roman Senate Loyalists!
You are attacking the Seleukidai!
You are attacking Seleukid Usurpers!
You are attacking the Suebi Tribal Council!
You are defending against the Hayasdan!
You are defending against the Arverni Tribal Council!
You are defending against Carthaginian Adirim Loyalists!
You are defending against Epirean Noble Usurpers!
You are defending against the Iceni Tribal Council!
You are defending against the Antigonidai!
You are defending against Antigonid Usurpers!
You are defending against Parthian Noble Usurpers!
You are defending against Pontic Noble Usurpers!
You are defending against the Ptolemaioi!
You are defending against Ptolemaike Usurpers!
You are defending against Roman Senate Loyalists!
You are defending against the Seleukidai!
You are defending against Seleukid Usurpers!
You are defending against the Suebi Tribal Counci!
Arverni Tribal Council
Polis Athenai
Adirim Loyalists
Arche Bosphorus
Iceni Tribal Council
Antigonid Nobles
Ptolemaike Nobles
Senate Loyalists
Saka Rauka
Saka Rauka Nobles
Arche Seleukaia
Seleukid Nobles
Polis Lakedaimon
Suebi Tribal Council
Arverni Tribal Council
Adirim Loyalists
Arche Bosphorus
Iceni Tribal Council
Antigonid Nobles
Ptolemaike Nobles
Senate Loyalists
Saka Rauka
Saka Rauka Nobles
Seleukid Nobles
Suebi Tribal Council
Antigonid Rebels
Antigonid Rebels
Ptolemaike Rebels
Ptolemaike Rebels
Seleukid Rebels
Seleukid Rebels
Punics were western Semitic-speaking peoples from Carthage in North Africa tracing origins to a group of Phoenician settlers from the mother city of Tyre, spreading Punic settlements from Iberia to Cyprus!
Daciae et Thraciae
The Daco-Thracian Tribes are a formidable, powerful force of marauder warriors.
The Celtic Tribes are a warrior-poet society who prize martial prowess as much as musical tune.
Poleis Hellenikoi
The Celtiberian Tribes are a valiant and resourceful people that caused Rome much hardship.
Galleis Gentes
Etruria is intent on succeeding where the Samnites have failed in containing Rome.
Arabian Kingdoms are aggressive desert marauder warriors who are cunning traders as well. Diodorus Siculus, who wrote Bibliotheca Historica, writes the following about the Nabataeans whom, like all historians of his day, he simply calls 'Arabs': "Here it is worth while to recount the institutions of these Arabs, by the practice of which they seem to protect their liberty. Their country has neither rivers nor copious springs from which it is possible for a hostile army to get water. They have a law neither to sow corn nor to plant any fruit-bearing plant, nor to use wine, nor to build a house. This law they hold because they judge that those who possess these things will be easily compelled by powerful men to do what is ordered them because of their enjoyment of these things. Some of them keep camels, others sheep, pasturing them over the desert. Of the Arabian tribes there are not a few who graze the desert and these are much superior to the others in the amenities of life, being in number not much more than 10,000. For not a few of them are wont to bring down to the sea frankincense and myrrh and the most costly of spices, receiving them from those who convey them from what is called Arabia Felix. They are conspicuously lovers of freedom, and flee into the desert, using this as a stronghold. They fill cisterns and caves with rainwater, making them flush with the rest of the land, they leave signals there, which are known to themselves, but not understood by anyone else. They water their herds every third day so that they do not constantly need water in waterless regions if they have to flee."
Germaneis Gentes
African Kingdoms are tenacious desert defender warriors and prudent agriculturalists.
Aithiopes Hippeis
Aithiopes Makhairaphoroi
Qasatim 'al Pilim
Cohors Sagittariorum Sabaeorum
Ala Sabaeorum
Elephantes Africani
Cohors Lanciariorum Sabaeorum
Ala Sagittariorum Dromedariorum
Ala Lanciariorum Dromedariorum
Ala Arabum
Cohors Lanciariorum Arabum
Cohors Lanciariorum Bactriorum
Ala Bactriorum
Ala Britonum
Cohors Funditorum Britonum
Cohors Lanciariorum Britonum
Ala Auxiliares
Cohors Securigerorum Celtarum
Ala Celtarum
Cohors Gallorum Fera
Cohors Gallorum
Cohors Velitum Celtarum
Cohors Ensiferorum Celtarum
Cohors Sagittariorum Dacum
Ala Dacum
Cohors Lanciariorum Dacum
Ala Cappadocum
Cohors Lanciariorum Persicum
Ala Persicum
Cohors Velitum Persicum
Cohors Sagittariorum Aegyptiorum
Cohors Ensiferorum Aegyptiorum
Cohors Gallorum Sagittariorum
Ala Gallorum
Cohors Gallorum Veterana Equitata
Cohors Ensiferorum Gallorum
Cohors Sagittariorum Germanorum
Ala Germanorum
Cohors Lanciariorum Germanorum
Ala Graecorum
Cohors Sagittariorum Cretensium
Cohors Hoplitarum Graecorum
Cohors Peltastarum Graecorum
Cohors Funditorum Rodiorum
Ala Tarantinorum
Cohors Funditorum Balearum
Ala Cantabriorum
Ala Iberorum
Cohors Funditorum Iberorum
Cohors Caetrati Iberorum
Ala Illyriorum
Cohors Securigerorum Illyriorum
Elephantes Indici
Cohors Lanciariorum Auxiliares
Ala Sociorum
Ala Sociorum Extraordinariorum
Cohors Sociorum Extraordinariorum
Cohors Sociorum Hastatorum
Ala Numidarum
Cohors Velitum Numidarum
Ala Parthorum
Cohors Lanciariorum Parthorum
Cohors Sagittariorum Persarum
Ala Persarum
Ala Contariorum Clibanariorum Sarmatorum
Ala Sagittariorum Sarmatarum
Ala Contariorum Sarmatarum
Ala Clibanariorum Scytharum
Ala Scytharum
Cohors Sagittariorum Syriorum
Ala Thracum
Cohors Peltastarum Thracum
Kofyaren-i Bakhtarig
Shivatir-i Bakhtarig
Asabaran-i Bakhtarig
Asabaran-i Azadan-i Bakhtarig
Baktrioi Peltastai
Baktrioi Hippeis Agematos
Baktrioi Hoplitai Agematos
Thorakitai Hoplitai
Corio Runo
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Lithobolos (Ship)
Catuiros Vellos Lancia
Catuiros Vellos Calgo
Adgenios Druidos
Lithobolos Aestos
Calgo Neitos
Epatos Neitos
Onagros Aestos
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Catuiros Liuos
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Epatos Areanos
Corio Gaballacos
Corio Telamon
Corio Lancia
Corio Calgo
Epatos Veda
Palangim Lybim
Ballista (Bastion)
Ballista (Ship)
Parasim Kan'anim
Somrei Mpaqed
Ballista Anaqit
H'anatim Kan'anim
Mqla'at Anaqit
H'anatim Kan'anim Kbedim
H'anatim Lybim Kbedim
H'anatim Lybim
Dorkim Lybim
Mitnagsim Lybim
Mitnagsim Lybim Kbedim
Parasim Assilim
Mqla'at (Bastion)
Mqla'at (Ship)
Polybolos (Bastion)
Dorkim Qdosim
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Catuiros Touga
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Lithobolos (Ship)
Corio Togi
Lancia Argos
Cladio Argos
Adgenios Galate Lancia
Leuce Epos
Catuiros Galate Lancia
Catuiros Galate Calgo
Sotaroas Argos
Lithobolos Aestos
Epatha Ordos
Onagros Aestos
Corio Arios
Epatha Scammos
Corio An-Aremerto Arios
Corio An-Aremerto Calgo
Catuiros An-Aremerto
Epatha Adgenios
Soldurios Couiros
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Corio Cunos Vidios
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Corio Cladio
Corio Gaballacos
Corio Telamon
Adgenios Lancia
Catuiros Lancia
Corio Viros Teuta
Corio Gaesum
Catuiros Calgo
Corio Jovincos Gaballacos
Dáki Thorakitai Doryphoroi
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Lithobolos (Ship)
Dáki Hippotoxotai
Dáki Toxotai
Dáki Drepanephoroi
Megas Lithobolos
Dáki Epilektoi Doryphoroi
Megas Onagros
Dáki Aristoi Hippeis
Dáki Aristoi Doryphoroi
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Dáki Akontistai
Dáki Hippeis
Dáki Doryphoroi
Dáki Epistratoi Doryphoroi
Dáki Fyletikoi Pezoi
Thanvare Payahdag
Shivatir-i Zrehbaran
Azat Aspet
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Lithobolos (Ship)
Bithyniakoi Thureophoroi
Asabaran-i Katpatukan
Asavaran-i Zrehbaran
Shivatir-i Parsig
Lithobolos Kalan
Savar-i Kamandar
Savar-i Zubindar
Zubindar-i Payahdag
Onagros Kalan
Asabaran-i Madaen
Asavaran-i Azadan
Asavaran-i Dehbed
Nizagan-i Dehbed
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Arteshtar-i Pahlavig
Thanvare Pahlavig
Shivatir-i Pahlavig
Asabaran-i Parsig
Arteshtar-i Kardakan-i Parsig
Thanvare Parsig
Pontikoi Peltastai
Pontikoi Thorakitai
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Syroi Toxotai
Machimoi Toxotai
Machimoi Hippeis
Galatai Agematos
Galatai Makhairaphoroi
Machimoi Makhairaphoroi
Machimoi Akontistai
Kares Pezoi
Noubioi Toxotai
Noubioi Doryphoroi
Machimoi Phalangitai
Machimoi Sphendonetai
Liþoboloz (Bastion)
Liþoboloz (Ship)
Lithobolos (Heavy)
Onagros (Heavy)
Khorjôz Woiþjâz Wâþâizâz
Gasenþoz Markhorîðonðijoi
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Oksübelez (Fixed)
Oksübelez (Bastion)
Rîðonz Spêkhoi
Kherunoutôz Khasþengoi
Fulkho Frijo
Hippeis Agematos
Agrianoi Peltastai
Psiloi Toxotai
Aspidophoroi Hetairoi
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Lithobolos (Ship)
Chalkaspides Phalangitai
Politai Hoplitai
Kretai Toxotai
Megas Lithobolos
Hellenes Kataphraktoi
Heilotes Toxotai
Heilotes Akontistai
Heilotes Sphendonetai
Spartiatoi Homoioi
Psiloi Akontistai
Megas Onagros
Epistratoi Phalangitai
Epistratoi Thureophoroi
Ekdromoi Hoplitai
Epistratoi Hoplitai
Onagros (Bastion)
Onagros (Ship)
Perioikoi Hoplitai
Perioikoi Peltastai
Perioikoi Phalangitai
Perioikoi Thureophoroi
Polybolos (Bastion)
Pontikoi Basilikoi Hippeis
Ptolemikoi Hetairoi
Rhodioi Sphendonetai
Molosson Agema Hippeis
Basilikoi Phalangitai
Basilikoi Peltastai
Basilikoi Spartiatai Hoplitai
Basilikoi Thorakitai
Oxybeles (Fixed)
Oxybeles (Bastion)
Drepanephora Armata
Argyraspides Phalangitai
Argyraspides Thorakitai
Psiloi Sphendonetai
Spartiatai Hoplitai
Spartiatai Phalangitai
Spartiatai Epheboi
Tarantinoi Hippeis
Thessaloi Hippeis
Thorakitai Hoplitai
Thorakitai Phalangitai
Thureophoroi Hoplitai
Baleares funditores
Iberi Lithobolos
Iberi Lithobolos
Iberi Oxybeles
Iberi Equites Caetrati
Iberi Oxybeles
Lusotannan Arjos
Arjos Epones
Clona Arjos
Iberi Oxybeles
Iberi Oxybeles
Hastati Scutarii
Scutarii Epones
Iberi Velites
Iberi funditores
Iberi Milites
Iberi Caetrati
Iberi Lugoae
Illyrioi Hippeis
Illyrioi Hoplitai
Illyrioi Paraktioi
Illyrioi Douloi Akontistai
Illyrioi Douloi Sphendonetai
Illyrioi Doryphoroi
Illyrioi Thureophoroi
Illyrioi Fyletikoi Pezoi
Kataphraktoi Indikoi Elephantes
Indikoi Elephantes
Equites Italici
Velites Italici
Funditores Italici
Equites Optimi Italici
Hastae Optimi Italici
Hastati Italici
Ensiferi Italici
Kofyaren-i Bakhtarig-i Mizdahganig
Asabaran-i Bakhtarig-i Mizdahganig
Caternos Epatos Areanos
Caternos Telamon
Caternos Lancia
Caternos Touga
Caternos Epatha Scammos
Caternos An-Aremerto Calgo
Caternos Cladio
Caternos Gaballacos
Caternos Calgo
Misthophoroi Dakes Toxotai
Misthophoroi Dakes Hippeis
Misthophoroi Dakes Doryphoroi
Asabaran-i Katpatukan-i Mizdahganig
Kofyaren-i Mizdahganig
Zubindar-i Mizdahganig
Savar-i Zubindar-i Mizdahganig
Misthophoroi Syroi Toxotai
Misthophoroi Machimoi Toxotai
Misthophoroi Machimoi Makhairaphoroi
Caternos Argos
Caternos Epatha Scammos
Caternos Lavotuxri
Caternos Calgo
Misthophoroi Hippeis
Misthophoroi Kretai Toxotai
Misthophoroi Hoplitai
Misthophoroi Peltastai
Misthophoroi Rhodioi Sphendonetai
Misthophoroi Tarantinoi Hippeis
Misthophoroi Thureophoroi
Misthophoroi Archaioi Hoplitai
Baleares funditores
Iberi Equites Caetrati
Iberi funditores
Iberi Caetrati
Misthophoroi Illyrioi Hippeis
Misthophoroi Illyrioi Paraktioi
Misthophoroi Indikoi Elephantes
Mercenarii Equites Italici
Mercenarii Hastati Italici
Shivatir-i Pahlavig-i Mizdahganig
Nizagan-i Pahlavig-i Mizdahganig
Thanvare Parsig-i Mizdahganig
Asabaran-i Parsig-i Mizdahganig
Mizda Paradraya Peh Arsti Aspa
Mizda Paradraya Skuda Aspa
Mizda Paradraya Arsti Aspa
Mizda Patai Peh Skuda Aspa
Mizda Patai Skuda Aspa
Misthophoroi Thrakes Hippeis
Misthophoroi Thrakes Peltastai
Legionarii Clibanariorum
Ballista (Bastion)
Ballista (Ship)
Cohors Aquilae
Cohors Evocata
Cohors Prima
Custodes Corporis Legati
Magnus Ballista
Hastati (Early)
Magnus Onager
Legatus Legionis
Ala Legionaria
Cohors Legionaria
Onager (Bastion)
Onager (Ship)
Polybolos (Bastion)
Equites Singulares
Custodes Praetorii
Cohors Praetoria
Principes (Early)
Rorarii (Early)
Scorpio (Fixed)
Scorpio (Bastion)
Triarii (Early)
Legionarii Veterani
Cohors Vigilum
Canes Bellici
Skuda Oior
Peh Skuda Aspa
Peh Arsti Aspa
Lithobolos (Bastion)
Skuda Aspa
Sag Aspa
Arsti Aspa
Patai Skuda Aspa
Patai Arsti Aspa
Griwbanar Xšaya Skuda Aspa
Tigraxaudā Peh Skuda Aspa
Tigraxaudā Peh Arsti Aspa
Tigraxaudā Patai Arsti Aspa
Paradraya Peh Arsti Aspa
Paradraya Arsti Aspa
Paradraya Xšaya Arsti Aspa
Griwbanar Xšaya Arsti Aspa
Griwbanar Xšaya Sag Aspa
Arsti Oior
Pardraya Oior
Sagaris Oior
Thrakes Toxotai
Thrakes Hippeis
Thrakes Aristoi Rhomphaiaphoroi
Thrakes Peltastai
Thrakes Aristoi Hippeis
Thrakes Akontistai
Thrakes Sphendonetai
Thrakes Doryphoroi
Thrakes Rhomphaiaphoroi
Caledonia et Hibernia
Northern Italia
Northern Iberia
Southern Iberia
Eastern Provinces
Corsica et Sardinia
Balearic Isles
The Ardiaei were an Illyrian tribe, residing inland, that eventually settled on the Adriatic coast. Polybius (203 BC–120 BC) writes that they were subdued by the Romans at events that occurred at 229 BC. Appian (95–165) writes that they were destroyed by the Autariatae and that they had serious maritime power. In the Epitome of Livy they are said to have been subdued by the consul Fulvius Flaccus. They were located in present day Montenegro, most likely around the gulf of Rhizon, although Strabo places them in the right bank of the Neretva. Their initial inland residence was located along the Naro River up to the Konjic region, in present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina. Because they pestered the sea through their piratical bands, the Romans campaigned against them in the events of the Illyrian Wars. They drank heavily and were seen as pirates by the Greeks. The Ardiaei were enemies of the Autariatae for a long time over trade resources. The Ardiaei had briefly attained military might during 230 BC under the reign of king Agron. His widow, Queen Teuta, attempted to gain a foothold in the Adriatic but failed due to Roman intervention. Historic accounts hold that King Agron was hired by king Demetrius of Macedonia repel the invasion of Macedonia by the invading Aetolians. The ancient geographer, Strabo, lists the Ardiaei as one of the three strongest Illyrian peoples – the other two being the Autariatae and the Dardani. Strabo writes; "Because they pestered the sea through their piratical bands, the Romans pushed them back from it into the interior and forced them to till the soil. But the country is rough and poor and not suited to a farming population, and therefore the tribe has been utterly ruined and in fact has almost been obliterated. And this is what befell the rest of the peoples in that part of the world."
Bactria, land of a thousand golden cities, grown rich on agriculture and trade, sits at a cultural crossroads between the Hellenic, Indian and Chinese worlds. A protectorate of the Seleucid Empire, the agents and dignitaries of the satrap of Bactria travel far and wide, along the emerging Silk Road. Heavily colonised by the Greeks, its armies follow a blend of both Alexandrian and Persian patterns. With the Seleucids and Ptolemaic Egypt at each other's throats, Bactria has the opportunity to throw off its yoke, and with its vast wealth expand into the Seleucid Empire, Parthia or beyond into the Mediterranean.
Boii were a Gallic tribe of the later Iron Age, attested at various times in Cisalpine Gaul (northern Italy), Pannonia (Hungary and its western neighbours), in and around Bohemia (after whom the region is named), and Transalpine Gaul. In addition the archaeological evidence indicates that in the 2nd century BC Celts expanded from Bohemia through the Kłodzko Valley into Silesia, now part of Poland. They first appear in history in connection with the Gallic invasion of north Italy, 390 BC, when they made the Etruscan city of Felsina their new capital, Bononia (Bologna). After a series of wars they were decisively beaten by the Romans in a battle near Mutina (Modena) and their territory became part of the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul. According to Strabo, writing two centuries after the events, rather than being destroyed by the Romans like their Celtic neighbours: "the Boii were merely driven out of the regions they occupied; and after migrating to the regions round about the Ister, lived with the Taurisci, and carried on war against the Daci until they perished, tribe and all — and thus they left their country, which was a part of Illyria, to their neighbours as a pasture-ground for sheep." Around 60 BC, a group of Boians joined the Helvetians' ill-fated attempt to conquer land in western Gaul and were defeated by Julius Caesar, along with their allies, in the battle of Bibracte. Caesar settled the remnants of that group in Gorgobina, from where they sent two thousand to Vercingetorix's aid at the battle of Alesia six years later. The eastern Boians on the Danube were incorporated into the Roman Empire in 8 AD. In the second half of the 3rd century BC, the Boii allied with the other Cisalpine Gauls and the Etruscans against Rome. They also fought alongside Hannibal, killing (in 216 BC) the Roman general L. Postumius Albinus, whose skull was then turned into a sacrificial bowl. A short time earlier, they had been defeated at Telamon in 224 BC, and were again later at Placentia in 194 BC (modern Piacenza) and Mutina in 193 BC (modern Modena). After the loss of their capital, according to Strabo, a large portion of the Boii left Italy. Contrary to the interpretation of the classical writers, the Pannonian Boii attested in later sources are not simply the remnants of those who had fled from Italy, but rather another division of the tribe, which had settled there much earlier. The burial rites of the Italian Boii show many similarities with contemporary Bohemia, such as inhumation, which was uncommon with the other Cisalpine Gauls, or the absence of the typically western Celtic torcs. This makes it much more likely that the Cisalpine Boii had actually originated from Bohemia rather than the other way round. Having migrated to Italy from north of the Alps, some of the defeated Celts simply moved back to their kinsfolk. The Pannonian Boii are mentioned again in the late 2nd century BC when they repelled the Cimbri and Teutones (Strabo VII, 2, 2). Later on, they attacked the city of Noreia (in modern Austria) shortly before a group of Boii (32,000 according to Julius Caesar - the number is probably an exaggeration) joined the Helvetii in their attempt to settle in western Gaul. After the Helvetian defeat at Bibracte, the influential Aedui tribe allowed the Boii survivors to settle on their territory, where they occupied the oppidum of Gorgobina. Although attacked by Vercingetorix during one phase of the war, they supported him with two thousand troops at the battle of Alesia.
Cimmeria, also known as Taurica, was inhabited by a variety of peoples. The inland regions were inhabited by Scythians and the mountainous south coast by the Taures, an offshoot of the Cimmerians. Greek settlers inhabited a number of colonies along the coast of the peninsula, notably the city of Chersonesos in modern Sevastopol. In the 2nd century BCE the eastern part of Taurica became part of the Bosporan Kingdom, before being incorporated into the Roman Empire in the 1st century BC. During the 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, Taurica was host to Roman legions and colonists in Charax, Crimea.
Etruscan civilization is the modern name given to a civilization of ancient Italy in the area corresponding roughly to Tuscany, western Umbria, and northern Latium. The ancient Romans called its creators the Tusci or Etrusci. Their Roman name is the origin of the terms Tuscany, which refers to their heartland, and Etruria, which can refer to their wider region. In Attic Greek, the Etruscans were known as Tyrrhēnioi, from which the Romans derived the names Tyrrhēni (Etruscans), Tyrrhēnia (Etruria), and Mare Tyrrhēnum (Tyrrhenian Sea). The Etruscans called themselves Rasenna, which was syncopated to Rasna or Raśna. As distinguished by its unique language, this civilization endured from the time of the earliest Etruscan inscriptions (ca. 700 BC) until its assimilation into the Roman Republic in the early 3rd century BC. At its maximum extent, during the foundational period of Rome and the Roman kingdom, it flourished in three confederacies of cities: of Etruria, of the Po valley with the eastern Alps, and of Latium and Campania. Culture that is identifiably Etruscan developed in Italy after about 800 BC approximately over the range of the preceding Iron Age Villanovan culture. The latter gave way in the 7th century to a culture that was influenced by Greek traders, Greek neighbours in Magna Graecia, and the Hellenic civilization of southern Italy.
In many ways Galatian means nothing more than gallic, true to this the galatians were originally a confederacy of three gallic tribes; the Trocmi, Tolistobogii and Tectosages. These tribes split of from the great celtic migration into Macedonia led by Brennus and arrived in Asia Minor after plundering their way through Thrace under Lutarios and Leonnorios. They crossed into Asia minor as mercenaries for Zipoites II of bithynia in the conflict with his brother after assisting Zipoites they made several plundering excursions before being defeated in battle by the Seleucids. After which they settled establishing themself as a military aristocracy in the region that would be called Galatia from then onwards, leaving the local cappadocians in control of their towns and most of their lands whilst paying tithes to the Galatians. They are fresh arrivals and have already made a name for themselves as fierce warriors, respected and feared they often plunder their neighbors and serve as mercenaries in nearly all great battles, untill now their plundering has gone unchecked and it seems they only need a visionary leader to bring them to greatnes, perhaps even an empire! Historically their raiding across asia minor went unchecked for more than a generation untill they sided with a renegade Seleucid prince, Antiochus Hierax, against a Greek federation led by Attalus of Pergamon. Suffering severe defeats they were forced to confine themselves to Galatia. The famous statue the Dying Gaul is a depiction of a galation warrior and is a prime example of the respect given to the galatian skill at arms even in defeat.
The Lusitani were a set of pre-Roman Iberians of Indo-European inhabitants of the western portion of the Iberian Peninsula since the age of iron. In 29 BC, following the Roman invasion to which long resisted, the Roman province of Lusitania was created within their territories, accounting for much of current Portugal. The ancestors of the Lusitani comprised a mosaic of different tribes that inhabited Portugal since the Neolithic period. No one knows for certain the origin of these Celtic tribes, but most likely were from the Swiss Alps and had migrated due to warmer climate in the Iberian Peninsula. Partially amalgamated with the invading Celts, they gave rise to the Lusitani. People or tribes that comprised the Lusitano (Lusitani) as described in the Bridge of Alcantara (CIL II 760): Igaeditani, Lancienses Oppidani, Tapori, Coilarni or Colarni, Lancienses Transcudani, Arava, Meidubrigenses, Arabrigenses, and Paesures. Livy (218 BC) describes the Lusitano first as mercenaries in the service of the Carthaginians in the war against the Romans. The Lusitani were regarded by historians as skilled in guerrilla warfare. They were young individuals in the fullness of his strength and agility and selected from among the strongest. Therein lies the key to defense of the community when it is threatened. The military training of young warriors in the mountains took place in specific places. "In wartime they march observing time and measure, and sing hymns (paeans) when they are ready to invest on the enemy."
Massilia is a colony of Ionian Greeks founded in 600 BC as one of the first ports (likely even before the Greeks) in western europe. According to the story the greek Protis was invited by king Nannus of the Segobridges to a banquet at which his daughter, Gyptis, was to choose a spouse. To everyones surprise she chose Protis and the King gave them the land where Massilia would be founded. After Nannus' death his son saw the city as a threat and planned to sneak into the city and kill all within, again it was love between a relative of the king and a young Greek that brought fortune to the city as this relative warned the city and the plot was foiled with the death of the king and the conspirators. The city prospered and even started colonies of its own in southern Gaul and sailors from Massilia are rumored to have even travelled to the western coast of Africa. This feat is contributed to a citizen name Pythias who also wrote a book "On the Ocean" in which he details his travels along the british Isles and it is possible he even went as far as Iceland. In its history Massilia has come in conflict with the locals but also Carthage and proved itself a dominant player in the region. Profiting greatly from exporting Roman goods to Gaul and slaves and goods to Rome as well as sharing Rome's enemies Massilia is a friend to Rome as Rome is to her. Now with conflict on the horizon they share an enemy with Rome in the Etruscans and possibly Carthage and she might need to call upon the protection of Rome or perhaps she will find strength within herself and become a truly great player amongst the great powers.
Nervii were one of the most powerful Belgic tribes; living in the north of Gaul at the time of its conquest by Rome. Their territory corresponds to the central part of modern Belgium, including Brussels, and stretched southwards into French Hainault. During their 1st century BC Roman military campaign, Caesar's contacts among the Remi stated that the Nervii were the most warlike of the Belgae, and very distant. In times of war, they were known to trek long distances to take part. Being one of the northern Belgic tribes, with the Menapii to the west, and the Eburones to their east, they were considered by Caesar to be relatively uncorrupted by civilization. The territory of the Nervii had its western and northwestern border on the Scheldt (French Escaut) river and stretched in the south through Hainaut to the forests of Arrouaise and Thiérache. To the east, the boundaries are not clear but it has been proposed that they stretched as far as the Dyle river valley in the north, near Louvain, and the Meuse in the south in modern Wallonia, near Namur. An oppidum near Asse may have belonged to them but it is isolated and near to the territory of the Menapii. The bigger concentration of population is in the south of the territory, near the river Sambre with the biggest being at Avesnelles, near Avesnes-sur-Helpe. Caesar names some smaller tribes who were expected to contribute troops to Nervian forces, Levaci, Pleumoxii, Geidumni, Ceutrones, and Grudii, but their locations are unknown. Julius Caesar considered the Nervii to be the most warlike of the Belgic tribes, and that the Belgic tribes were the bravest in Gaul. He says that their culture was a Spartan one: they would not partake of alcoholic beverages or any other such luxury, feeling that the mind must remain clear to be brave. He also says they disliked foreign trade and had no merchant class. Archaeologists have sought to define the territories of the northern Belgic tribes by looking at the coins they used. The Nervii are associated with a stater type that uses a Greek epsilon. Remarkably, given the archaeological evidence of a Celtic La Tène culture having been present in the pre-Roman past, Caesar reports that the Nervii had no cavalry. In fact they established hedges throughout their lands in order to make them difficult for cavalry. The Nervii were part of the Belgic alliance that resisted Julius Caesar in 57 BC. After the alliance broke up and some tribes surrendered, the Nervii, under the command of Boduognatus and aided by the Atrebates and Viromandui, came very close to defeating Caesar (the Atuatuci had also agreed to join them but had not yet arrived). At the battle of the Sabis (now identified as the river Selle, near modern Saulzoir; previously identified as the Sambre), in 57 BC, they concealed themselves in the forests and attacked the approaching Roman column at the river. Their attack was so quick and unexpected that some of the Romans didn't have time to take the covers off their shields or even put on their helmets. The element of surprise briefly left the Romans exposed. However Caesar grabbed a shield, made his way to the front line, and quickly organised his forces; at the same time, the commander of the tenth legion, Titus Labienus, attacked the Nervian camp. The two legions who had been guarding the baggage train at the rear arrived and helped to turn the tide of the battle. Caesar says the Nervii were almost annihilated in the battle and is effusive in his tribute to their bravery, calling them "heroes". When Ambiorix and the Eburones rebelled in 53 BC, the remaining Nervii joined the uprising and besieged Quintus Tullius Cicero – brother of the orator – and his legion in their winter camp until they were relieved by Caesar in person. The Nervian civitas was at Bagacum. The city was founded probably outside the traditional Nervian territory and is now known as Bavay. The forum has been excavated. The town was founded in c.30 BC and rapidly became a center of Roman civilization. Towns belonging to the Nervian territory were Fanum Martis (Famars), and Geminiacum (Liberchies). The Nervians were well known for the export of grain; an interesting tombstone of a frumentarius was excavated as far away as Nijmegen. They also produced ceramics (terra nigra). Inscriptions found on artifacts recovered at Rough Castle Fort along the Antonine Wall across the Central Belt of Scotland indicate that in the 2nd century the fort was the base for 500 men of the Sixth Cohort of Nervii, an infantry unit. According to Tacitus, the Nervians also served in cohorts based along the Rhine border. After the disastrous attacks by the Franks in 275, a new civitas was built at Camaracum (Cambrai). In 432 the country of the Nervians was officially taken over by the Franks. Their king Childeric I was buried in Tournai. The medieval Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cambrai continued to cover the same approximate area as the Roman civitas until 1559. The Nervii and Menapii are the main subjects of the comic book Asterix in Belgium. In it, a competition between the Belgians and the Gauls from Armorica takes place to decide who was the bravest under the unlikely adjudication of Julius Caesar.
The Odrysian Kingdom was a union of Thracian tribes that endured between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. It consisted largely of present-day Bulgaria, spreading to parts of Northern Dobruja, parts of Northern Greece and modern-day European Turkey. King Seuthes III later moved the capital to Seuthopolis. The Odrysians were one of the most powerful Thracian tribes that dwelled in the plain of the Hebrus river. This would place the tribe in the modern border area between Southeastern Bulgaria, Norteastern Greece and European Turkey, centered around the city of Edirne. The river Artescus passed through their land as well. Xenophon writes that the Odrysians held horse races and drank large amounts of wine after the burial of their dead warriors. Thucydides writes on their custom, practised by most Thracians, of giving gifts for getting things done. Herodotus is the first that mentions the Odrysae. Thrace had nominally been part of the Persian empire since 516 BC and was re-subjugated by Mardonius in 492 BC. The Odrysian state was the first Thracian kingdom that acquired power in the region, by the unification of many Thracian tribes under a single ruler, King Teres in the 5th century BC. Initially, during the reign of Teres or Sitalces the state was at its zenith and extended from the Black Sea to the east, Danube to the north, the region populated with the tribe called Triballi to the north-west, and the basin of the river Strymon to the south-west and towards the Aegean. Later its extent changed from present day Bulgaria, Turkish Thrace and Greece between the Hebrus and the Strymon except for the coastal strip the Greek cities occupied. Sovereignty was never exercised over all of its lands as it varied in relation to tribal politics. This large territory was populated with a number of Thracian and Daco-Moesian tribes that united under the reign of a common ruler, and began to implement common internal and external policies. Those were favorable conditions for overcoming the tribal divisions which could lead gradually to the formation of a more stable ethnic community.
Pergamon was an ancient Greek city in Aeolis, currently located 26 kilometres from the Aegean Sea on a promontory on the north side of the river Caicus. Today, the main sites of ancient Pergamon are to the north and west of the modern city of Bergama in Turkey. Some ancient authors regarded it as a colony of the Arcadians, but the various origin stories all belong to legend. The Greek historians reconstructed a complete history for it due to confusion with the distant Teuthrania. It became the capital of the Kingdom of Pergamon during the Hellenistic period, under the Attalid dynasty, 281–133 BC. Pergamon is cited in the Book of Revelation as one of the seven churches of Asia. Pergamon is mentioned for the first time by Xenophon. Captured by Xenophon in 399 and immediately recaptured by the Persians, it was severely punished in 362 after a revolt. It did not become important until Lysimachus, King of Thrace, took possession, 301 BC, but soon after his lieutenant Philetaerus enlarged the town, the Kingdom of Thrace collapsed and it became the capital of the new kingdom of Pergamon which Philetaerus founded in 281, beginning the Attalid dynasty. In 261 he bequeathed his possessions to his nephew Eumenes I (263-241 BC), who increased them greatly, leaving as heir his cousin Attalus I (241-197 BC). The Attalids were among the most loyal supporters of Rome in the Hellenistic world. Under Attalus I (241–197 BC), they allied with Rome against Philip V of Macedon, during the first and second Macedonian Wars, and again under Eumenes II (197–158 BC), against Perseus of Macedon, during the Third Macedonian War. For support against the Seleucids, the Attalids were rewarded with all the former Seleucid domains in Asia Minor. As a consequence of its rise to power, the city was greatly expanded. When Attalus III (138–133 BC) died without an heir in 133 BC, he bequeathed the whole of Pergamon to Rome, in order to prevent a civil war. Not everyone in Pergamon accepted Rome's rule. Aristonicus, who claimed to be Attalus' brother as well as the son of Eumenes II, an earlier king, led a revolt among the lower classes with the help of Blossius. The revolt was put down in 129 BC, and Pergamon was divided among Rome, Pontus, and Cappadocia. Pergamon was briefly the capital of the Roman province of Asia, before the capital was transferred to Ephesus. After a slow decline, the city was favoured by several imperial initiatives under Hadrian (117 - 138). It was granted the title of metropolis and as a result of this an ambitious building programme was carried out: massive temples, a stadium, a theatre, a huge forum and an amphitheatre were constructed. In addition, at the city limits the shrine to Asclepius (the god of healing) was expanded into a lavish spa. The Sanctuary of Asclepius grew in fame and was considered one of the most famous therapeutic and healing centers of the Roman world. Galen, after Hippocrates the most famous physician of antiquity, was born at Pergamon and received his early training at the Asclepeion. Pergamon reached the height of its greatness under Roman Imperial rule and was home to about 200,000 inhabitants.
Syracuse is a historic city in Sicily and is notable for its rich Greek history, culture, amphitheatres, architecture, and as the birthplace of the preeminent mathematician and engineer Archimedes. This 2,700-year-old city played a key role in ancient times, when it was one of the major powers of the Mediterranean world. Syracuse is located in the southeast corner of the island of Sicily, right by the Gulf of Syracuse next to the Ionian Sea. The city was founded by Ancient Greek Corinthians and Teneans and became a very powerful city-state. Syracuse was allied with Sparta and Corinth, exerting influence over the entire Magna Graecia area of which it was the most important city. Once described by Cicero as "the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of them all", it later became part of the Roman Republic and Byzantine Empire. A democratic government was installed by Timoleon in 345 BC. The long series of internal struggles had weakened Syracuse's power on the island, and Timoleon tried to remedy this, defeating the Carthaginians in 339 BC near the Krimisos river. But the struggle among the city's parties restarted after his death and ended with the rise of another tyrant, Agathocles, who seized power with a coup in 317 BC. He resumed the war against Carthage, with alternate fortunes. However he scored a moral success, bringing the war to the Carthaginians' native African soil, inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. The war ended with another treaty of peace which did not prevent the Carthaginians interfering in the politics of Syracuse after the death of Agathocles (289 BC). The citizens called Pyrrhus of Epirus for help. After a brief period under the rule of Epirus, Hiero II seized power in 275 BC. Hiero inaugurated a period of 50 years of peace and prosperity, in which Syracuse became one of the most renowned capitals of Antiquity. He issued the so-called Lex Hieronica, which was later adopted by the Romans for their administration of Sicily; he also had the theatre enlarged and a new immense altar, the "Hiero's Ara", built. Under his rule lived the most famous Syracusan, the mathematician and natural philosopher Archimedes. Among his many inventions were various military engines including the claw of Archimedes, later used to resist the Roman siege of 214 BC–212 BC. Literary figures included Theocritus and others. Hiero's successor, the young Hieronymus (ruled from 215 BC), broke the alliance with the Romans after their defeat at the Battle of Cannae and accepted Carthage's support. The Romans, led by consul Marcus Claudius Marcellus, besieged the city in 214 BC. The city held out for three years, but fell in 212 BC. The successes of the Syracusians in repelling the Roman siege had made them overconfident. In 212 BC, the Romans received information that the city's inhabitants were to participate in the annual festival to their goddess Artemis. A small party of Roman soldiers approached the city under the cover of night and managed to scale the walls to get into the outer city and with reinforcements soon took control, killing Archimedes in the process, but the main fortress remained firm. After an eight-month siege and with parleys in progress, an Iberian captain named Moeriscus is believed to have let the Romans in near the Fountains of Arethusa. On the agreed signal, during a diversionary attack, he opened the gate. After setting guards on the houses of the pro-Roman faction, Marcellus gave Syracuse to plunder.
The Cantabri were a pre-Roman Celtic people which lived in the northern Atlantic coastal region of ancient Hispania known for their fierce independence.
The Getae or Gets are names given to several Thracian tribes inhabiting the regions to either side of the Lower Danube, in what is today northern Bulgaria and southern Romania.
The legendary founder of Hayasdan was Hayk, a chieftain who called on his kinsmen to unite into a single nation, thus forming Hayasdan or Armenia. Ararat was the mountain around which was centered Urartu and subsequent kingdoms, and is still considered sacred by the Armenians. For now your greatest enemies will be Seleucids and Pontus. After the destruction of the Seleucid Empire, a Hellenistic Armenian state was founded in 190 BC. It was a Hellenistic Greek successor state of Alexander the Great's short-lived empire, with Artaxias becoming its first king and the founder of the Artaxiad dynasty (190 BC – AD 1). At the same time, a western portion of the kingdom split as a separate state under Zariadris. The new kings began a program of expansion which was to reach its zenith a century later. Their acquisitions are summarized by Strabo. Zariadris acquired Acilisene and the "country around the Antitaurus", possibly the district of Muzur or west of the Euphrates. Artaxias took lands from the Medes, Iberians, and Syrians. He then had confrontations with Pontus, Seleucid Syria and Cappadocia, and was included in the treaty which followed the victory of a group of Anatolian kings over Pharnaces of Pontus in 181 BC. Pharnaces thus abandoned all of his gains in the west. At its zenith, from 95 to 66 BC, Greater Armenia extended forming the second Armenian empire. For a time, Armenia was one of the most powerful states in the Roman East. It eventually confronted the Roman Republic in a war, which it lost in 66 BC, but nonetheless preserved its sovereignty. Tigranes continued to rule Armenia as an ally of Rome until his death in 55 BC.
The Masaesyli were a North African tribe of western Numidia who provided mercenaries to Carthage. They initially sided with Rome during the Second Punic Wars. However, the tribe eventually sided with Carthage in that conflict.
Weapon Initiative
Weapon Deadliness
Weapon Damage
The probability a weapon has to strike first (weapon range)
How powerful the weapon is in a close quarter fight
The base damage caused by the weapon
Cycled Line||This unit automatically switches lines during combat to lower fatigue
Throw Pila (medium)||Orders the unit to throw their Pila towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Pila when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Pila (heavy)||Orders the unit to throw their Pila towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Pila when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Javelin (long range)||The unit throws its Javelins towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Javelins when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Javelin (light)||The unit throws its Javelins towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Javelins when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Javelin (medium)||The unit throws its Javelins towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Javelins when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Javelin (heavy)||The unit throws its Javelins towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Javelins when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Throw Pila (light)||Orders the unit to throw their Pila towards a spot [[col:green]]causing damage to everyone in the area of effect[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: you cannot throw Pila when you are inside a formation[[/col]]
Cantabrian Circle||The unit fires whilst riding in a circle that [col:green]]makes harder to being hit and increases reload skill[[/col]]
Chant||The Druids begins to intone an ancient and mystical chant that [[col:green]]improves the morale and effectiveness in combat of any friendly units[[/col]] within the area of influence
Battle Rhythm||The General starts to dictate the rhythm of the fight making every unit within the area of influence [[col:green]]gradually increase combat skill for an extended period of time[[col:green]] but at the end of the effect the unit will experience [[col:red]]great exertion[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: This ability can literally turn the tide of the battle, however you have only one use of it so employ it well![[/col]]
Brace||The General urge friendly units to brace for impact to [[col:green]]improve the unit strength against cavalry for a short time[[/col]]
Improved Inspire||The General begins an inspiring speech that [[col:green]]improves the melee/ranged skill of all nearby units for an extended period of time[[/col]]
Inspire||The General begins an inspiring speech that [[col:green]]improves the melee/ranged skill of all nearby units for an extended period of time[[/col]]
Into the Breach||The General urges all nearby units to assume an agressive stance that [[col:green]]increases the charge and damage bonus potential [[/col]] in view of the imminent fight
Push||The achievements of the General causes awe and fear so that [[col:red]]all enemy units nearby fight much worse for an extented period of time[[/col]]
Raise Banner||The General's Banner is raised for everyone to see and this [[col:green]]improves the army's defence for an extended period of time[[/col]]
Rally||The General rallies troops around and [[col:green]]greatly improves the morale of those within the area of influence[[/col]]
Rally & Inspire||The General rallies and inspires troops around and [[col:green]]greatly improves the morale and figthing skill of those within the area of influence[[/col]]
Second Wind||The General asks for a supreme act of will from his army and [[col:green]]units nearby will not feel fatigue for an extended period of time[[/col]] but when the adrenaline surge ends [[col:red]]units will be exhausted[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: This ability if used at the right time can make the difference between win and defeat, so use it wisely[[/col]]
Improved Second Wind||The General asks for a supreme act of will from his army and [[col:green]]units nearby will not feel fatigue for an extended period of time[[/col]] but when the adrenaline surge ends [[col:red]]units will be exhausted[[/col]]
The Fear||The crudelty and violence of this General causes fear in all enemies nearby so that they [[col:red]]cannot use special abilities for a short period[[/col] unitl the effect of the panic ends
Intimidate||The crudelty and violence of this General causes fear in all enemies nearby so that they [[col:red]]cannot use special abilities for a long period[[/col], until the effect of the panic ends
War Cry||The honor and strength of the General [[col:red]]reduces enemies morale for a short time[[/col]]
Improved War Cry||The honor and strength of the General [[col:red]]reduces enemies morale for a long time[[/col]]
Cavalry Testudo||The unit to raise shields in a defensive formation and [[col:green]]become almost invulnerable to missile damage[[/col]] but while in the formation is [[col:red]]unable to move[[/col]]
Diamond||The unit moves into a diamond-shaped attack formation.
[[col:green]]Bonus vs. Cavalry, Speed[[/col]]
[[col:red]]Penalty vs. infantry[[/col]]
Flying Wedge||The Cavalry unit assumes a wedge formation that [[col:green]]greatly increases charge bonus and shock capability[[/col]]
Hollow Square||The unit forms an hollow square formation to [[col:green]]cover all four sides and improve attack and defense[[/col]] but renders itself [[col:red]]weak against charges, especially Cavalry ones and unable to move[[/col]]
Hoplite Phalanx||The unit moves into a deadly Phalanx formation becoming [[col:green]]very strong from the front while reducing fatigue[[/col]] but [[col:red]]slow and easily flanked[[/col]]
Fulcum (Repel Cavalry)||The unit forms a wall with shields and spears that [[col:green]]increases bracing and enhances ability to fight against cavalry[[/col]] but while in the formation the unit [[col:red]]can't move[[/col]]
Pike Phalanx||The unit moves into a deep and close Pike Phalanx formation becoming [[col:green]]unassailable from the front and lowering fatigue[[/col]] but [[col:red]]easily flanked and if the formation breaks the unit is exposed[[/col]]
Fulcum (Repel Cavalry)||The unit reforms in a square and switches to Pila as primary weapon to [[col:green]]greatly enhance capability to fight against cavalry[[/col]] however the unit while in this formation [[col:red]] cannot move[[/col]]
[[col:yellow]]NOTE: The formation requires having Pilum to work so If you employ all of them as missile weapons the formation will be disabled[[/col]]
Shield Square||The unit closes in a square formation that [[col:green]]increases armor/defense and reduces fatigue[[/col]] but while in it the unit has [[col:red]]reduced movement speed[[/col]]
Testudo||The unit assumes a tortoise formation making itself [[col:green]]nearly impenetrable to missile damage[[/col]] but while in formation the unit has [[col:red]]no attack potential[[/col]]
Defensive Testudo||The unit assumes a tortoise formation making itself [[col:green]]nearly impenetrable to missile damage[[/col]] but while in formation the unit has [[col:red]]no attack potential[[/col]]
Wedge||The unit moves into a wedge-shaped attack formation that [[col:green]]increases charge bonus and shock capability[[/col]] but renders it [[col:red]]easier to attack from the flanks[[/col]]
Phalanx (Shield Wall)||The unit interlocks shields in a defensive formation that [[col:green]]increases armor/defense and reduces fatigue[[/col]] but while in it the unit has [[col:red]]reduced movement speed, weakness against missiles and flanking attempts[[/col]]
Hoplite Phalanx||The unit interlocks shields in a close defensive formation becoming [[col:green]]very strong from the front while reducing fatigue[[/col]] but while in this formation the unit has [[col:red]]reduced movement speed, weakness against missiles and flanking attempts[[/col]]
(Aethiopian Cavalry).
Armed with javelins, these Aethopian cavalrymen to unprepared opponents.
(Aethiopian Swordsmen).
The cunningly curved sword of these warriors does terrible damage in their hands.
(African Elephants).
These powerful beasts plough through enemy lines with terrifying force.
Even the smallest pebble is dangerous in the right hands.
Tribes are swift, deadly warriors with javelins and swords.
(African Archers on Elephants).
The hugely intimidating creatures are trained to charge and trample the enemy.
There are legends about Amazonian prowess with the bow for very good reasons.
Amazonian chariot archers can strike quickly and withdraw before any response is possible.
Camels stink, scare horses with that stink, and make excellent mounts for aggressive cavalrymen.
(African Elephants).
All creatures must serve in Roman wars.
(Sabean Spearmen).
A spearman at home in the desert has his uses.
(Arabian Bow Camelry).
A useful force of archers, if only for their ability to upset ordinary cavalry horses!
(Arabian Spear Camelry).
These desert riders are hardy fighters, and the stench of their camels unnerves horses.
(Arabian Cavalry).
The desert does not allow fools or cowards to live for long.
(Arabian Spearmen).
Gold buys desert guile, and some familiarity with the spear.
(Baktrian Spearmen).
Armed with javelins and axes, these hardy hill people can trouble an enemy.
(Baktrian Cavalry).
The men are tough hill stock, and handy in a close-quarters fight.
(Brythonic Cavalry).
Light horsemen are always useful as a general's eyes and ears.
(Brythonic Slingers).
A good slinger is worth his weight in slingstones, many times over.
(Brythonic Spearmen).
It is honourable to take Roman gold, and carry a spear into battle.
(Auxiliary Cavalry).
Skilled in close combat, these cavalrymen are also well protected.
(Celtic Axemen).
In the hands of a loyal auxiliaries, axes have a charm all of their own.
(Celtic Cavalry).
No Roman general would refuse able cavalry able to fight and scout.
(Celtic Javelinmen).
Even the humblest skirmishers can serve Rome in need.
(Celtic Swordsmen).
A Celt may swing a longsword for Rome, and remain a Celt.
(Dacian Bowmen).
Bowmen will always find a use, no matter their quality.
(Dacian Cavalry).
While not renowned as horsemen, Dacians can still set spears and charge.
(Dacian Spearmen).
Within their limitations, a Roman commander can always find use for spearmen.
(Cappadocian Cavalry).
No ambitious Roman commander ignores a force of competent cavalrymen.
(Iranian Spearmen).
Resentment of others can make anyone fight hard, even for Rome.
(Iranian Cavalry).
Any Roman general finds mounted skirmishers useful from time to time.
(Iranian Javelinmen).
These javelin-armed troops skirmish ahead of the main line, weakening the enemy's resolve.
Romans are not fools, and will not turn away good auxiliaries because they use axes.
(Egyptian Bowmen).
Archers can strike down the enemies of Rome at a distance.
(Egyptian Swordsmen).
The sons of the desert can be of useful service to Rome.
(Gallic Cavalry).
A good Roman commander can use light cavalry who are useful in fight.
(Gallic Swordsmen).
A Gaul may skillfully swing a longsword for Rome, and remain a Gaul.
(Germanic Bowmen).
An arrow shot in Rome's service is always a good thing.
(Germanic Cavalry).
A Roman army needs cunning troops to be its eyes and ears.
(Germnaic Spearmen).
Germans are still fierce and formidable, even in Roman uniforms.
(Greek Cavalry).
These loyal auxuiliaries are a useful cavalry force to have under a general's hand.
(Cretan Bowmen).
Give a Cretan a bow, and he will conquer in the name of Rome.
(Greek Hoplite).
Even Romans recognise the manly virtues embodied in the phalanx.
(Greek Peltasts).
A good Roman commander knows the value of a screen of skirmishers.
(Rhodian Slingers).
Few can match the deadly accuracy of the men of Rhodes.
(Tarantine Cavalry).
Good, skilled horsemen will always find a place in the ranks of the Roman Army.
Heavy lancers should have a charm all of their own for a victory-hungry Roman leader.
(Balearic Slingers).
If a target can be seen, the sling stone is already on its way.
(Cantabrian Cavalry).
These master skirmishers can harry an enemy unit to breaking point, and its death.
(Iberian Cavalry).
These auxiliaries are a flexible force of cavalry for any Roman army.
These Iberians are well able to serve Rome in the front of a battle line.
(Iberian Slingers).
A stone cast for Rome can be as deadly as any other.
(Iberian Caetra-Bearers).
Javelins and swords make these Iberians a worthy addition to the Roman battle line.
(Illyrian Cavalry).
Romans are infantrymen; it makes sense, then, to use whatever auxiliary cavalry can be found.
(Illyrian Axemen).
Good axemen should always have a place in the armies of Rome.
(Indian Elephants).
Even the most exotic and temperamental of beasts can be made to serve the will of the Senate!
(Auxiliary Spearmen).
Able soldiers, well schooled in war, and eager to serve Rome.
(Allied Italian Chosen Cavalry).
These heavy cavalry can give an excellent account of themselves in close combat.
(Allied Italian Cavalry).
Excellent horsemen and a valuable striking force to a bold commander.
(Numidian Cavalry).
Numidians are expert mounted skirmishers, able to strike and withdraw quickly.
(Numidian Javelinmen).
These skirmishers can harass an enemy battleline, or keep enemy skirmishers at bay.
(Parthian Cavalry).
No Roman commander worth his salt ignores the possibilties of horse archers.
(Parthian Spearmen).
Spearmen do not need to be skilled or well paid to die for Rome.
(Persian Bowmen).
Deadly archers remain deadly, even when they wear another's colours.
(Persian Cavalry).
A wise Roman commander recognises cavalry talent, and values it.
Beyond all brotherhood, the hoplite fights for his brothers in the phalanx.
(Sarmatian Cataphract Lancers).
These armoured lancers can be the sharp point of a Roman general's bloody spear!
(Sarmatian Bow Cavalry).
Sarmatians in the service of Rome are good Sarmatians, and worthy of their salt.
(Sarmatian Lancers).
Enemy guts spitted by a lance are a good thing for any Roman commander.
(Scythian Cavalry).
Scythians who pull a bow for Rome and strike down her enemies are worthy warriors.
(Allied Italian Chosen Infantry).
For close-quarter fighting, these men admit no equals: a boast, perhaps, but one born of pride.
(Allied Italian Infantry).
These troops throw spears at the enemy, and then close to settle matters with the sword.
(Syrian Bowmen).
The chance to strike down Rome's enemies at a distance should be embraced, always.
(Thracian Cavalry).
Those who fling javelins in the service of Rome do so with the blessings of Jupiter!
(Thracian Javelinmen).
Light infantrymen, able to move swiftly to counter the enemy, are a useful tool for a Roman general.
(Baktrian Hillmen).
Hillmen are hardy and unforgiving, if a little ill-disciplined as soldiers.
(Baktrian Sharpshooters).
A hard life in on Bactrian plains kills the weak before they ever see battle.
(Baktrian Cavalry).
Hillmen expect little quarter, and offer none, in close combat.
(Baktrian Noble Cavalry).
Bactrians are born with a spear in one hand, and a shield in the other.
(Baktrian Peltasts).
A life in the hills gives a man all the fighting skills he will ever need.
(Baktrian Hoplite of the Royal Guard).
The phalanx of the royal guards is a capable force, not a court regiment.
(Baktrian Hoplite).
These scale-armoured hoplites are well protected, and have good skill-at-arms.
Tough warships, constructed to take on the worst of seas, for harrying the enemy.
(Brythonic Hidden Warriors).
Unexpected warriors, with javelins and swords, are useful to any warlord.
There is much to recommend a weapon that kills at such a splendid range.
(Brythonic Chariots).
War chariots, used with skill, can break ordered ranks of infantry.
(Brythonic Drudic Nobles).
Druids inspire by their magical presence, and are formidable warriors themselves.
(Brythonic Mob).
The man who takes up arms to defend his family and land is not without honour.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
Foreign ideas can be most useful, especially when impaling enemies.
(Brythonic Hero Swords).
Those of the blood must purchase their nobility with enemy lives.
(Brythonic Hero Cavalry).
Brave to the point of foolhardiness, these warriors are the heroes of their tribe.
(Giant Onager).
A large onager gives most men a sense of superiority.
Britons with an onager are rightly considered to be something of a danger to their enemies.
(Brythonic Painted Warriors).
Inhumanly decorated, and inhumanly savage, these men are dangerous indeed.
Scorpions are cruel weapons, and delightful when turned on the enemy.
(Brythonic Scout Cavalry).
The cavalrymen can range across the field, and seek out enemy weaknesses.
(Brythonic Spear Warriors).
Spears are simple weapons, but deadly in the right hands.
(Brythonic Sword Warriors).
To carry a sword is to be a warrior's warrior and brave among the brave.
(Brythonic Veteran Cavalry).
These horsemen have seen combat, and do not flinch in the face of danger.
(African Pikemen).
These armoured pikemen form a powerful phalanx that can push back enemies.
What better way is there to strike down the enemies of Ba'al Hammon?
(Carthaginian Cavalry).
These excellent horsemen can punch through an enemy line, inflicting terrible casualties in the process.
(Carthaginian Citizen Militia).
These citizens-in-arms will do their best, but they need stiffening with trained warriors.
(Carthaginian General's Bodybuard).
A great general knows when to lead from the front.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
Reach out and touch someone. With a massive bolt right through the sternum.
(Carthaginian Hoplite).
The sons of Carthage are men worthy of the name hoplite
(Giant Onager).
Artillery gives Ba'al Hammon's fists to the truly faithful.
(Carthaginian Heavy Hoplite).
It is an honour for the sons of Carthage to fight in phalanx with their brothers-in-arms.
(Libyan Heavy Hoplite).
There is a discipline in the advance of a phalanx that eludes lesser men.
(Libyan Hoplite).
There is honour and tradition in defending one's home as a hoplite.
(Libyan Infantry).
To take up arms for Carthage is to defend hearth, home and faith.
(Libyan Javelinmen).
Javelin-armed skirmishers harry an enemy before the main battle is joined.
(Libyan Peltasts).
It takes skill to skirmish well, and fight hard.
(Carthaginian Mob).
The common people, armed and defending what is theirs, can help in battle.
(Carthaginian Noble Cavalry).
These men are the social elite of Carthage, and capable of shattering enemy lines with a powerful charge.
Walls are scant defence against the constant kicking of a wild ass!
(Automatic Bolt-Thrower).
The polybolos gives men the chance to match the gods in cruelty.
(Holy Infantry / Sacred Band).
The best and bravest of Carthage trained to fight as hoplites.
A steel-tipped bolt can deliver Ba'al Hammon's displeasure over great distances.
(Axe Warriors).
In the hands of skilled men, axes are terrifying weapons.
War is not always about glory. Sometimes it is simply about killing the enemy.
(Chosen Spear Warriors).
Chainmail does not chill a warrior's heart, or still his lust for battle.
(Chosen Sword Warriors).
These men fight with proven bravery and well-honed skill-at-arms.
(Fierce Swords)
Once he has earned it, a Celt will only be parted from his longsword by death itself.
(Galatian Legionaries)
The Celts have taught the Romans more than they're prepared to admit, but this is a two-way street.
(Galatian Noble Spearmen).
War is the test of a man; these spear-armed warriors are always ready for the test.
(Galatian Spear Warriors).
Armed with javelins and spears, these men are a formidable force in battle.
(Galatian Sword Warriors).
Armed with javelins and swords, these men can give a good account of themselves.
(Gallic Hunters)
The skills of the hunt, hiding and a sudden strike, are the skills of a warrior.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
While impaling an enemy at huge distances may lack honour, it is extremely satisfying.
(Heavy Cavalry).
A charge from these heavy cavalry can break even resolute defenders.
(Giant Onager).
There is little to be said against the idea of throwing heavy objects at enemies.
(Free Warriors).
The chance to win glory and position makes these men fierce opponents.
(Light Cavalry).
The capable mounted skirmishers are a useful force for keeping an enemy at bay.
(Naked Swords).
A true warrior does not need armour. He is protected by the gods.
(Naked Warriors).
The blessing of the gods is armour enough for any warrior.
(Noble Cavalry).
These aristocrats can afford the best of armour and weaponry, making them a formidable force.
(Faithful Guards).
Great and terrible oaths should be kept, in blood and by the sword.
While generals sneer at enemy onagers, their soldiers do not.
(War Dogs).
Ferocious animals, trained to rip out men's throats to break any resistance.
The scorpion has a vicious, long-range sting.
(Shortsword Warriors).
Brave, but unskilled, these men will fight and die for the tribe's honour.
(Javelin Warriors).
Even the poorest of the tribe can fight for the tribe's honour and glory.
(Sling Warriors).
These slingers, eager for glory in battle, are highly effective skirmishers.
(Spear Nobles).
Nobility has a price, to be paid in blood, spear in hand, unflinching before the enemy.
(Spear Warriors).
A warrior grasps the spear firmly, so that it does not shake in his hand.
(Sword Followers)
Where a lord commands, the sword is thrust.
While ill-disciplined, these men are ferocious fighters in search of honour.
(Veteran Spears)
Battle hardens the sinews and the heart, and deafens the ear to the cries of cowards.
(Sword Warriors).
There is a deep savagery in these warrior's hearts, a delight in battle for its own sake.
(Youth Javelinmen).
These young men seek battle to enhance their status and to gain experience.
(Dacian Heavy Spearmen).
Well armoured, and hard-hearted, these Dacians are useful spearmen.
Ballista bolt or falx? Does it matter how an enemy dies?
(Dacian Bow Cavalry).
Horse archers should never be underestimated: enemies always respect them.
(Dacian Bowmen).
Any lack of skill is hidden behind a typical Dacia belligerence.
(Dacian Falxmen).
Falxmen give all enemies pause: who wants to be cut in two with a single blow?
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
An enemy impaled is no longer a threat to Dacian glory.
(Dacian Heavy Skirmishers)
These skirmishers can pepper the enemy with javelins, but should avoid close combat.
(Dacian Chosen Spearmen).
A solid line of spears will keep enemies at a respectful distance.
(Giant Onager).
An onager lacks the subtlety of a falx, but it still hurts the enemy.
(Dacian Noble Cavalry).
These noblemen are well able to smash an enemy line, given the chance to charge.
(Dacian Noble Spearmen).
These nobles are as solid in defence as the mountains of their homelands.
(Dacian Noble Swords)
These nobles will go forwards without a second thought, to victory or death.
What use a helmet when an onager fires at you?
Honest falx-work or scorpion bolt: it makes no difference as long as the enemy dies.
(Dacian Javelinmen).
These skirmishers are used to plague an enemy line with repeated volleys of javelins.
(Dacian Cavalry).
The cavalrymen can do worthwhile damage if they get in amongst the enemy.
(Dacian Spearmen).
These spearmen have some training, and are a reasonably capable force.
(Dacian Drafted-Spearmen).
Even the lowliest of Dacians can carry a spear into battle for his people.
(Dacian Tribal Infantry).
Every Dacian fights for his chance in battle, no matter how slim.
(Iranian Foot Bowmen).
Weight of numbers brings its own quality to arrow fire from eastern archers.
(Iranian Heavy Cavalry Sharpshooters).
A fleet horse archer is never happier than when he has a surfeit of targets.
(Iranian Axemen).
Well protected by scale armour, these axemen also carry javelins into battle.
(Armenian Nobles).
These heavy cavalry are an elite force, deadly in battle, and loyal to the last breath.
If a man can be seen, he can be hit. If hit, killed.
(Bithynian Infantry).
These light, skirmishing axemen pose a serious threat to any lumbering enemy.
(Iranian Cataphract Camelry).
These camel-mounted lancers can break enemy lines, and disturb enemy cavalry with their stench!
(Cappadocian Cavalry).
These cavalry are very competent warriors, particularly in close combat.
(Iranian Cataphracts).
Nigh-invulnerable within their armour, these warriors are a fearsome sight.
(Persian Sharpshooters).
The bow and the spear make the man who can use them doubly dangerous.
(Iranian Spearmen).
Any spearman should make a horseman behave with a little respect.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
The inventive mind makes cruel machines very useful in battle.
(Iranian Hillmen).
Unschooled in formal warfare, these hillmen are canny fighters if used correctly.
(Iranian Bow Cavalry).
These fine mounted bowmen are excellent for harassing enemies. To death.
(Iranian Javelin Cavalry).
These horsemen are useful, swift-moving skirmishers, well able to harrass an enemy.
(Iranian Foot Javelinmen).
These skirmisher harass an enemy line with javelins, screening their comrades in the process.
(Giant Onager).
Carnage is only the start: wise targets remember urgent business elsewhere.
(Median Cavalry).
These fine cavalrymen are well able to handle themselves in the cut and thrust of melee.
(Iranian Mob).
The mob is easily roused, but fickle in its bravery and commitment to battle.
(Iranian Noble Cavalry).
These spear-armed cavalrymen fight well in close combat, making them a useful striking force.
(Iranian Lesser-Noble Cavalry).
There is an art to using the bow from horseback, in battle or on the hunt.
(Iranian Lesser-Noble Spearmen).
These heavily armoured warriors can always give a good account of themselves.
Really big rocks, thrown at the enemy, punctuate many a debating point in war.
(Parthian Bowmen).
If a Parthian can see it, he will shoot at it.
(Parthian Sharpshooters).
Leave a Parthian a bow and one eye, and he may yet conquer.
(Parthian Men-at-Arms).
Once their javelins have struck, these Parthians are able to finish off any survivors.
(Persian Cavalry).
A good cavalry charge can break the most ardent of enemies.
(Persian Men-at-Arms Kardakes).
An idea like hoplites is worth copying, even if Greek liberty weakens a man…
(Persian Bowmen).
Archers should be valued for ability to strike down a distant foe.
(Pontic Peltasts).
No target pierced by a javelin feels merely harrassed.
(Pontic Heavy Infantry).
A volley of javelins announces these men; their swords eloquently make a general's point.
(Iranian Bodyguard Cavalry).
Armoured like turtles, brave as lions, with lances as evil as wasps stings…
A man pierced through is unlikely to dispute a battle's outcome.
(Iranian Slingers).
Even giants can be humbled by nimble slingers.
(Iranian Spearmen).
Cheap spearmen are not necessarily poor spearmen.
(Syrian Bowmen).
These scale-armoured bowmen can do terrible damage to the enemy.
(Egyptian Bowmen).
All men serve the Pharaoh, to the limits of their ability, even humble bowmen.
(Egyptian Cavalry).
These spear-armed cavalrymen fight in close combat in service of the Pharaoh.
(Galatians of the Royal Guard).
Trained to fight in Celtic fashion, these mercenaries are a tough, reliable force.
(Galatian Swordsmen).
Once their javelins have been thrown, the Galatians can fight expertly in close combat.
(Egyptian Swordsmen).
Egyptians, trained for close combat, are hardy and loyal in service to a true Pharaoh.
(Egyptian Javelinmen).
The javelin is a simple, deadly weapon, even in the hands of a peasant.
(Karian Axemen).
These lightly-armoured axemen can hack their way into the flanks and rear of enemies.
(Egyptian Mob).
Armed with farm implements, the mob can distract and delay the enemy.
(Nubian Bowmen).
These bowmen are skilled enough to choose an eye to hit when they fire.
(Nubian Spearmen).
The harshest landscapes breed the toughest of men. Nubians are no exception.
(Egyptian Pikemen).
Even the humblest peasant can be trained to carry a pike into battle.
(Egyptian Slingers).
The sling is an ancient weapon; age has not made it less deadly.
Anyone who does not quail at before an octeres deserves to fill the belly of a fish.
The tribe may win little glory in its use, but a giant ballista wins many an argument.
(Greek Cavalry of the Royal Guard).
This elite heavy cavalry unit has the training and equipment to handle any battlefield encounter.
(Agrianian Peltasts).
A force of highly mobile axemen always gives a general a useful cutting edge.
(Greek Bowmen).
Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.
(Greek Aspis Companions).
The companions are an elite force, capable of great deeds if used properly.
Only a slack-jawed barbarian would not use such an efficient engine of death!
(Greek Brazen-Shield Pikemen).
In the hands of an expert, the sarissa pike is a deadly weapon.
(Greek Cavalry).
The horse-owning rich have the same rights to defend their homes as lesser men in the phalanx.
(Greek City Hoplite).
There is no prouder thing than to defend one's home city as a hoplite.
(Greek Companions).
These superb cavalrymen are an armoured fist to drive deep into an enemy's vitals.
(Greek Foot-Companions).
These elite heavy pikemen, disciplined, well-armoured, and hard-faced, are a terror to face.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
What a ballista lacks in honour it makes up in killing power.
(Greek Cataphracts).
These incredibly heavy cavalry can turn the tide of battle with their thunderous charge!
(Greek Cavalry of the Royal Guard).
These cavalrymen know themselves to be heroes to a man, and always act appropriately.
(Greek Pikemen of the Royal Guard).
Only the very best men may carry a pike in the guards and protect the king.
(Greek Helot Bowmen).
A slave can pull a bowstring as well as any free man.
(Greek Helot Javelinmen).
Even the meanest slave can throw a javelin at an enemy.
(Greek Helot Slingers).
Even the most stupid, recalcitrant slave can be taught to use a sling.
(Spartan Elite Hoplite).
If all Spartans are heroes, how awe-inspiring are their heroes?
(Greek Heavy Lancers).
These lancers have a strong charge, and can break enemies quickly.
(Greek Hoplite).
Hoplites: no other word says Greeks at war in quite the same way.
(Greek Javelinmen).
Lightly armed javelinmen, intended to harass and disrupt the enemy battle line.
(Giant Onager).
Subtlety is not an onager's strongest point. Destruction is.
(Greek Drafted-Pikemen).
It should be counted an honour to defend one's home and family with the pike.
(Greek Drafted-Thureos-Bearers).
A phalanx that can skirmish is a useful addition to a Roman general's bag of tricks.
(Greek Spear Cavalry).
A balanced army requires dashing cavalry as well as implacable infantrymen.
(Greek Light Hoplite).
Discipline is needed to carry a spear and bear a shield in the phalanx.
(Greek Light Peltasts).
These skirmishers sensibly withdraw from threats while harrassing the enemy with javelins.
(Greek Drafted-Hoplite).
Any honest citizen can take up the shield and answer to the name of hoplite.
(Greek Mob).
Mobs are like the sea: a terrible storm, or a suddenly turning tide.
The crashing arrival of a large rock does much to humble haughty enemies.
(Greek Peltasts).
These javelin-armed light infantry are used to harass slower, heavier enemy units.
(Spartan Perioikos Hoplite).
A man will fight in defence of his home, even if he is not a citizen.
(Spartan Perioikos Peltasts).
Peltasts are expert in the art of making an enemy lives miserable using javelins.
(Spartan Perioikos Pikemen).
These pikemen are a useful, and cheap, addition to the army's ranks.
(Spartan Perioikos Thureos-Bearers).
Those who dwell in the shadow of the Spartans can have martial glory of their own.
(Greek Pikemen).
This tightly pack formation of pikemen is a potent clenched fist aimed at an enemy line.
(Automatic Bolt-Thrower).
If firing one bolt at the enemy is good, many are excellent!
(Pontic Royal Cavalry).
These heavy cavalry are an excellent tool for a commander, well able to break lesser opponents.
(Ptolemaike Companions).
A keen lance, under command of keen hand and eye, can do terrible work.
(Greek Royal Peltasts).
The king's own skirmishers are an infantry force to be reckoned with.
(Spartan Royal Hoplite).
These men are Sparta's finest, strongest Spartans, and the toughest of hoplites.
(Greek Royal Heavy Swordsmen).
To fight in the Pharaoh's elite is an honourable calling.
(Greek Light Lancers).
Long spears give these cavalrymen a fearsome charge.
Cruel bolts, fired over long distances, do much to weaken an enemy's resolve.
(Greek Scythed Chariots).
The terror of a thundering charge, with flashing blades, is often enough to un-man opponents.
(Greek Shield-Bearers).
A powerful, reliable force of hoplites who can be counted on in almost any situation.
(Greek Silver-Shield Pikemen).
These Veteran pikemen are rarely matched in quality or courage on a battlefield.
(Greek Silver-Shield Swordsmen).
These veterans fight in the Roman style, and do so with fortitude.
(Greek Javelin Cavalry).
These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy.
(Greek Slingers).
Witty slingers, and all Greeks have wit, often scratch OUCH! onto their shots.
(Spartan Hoplite).
These men know nothing but war, and others are right to fear them.
(Spartan Pikemen).
These men combine Spartan traditions with Macedonian pikes to deadly effect.
(Spartan Youths).
Despite their youth, these men are a useful force in battle and skilled in war.
(Tarantine Cavalry).
These mercenary cavalrymen are rightly held in high regard for their skills.
(Thessalian Cavalry).
These superb heavy horsemen can smash through most opposition on their first charge.
(Greek Heavy Hoplite).
The phalanx is only as strong as the shield-arms of the warriors in it.
(Greek Heavy Pikemen).
A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line.
(Greek Heavy Swordsmen).
These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.
(Greek Thureos-Hoplite).
Every man protects his neighbour, and fights for him, in the phalanx.
(Greek Thureos-Bearers).
These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing spearmen.
Which eye do you want put out?
These horsemen are a versatile striking force when under the hand of a skilled commander.
The painted bodies and uncanny rituals of these men un-man opponents before any blow is struck.
Enemies do not stand for long when bombarded by ballistae bolts.
(Illyrian Cavalry).
These cavalry are a useful force if they can come to grips with their enemies.
(Illyrian Hoplite).
Bravery and brotherhood march as one in the hoplite phalanx.
(Illyrian Axemen).
These axemen can announce themselves with a shower of javelins before closing for the kill.
(Illyrian Slave Javelinmen).
These men are a skirmishing resource to be spent or squandered as their commander wishes.
(Illyrian Slave Slingers).
With the right stone even the lowliest slave can bring down a warrior.
(Illyrian Spearmen).
Levies take up arms reluctantly, but they will fight for their homes and loved ones.
(Illyrian Thureos-Beares).
Well able to pepper a foe with javelins, these warriors can fight hand-to-hand.
(Illyrian Tribal Infantry).
Bloody-mindedness in defence of tribe and family can be used in battle.
(Indian Cataphract Elephants).
Clad in scale armour, these elephants are a terrifying, almost unstoppable force.
(Indian Elephants).
War elephants are a wave of flesh, unleashed against the unwary.
(Italian Cavalry).
These cavalry will do good work at close quarters if handled correctly.
(Italian Javelinmen).
These levies are armed with javelins, and skirmish in front of a main battle line.
(Italian Slingers).
Even in the hands of levies, slings are dangerous weapons.
(Italian Mob).
Never dismiss the power of the mob: a few may die but the people live on!
(Italian Aristocratic Cavalry).
These noblemen are excellent horsemen, hot-blooded, and unfazed by setbacks.
(Italian Aristocratic Infantry).
These spearmen, drawn from the sons of the nobility, will stand and fight to the last.
(Italian Spearmen).
Angry Italians with spears should never be dismissed lightly.
(Italian Swordsmen).
Never underestimate an Italian in battle: he will smile even as he guts you.
These mounted mercenaries are a fine force for close-quarter combat.
Well-paid large men with falcatas can settle a surprisingly large number of arguments.
Good skirmishers should always be on a general's shopping list.
(Imperial Cataphract Legionaries).
Tough Roman legionaries, given improved armour for battle.
Ballistae can shoot with deadly accuracy over enemy-suprising distances.
(Mobile Bolt-Thrower).
Mounted on small carts, these ballistae have firepower and mobility.
(Imperial Eagle Cohort).
The eagle standard is the heart and soul of a legion.
(Camillan Cavalry).
The cavalry elite of Roman society are among its most effective defenders.
(Marian First Cohort).
Legionaries of the First Cohort are the best of their kind.
(Camillan General's Bodyguard).
Command must be exercised in person to be effective.
(Giant Stone-Thrower).
Giant ballistae can shoot spear-like missiles over huge distances.
(Roman Spear Gladiators).
Spears are the same in the arena and in battle.
(Roman Sword Gladiators).
Superbly trained heavy infantry with little fear of death.
(Giant Onager).
Enemies deserve the gift of large missiles crashing down on them!
(Marian General of the Legion).
Romans should be led from the front.
(Marian Legionary Cavalry).
Cavalry support is vital to all infantry work, even in the Legions.
(Camillan Levy Javelin).
Even a poor man can throw a javelin with skill.
The kick of the wild ass can bring down cities and kings.
(Roman Mob).
Rabble from the streets can be dangerous in large numbers.
(Automatic Bolt-Thrower).
There is wicked cunning in a machine that can fire so many bolts so quickly.
(Imperial Praetorian Cavalry).
An elite heavy cavalry bodyguard, capable of a decisive charge.
(Imperial Praetorian Guard).
Hand-picked heavy infantry, well used to all kinds of combat.
(Marian Praetorians).
The tent guards are a force of hand-picked heavy infantry.
(Camillan Reserve Maniple).
The spear-armed Rorarii can quickly reach a crisis point in battle.
These small ballistae fire bolts that can pass through a man.
(Camillan Veteran Maniple).
Wealth, experience and age make these battle-hardened veterans a fearsome force.
(Polybian Skirmishers).
These javelin-armed skirmishers are fast moving and lightly armoured.
(Marian Veteran Legionaries).
All legionaries are effective fighters, veterans doubly so.
(Imperial Town Watch).
These spear-armed garrison troops are also riot squad and firemen.
(Camillian Light Spear Maniple).
These young men are the armoured front line of a Roman legion.
(Marian Legionaries).
Heavy infantry with strong attacks, good armour and exceptional morale.
(Camillan Heavy Spear Maniple).
Wealthy, older Roman citizens, the principes are a heavy infantry force.
(Steppe Bowmen).
Men who cannot shoot go hungry on the steppes.
(Steppe Heavy Bow Cavalry).
Once their arrows are gone, these horse archers can cut their enemies into tiny pieces.
(Steppe Heavy Lance Cavalry).
Steppe horsemen live and die by their skills with the lance.
A wise horse-general knows that there are other ways to kill the foe.
(Steppe Bow Cavalry).
These horse archers can pepper an enemy, and fight off unwanted attention in close combat.
(Steppe Javelin Cavalry).
Born to ride, the Saka are notable mounted skirmishers.
(Steppe Lance Cavalry).
These are hard men, almost-fearless shock cavalry, bred for war on the harsh steppes.
(Steppe Noble Bow Cavalry).
A Scythian horse archer does not question the target, but he does ask Which eye?
(Steppe Noble Lance Cavalry).
Keen lances are deadly in the hands of men bred to war.
(Scythian Royal Bow Cavalry).
There are few more terrifying sights in battle than Scythian archers, ready to shoot.
(Saka Bow Cataphracts).
Heavy armour and arrows guide these skilled horsemen to victory.
(Saka Cataphracts).
Armoured from head to toe, these heavy cavalry roll flat anyone facing them.
(Saka Noble Lance Cavalry).
Very little can withstand an attack by these heavily-armoured noblemen.
(Sarmatian Heavy Spear Cavalry).
With the right man in control, a horse and a spear are a deadly combination.
(Sarmatian Spear Cavalry).
Light cavalrymen who like to get up close and brutal with their enemies.
(Sarmatian Royal Lance Cavalry).
Lances make these heavy cavalrymen a frightening and deadly force.
(Scythian Royal Spear Cavalry).
If a Scythian has a horse between his knees and a lance in his fist, he will prevail!
(Scythian Royal Javelin Cavalry).
Their enemies fear these natural riders' javelins and the swift swords that follow.
(Steppe Spearmen).
Spearmen are the backbone of an army; they keep cavalry at a respectful distance.
(Steppe Battle Men).
Everyone in the tribe fights. Everyone. Skill and courage will come to those who live.
(Steppe Axemen).
Youthful courage and desire for glory make up for any shortcomings in axe-skill.
(Thracian Bowmen).
No Thracian warlord ignores the chance to kill an enemy who is beyond sword-reach.
(Thracian Cavalry).
These light cavalry are ideally suited to hit-and-run attacks, and the pursuit of the fleeing.
(Thracian Noble Rhomphaia-Men).
These fierce men know that noble blood must be proved with the blood of others.
(Thracian Peltasts).
The art of skirmishing has not be ignored by the warlike Thracians.
(Thracian Noble Cavalry).
These men may look old-fashioned but there is nothing old fashioned about their skill and courage.
(Thracian Javelinmen).
Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.
(Thracian Slingers).
All Thracians are born warriors. Some are good shots too.
(Thracian Spearmen).
Even the old and infirm will stand to defend what belongs to the people.
(Thracian Rhomphaia-Men).
A Thracian likes to think of himself unequalled by other men. Perhaps he is right.
Римский гарнизонный Муниципий
Римская Укрепленная Столица
Римский Торговый Муниципий
Римский Экономический Центр
Восточный Гарнизон Керта
Восточная Укрепленная Столица
Восточная Торговая Керта
Восточный Экономический Центр
Сотня Варварского Гарнизона
Варварский Укрепленный Городок
Варварская Торговая Сотня
Варварский Экономический городок
Эллинский Гарнизон Клерухов
Укрепленная Эллинская Столица
Эллинкая Торговая Клеруха
Эллинская Экономический Центр
Карфагенский Гарнизон Хадашт
Карфагенская Укрепленная Столица
Карфагенский Торговый Хадашт
Карфагенская Экономическая Столица
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Карфагенский Полис
Карфагенский Хадашт
Карфагенская Столица
Укреплённый Лесной Посёлок
Лесной Торговый Посёлок
Укреплённый Лесной Посёлок
Лесной Торговый Посёлок
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Глубокая Медная Шахта
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, enriching Roma's coffers.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, enriching Roma's coffers.
As a bastion of Roma, this city stands strong against the enemy.
As a bastion of Roma, this city stands strong against the enemy.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, from India to the desert.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, from India to the desert.
As a bastion of the sovereign, this city stands strong against the enemy.
As a bastion of the sovereign, this city stands strong against the enemy.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, enriching the tribe.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods, enriching the tribe.
As a bastion of the chieftan, this city stands strong against the enemy.
As a bastion of the chieftan, this city stands strong against the enemy.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods from across the sea.
This city has become a crossroads of commerce and trade goods from across the sea.
As a bastion of civilization, this city stands strong against the enemy.
As a bastion of civilization, this city stands strong against the enemy.
This timber camp has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
People come from the entire province to buy and trade for timber here.
This timber camp has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
People come from the entire province to buy and trade for timber here.
This timber camp has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
People come from the entire province to buy and trade for timber here.
This timber camp has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
People come from the entire province to buy and trade for timber here.
This iron mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more iron than most.
This iron mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more iron than most.
This iron mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more iron than most.
This iron mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more iron than most.
This copper mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more copper than most.
This copper mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more copper than most.
This copper mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more copper than most.
This copper mine has been fortified and reinforced for protection.
Delving deep into the earth, this mine produces more copper than most.
Ver Aerternum brings offerings to Fortuna Virilis, such was the life that golden Saturn led on earth.
Hiems comes at last, with stumbling tread and his hair turned white.
Aestas is unforgiving and relentless, disdaining comfort for oppressive humidity.
With Autumnus comes relief from scorching Sirius, through tempered warmth and rest from toil.
Celtiberian Tribes
Aestas is unforgiving and relentless, disdaining comfort for oppressive humidity.
Ver Aerternum brings offerings to Fortuna Virilis, such was the life that golden Saturn led on earth.
Hiems comes at last, with stumbling tread and his hair turned white.
With Autumnus comes relief from scorching Sirius, through tempered warmth and rest from toil.
Этрусский Центр
Этрусская Колония
Этрусский Муниципий
Этрусский Урбс
Этрусское Село
Этрусская Деревня
Этрусский Городок
Этрусский Город
Этрусское Село (Стекло)
Этрусская Деревня (Стекло)
Этрусский Городок (Стекло)
Этрусский Город(Стекло)
Этрусское Село
Этрусская Деревня
Этрусский Городок
Этрусский Город
Этрусское Село
Этрусская Деревня
Этрусский Городок
Этрусский Городок
Этрусское Село (Кожа)
Этрусская Деревня (Кожа)
Этрусский Городок(Кожа)
Этрусский Город (Кожа)
Этрусское Село (железо)
Этрусская Деревня (железо)
Этрусский Городок (железо)
Этрусский Город (железо)
Этрусское Село (известняк)
Этрусская Деревня (известняк)
Этрусский Городок (известняк)
Этрусский Город(известняк)
Этрусское Село (мрамор)
Этрусская Деревня (мрамор)"
Этрусский Городок (мрамор)"
Этрусский Город (мрамор)"
Этрусское Село (оливковое масло)
Этрусская Деревня (оливковое масло)
Этрусский Городок (оливковое масло)
Этрусский Город(оливковое масло)
Этрусское Село
Этрусская Деревня
Этрусский Городок
Этрусский Город
Этрусское Село (шёлк)
Этрусская Деревня (шёлк)
Этрусский Городок (шёлк)
Этрусский Город(шёлк)
Этрусское Село (свинец)
Этрусская Деревня (свинец)
Этрусский Городок((свинец)
Этрусский Город (свинец)
Этрусское Село (древесина)
Этрусская Деревня (древесина)
Этрусский Городок (древесина)
Этрусский Город (древесина)
Этрусское Село
Этрусская Деревня
Этрусский Городок
Этрусский Город
Этрусское Село (вино)
Этрусская Деревня (вино)
Этрусский Городок (вино)
Этрусский Город (вино)
Храм Юпитера
Храм Юпитера
Базилика Юпитера
Храм Марса
Храм Марса
Базилика Марса
Храм Меркурия
Храм Меркурия
Базилика Меркурия
Храм Минервы
Храм Минервы
Базилика Минервы
Храм Юпитера
Храм Юпитера
Храм Марса
Храм Марса
Храм Меркурия
Храм Меркурия
Храм Минервы
Храм Минервы
Храм Нептуна
Храм Нептуна
Роща нимф
Роща нимф
Храм Вулкана
Храм Вулкана
Храм Нептуна
Храм Нептуна
Базилика Нептуна
Храм Вулкана
Храм Вулкана
Базилика Вулкана
Этрусский гарнизон муниципия
Эрусская укреплённая столица
Этрусский торговый муниципий
Этрусский Экономический Центр
Этрусский Посёлок(медь)
Этрусская Деревня (медь)
Этрусский Городок(медь)
Этрусский Город (медь)
Этрусский Посёлок (Боевые лошади)
Этрусская Деревня (Боевые лошади)
Этрусский Городок (Боевые лошади)
Этрусский Город (Боевые лошади)
Этрусский Посёлок (Соль)
Этрусская Деревня (Соль)
Этрусский Городок (Соль)
Этрусский Город (Соль)
Этрусский Посёлок (Рабы)
Этрусская Деревня (Рабы)
Этрусский Городок (Рабы)
Этрусский Город (Рабы)
The basilica properly honours Tinia, god of the sky and master of the heavens.
Honouring Laran brings a martial spirit to the city.
Honouring Turms brings the god's favour to merchants and their works.
All honour to Menrva and to her wisdom in all matters!
This mighty temple to Nethuns ensures that all enterprises at sea go well.
Honouring Sethlans brings his favour to smiths and craftsmen.
A colonia, no matter how small, is a boon to the Etruscan League.
Tinia, head of the gods and master of the sky, is honored here.
Behold the god of war marches before us!
Praise the swift god of trade!
Pray to the goddess of wisdom, that she will guide you through life's challenges.
Nethuns, God of the Sea, helps all sailors who properly honour him.
Fear the might of the god who can craft all things.
All Etruscans know of Tinia, the god who sits over other gods.
Stern-faced Laran should be suitably honoured by a warlike people.
The wing-footed messenger of the gods should be given his due honours.
Menrva helps those who listen to her wisdom, and do her proper honour.
All water flows from Nethuns, especially when he is given due deference.
The god of smiths should be honoured by all honest toiling folk.
Every new town brings prosperity to the Etruscan League.
Beyond the grandeur, the Etruscan world is one of villages not great cities.
Resistance to Latin and Hellenic Imperialism: %+n diplomatic penalty in dealing with both Hellenic and Latin factions
Daco-Thracian Infighting: Public order penalty (maximum of %+n) from presence of Celtic Daco-Thracian culture (tribal strife)
Armenian Trade Heritage: %+n%% wealth from trade in gold and brass with Siraces, Aorsoi, and the Medes (local and sea trade)
Eastern Scheming: %+n%% tax rate gain through black market trading, political bribery, and other subterfuge of neighboring powers
Eventual Migration: Strong diplomatic bonus with all Nomadic factions (cultural sympathy)
Silk Trade Ambitions: Modest diplomatic penalty with all Eastern factions (cultural rivalry)
Two Capitals: %+n to cultural influence over the area and neighboring powers
Homefront Defense: %+n% morale bonus for all units when defending
Melee Defense: %+n% melee defence for all infantry units
Poor Tax Collectors: %+n%% tax rate
Illyrian Military Training: %+n% melee damage for all units due to Illyrian conditioning
Ardiaei Naval Prowess: %+n% ship ram damage bonus for all Ardiaei ship crews
State Piracy: %+n% morale bonus for all units when attacking at sea
Gem of the Mediterranean: %+n%% wealth from all development (local & sea trade, agriculture, industry)
Helleno-Latino-Philism: %+n diplomatic bonus with Latin factions. %+n to Greek culture spread (full provinces only)
Massilian Merchant Fleet: %+n%% wealth from trade cogs (sea trade only)
Massilian Naval Tradition: %+n% accuracy gain for ships. %+n ship movement gain (campaign & battle)
Royal Cavalry: %+n% melee defense gain for all cavalry units
Royal Coint Minting: %+n%% tax rate gain from minting own coins (technology)
Pergamon Medical Sanctuary of Asclepius: %+n% army replenishment rate due to medical care provided
Pergamon Library: %+n% research points in obtaining and transcribing knowledge
Pergamon Serapis Temple: Public order penalty (maximum of %+n) from presence of Eastern culture (religious controversy)
Masaesylian strengths lie in Taxation, Homefront Defense, and Melee Defense.
Cantabrian strengths lie in Taxation, Homefront Defense, and Melee Defense.
Celtici strengths lie in Taxation, Homefront Defense, and Melee Defense.
Getae strengths lie in Taxation, Homefront Defense, and Melee Defense.
Odrysian strengths lie in Royal Minting, Royal Cavalry, but is hampered by Daco-Thracian Infighting.
The legendary founder of Armenia was Hayk, a chieftain who called on his kinsmen to unite into a single nation, thus forming Armenia.
Etruscan strengths lie in their retainment of Classical heritage, subsequent philHellenic attitudes, and founding fathers of many of cities in Italia, Campania, and the Po Valley
Ardiaei strengths lie in their maritime prowess, state piracy, and dependable Illyrian military
Cimmerian strengths lie in Taxation, Homefront Defense, and Melee Defense.
Massilian strengths lie in its prominent Naval Tradition, extensive Merchant Fleet, and dual Helleno-Latino-Philism.
Pergamon strengths lie in its renowned Library, famous Asclepius Medical Sanctuary run by Galen, and controversial Serapis Temple.
Masaesylian Kingdom
The Cantabri
The Getae
Odrysian Kingdom
Kingdom of Hayasdan
The Court
Kingdom of Hayasdan
The Elders
Ruling Family
The Court
Ruling Family
The Elders
Ruling Family
The Court
Masaesylian Kingdom
Other Nobles
Ruling Council
The Court
Odrysian Kingdom
The Court
Royal Family
Ruling Family
The Court
Святилище Артемиды
Храм Артемиды
Храм Артемиды Locheia
Фонтан Аретуса
Святилище Артемиды
Храм Артемиды
Плотины Артемиды
Corsair Haven
Corsair Haven
Illyrian Temple Clearing
Illyrian Temple Clearing
Shrine of Armatus
Shrine of Armatus
Temple of Armatus
Temple of Armatus
Great Temple of Armatus
Great Temple of Armatus
Shrine of Deipaturos
Shrine of Deipaturos
Temple of Deipaturos
Temple of Deipaturos
Great Temple of Deipaturos
Great Temple of Deipaturos
Shrine of Medaurus
Shrine of Medaurus
Temple of Medaurus
Temple of Medaurus
Great Temple of Deipaturos
Great Temple of Deipaturos
Illyrian Temple Clearing
Illyrian Temple Clearing
Shrine of Armatus
Shrine of Armatus
Temple of Armatus
Temple of Armatus
Shrine of Deipaturos
Shrine of Deipaturos
Temple of Deipaturos
Temple of Deipaturos
Shrine of Medaurus
Shrine of Medaurus
Temple of Medaurus
Temple of Medaurus
Shrine of Bindus
Shrine of Bindus
Temple of Bindus
Temple of Bindus
Royal Tombs
Royal Tombs
Shrine of Bindus
Shrine of Bindus
Temple of Bindus
Temple of Bindus
Great Temple of Bindus
Great Temple of Bindus
Royal Tombs
Royal Tombs
Thracian Temple Clearing
Shrine of Derzelas
Temple of Derzelas
Great Temple of Derzelas
Shrine of Kotys
Temple of Kotys
Great Temple of Kotys
Thracian Temple Clearing
Shrine of Derzelas
Temple of Derzelas
Shrine of Kotys
Temple of Kotys
Shrine of Sabazios
Temple of Sabazios
Tomb of Sveshtari
Shrine of Zibelthurdos
Temple of Zibelthurdos
Shrine of Sabazios
Temple of Sabazios
Great Temple of Sabazios
Shrine of Zibelthurdos
Temple of Zibelthurdos
Great Temple of Zibelthurdos
The Ephesium is a great citadel devoted to the goddess Artemis.
Lacydon is the fortified harbour of Massalia.
Artemis, twin sister of Apollo and the goddess of the hunt, childbirth and virginity.
A temple devoted to the great goddess Artemis.
Artemis, goddess of the hunt and virginity, is rightly celebrated in bronze.
The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia is one of the most important religious sites in Sparta.
Piraeus is the harbour of athens.
A grand tomb where the elites of Thracian society go when they perish. It is beautifully decorated with carvings and symbols that rival the splendour of even the Greeks.
Large and ostentatious tombs that serve as the final resting place of the rulers of the Illyrian peoples.
A harbour that has been specifically engineered to support the growing piracy enterprises of the Illyrians.
A beautiful fountain located on the island of Ortygia near Syracuse that is said to be the petrified body of the nymph Arethusa.
A sacred ground that has been cleared in preparation for the construction of a temple.
Sabazios, otherwise known as the Thracian Horseman is the sky father god of the Thracians.
A god that bears a striking similarity to the Greek Zeus as a wielder of lightning and thunderbolts.
Kotys is an enigmatic and primal godess whose very name means war and slaughter.
Derzelas is the Thracian god of health and the human spirit's vitality.
A sacred ground that has been cleared in preparation for the construction of a temple.
Deipaturos is the Illyrian name for the deity the Greeks call Zeus.
Medaurus is identified with the Thracian Horseman, who is also worshipped in Illyria.
Bindus is the god of the sea, and bears many similarities to the Greek deity Poseidon.
The bloodthirsty Illyrian god of war.
Конные Бронированные Лучники
Кавказские Лучники
Кавказские Копейщики
Грузинские Мечники
Тяжёлые Лучники
Армянские Горцы
Армянские Гоплиты
Конные Лучники
Армянские Легионеры
Знатная Кавалерия
Знатные Мечники
Знатные Катафракты
Знатные Копейщики
Конные Застрельщики
Афинская Кавалерия
Афинские Моряки
Кападокийская Кавалерия
Кельтские Топорщики
Кельтские Избранные Копейщики
Кельтские Избранные Мечники
Кельтские Последователи Меча
Кельтские Мечники-герилья
Кельтские Тяжёлые Всадники
Лёгкая Кавалерия
Бронированная Кавалерия
Короткие Мечи
Знатные Копейщики
Последователи Меча
Кельтские Воины
Киликийские Пелтасты
Киликийские Мечники
Галатские Охотники
Галатские Легионеры
Галатские Лёгкие Всадники
Галатские Знатные Всадники
Галатская Знать
Галатские Разбойники
Галатские Гвардейцы Базилевса
Галатские Копейщики
Галатские Мечники
Иберийские Чемпионы
Балеарские Пращники
Иберийская Кавалерия
Тяжёлая Кавалерия
Лёгкая Кавалерия
Лёгкие Копейщики
Знать Лузитанов
Знатная Кавалерия
Иберийская Знать
Илирийские Пираты
Илирийские Тяжёлые Копейщики
Илирийские Тяжёлые Мечники
Илирийская Лёгкая кавалерияi
Илирийские Пелтасты
Илирийские Разбойники
Илирийские Копейщики-щитоносцы
Илирийские Воины Племён
Италийская Кавалерия
Италийская Знатная Кавалерия
Италийская Знатная Пехота
Италийские Копейщики
Италийские Мечники
Нубийские Лучники
Нубийские Копейщики
Нумидийская Каваерия
Нубийские Метатели
Персидские Лучники
Персидская Кавалерия
Персидские Гоплиты
Персидские Пикинёр
Скифские Лучники
Скифские Конные Лучники
Скифские Всадники
Скифские Царские Всадники
Фракийские Топорщики
Фракийская Кавалерия
Фракийская Пехота
Фракийская Лёгкая кавалерия
Фракийские Лёгкие Копейщики
Фракийские Знтные Пелтасты
Фракийские Копейщики
Кападокийские Конные Лучники
Кападокийскиая Кавалерия
Боспорская Кавалерия
Боспорские Конные Соратники
Боспорские Бронированные Гоплиты
Боспорские Лучники
Боспорские Тяжёлая Пехота
Боспорские Гоплиты
Боспорские Конные Лучники
Боспорские Пикинёры-новобранцы
Боспорская Кавалерия
Протославянские Копейщики
Кавалерия Роксоланов
Сарматские Катафракты
Скифские Лучники
Скифские Гоплиты
Скифские Метатели
Скифские Воины
Гоплиты в тораксах
Боспорские Легионеры
Пикинёры в тораксах
Мечники в тораксах
Элитные Мечники
ФракийскиеТяжёлые Пелтасты
Фракийские Пелтасты
Фракийские Воины
Мечники -щитоносцы
Карфагенские Лучники
Бронированные Слоны
Царская Пехота
Иберийская Ударная Пехота
Африканские Пикинёры(поздние)
Карфагенская Пехота(поздняя)
Ливийская Пехота(поздяя)
Карфагнеские Пикинёры(поздние)
Ливийская Кавалерия
Лёгкая Ливийская Кавалерия
Нумидийские Лучники
Нумидийская Знать
Нумидийские Пращники
Нумидийские Новобранцы
Карфагенские Пикинёры
Гражданское Ополчение
Кавалерия Священного Отряда
Тяжёлая Кавалерия Священного Отряда
Мечники Священного Отряда
Мечники в тораксах
Агрианская Пехота
Бронированные Гоплиты
Пикенёры Бронзового Щита
Chaeonion Agema
Гоплиты Экодромы
Гоплиты Эпилекты
Пикенёры Клерухи
Гейтары (поздние)
Гоплиты Экодромы(поздние)
Гоплиты Метакои
Гоплиты Нативы
Мечники Периэки
Periokoi Thorakitai Phalangitai
Periokoi Thorakitai Doriphoroi
Periokoi Thureophoroi Doriphoroi
Царские Пельтасты-мечники
Конные Застрельщики
Царские Мечники
Конные Скириты
Скириты Пелтасты
Гоплиты в тораксах
Спартанские Легионеры в тораксах
Спартанские Пикинёры в тораксах
Копейщики в тораксах
Мечники в Тораксах
Лёгкая Конница
Мечники в Тораксах
Легионеры в Тораксах
Копейщики в Тораксах
Thureophoroi Hippeis
Пикенёры Белого Щита
Иллирийские Пираты
Тяжёлые Копейщики
Тяжёлые Мечники
Лёгкая Конница
Илирийские Разбойники
Царская Конница
Царская Гвардия
Бронированные Гоплиты
Царская Конница
Царская Гвардия
Массалийские Сариссофоры
Гоплиты в Тораксах
Конные Лучники
Скифские лучники
Скифские Гоплиты
Скифские Пелтасты
Тяжёлые Пелтасты
Штурмовая Пехота
Киликийские Пелтасты
Киликийские Мечники
Пикинёры Белого Щита
Илирийские Лучники
Илирийские Пираты
Илирийская Пехота
Илирийские Копейщики
Илирийские Мечники
Илирийские Гоплиты
Лёгкая кавалерия
Илирийские Разбойники
Илирийская Царская Конница
Илирийская Царская Гвардия
Иудейские Копейщики
Коринфские Мечники в Тораксах
Гоплиты в Тораксах
Пергамские Пикенёры
Пергамские Гоплиты
Гоплиты Красного Моря
Сирийские гоплиты
Фракийские Топорники
Фракийская Пехота
Фракийские Гоплиты
Фракийская Легкая Конница
Фракийские Левисы
Фракийская Конница
Фракийские Лёгкие Копейщики
Фракийские Знатные Пелтасты
Фракийские Копейщики
Персидские Пикенёры
Пергамские Гоплиты
Пикинёры Бронзового Щита
Понтийские Мечники
Понтийские Тяжёлые Лучники
Понтийская Тяжёлая Пехота
Понтийские Гоплиты
Лёгкие Копейщики
Понтийские Пикинёры
Гоплиты в тораксах
Понтийские Легионеры
Пикинёры в тораксах
Элитные Мечники в тораксах
Пикинёры Белого Щита
Понтийская Кавалерия
Конные Метатели
Сиракузская Пехота
Тяжёлые Пелтасты
Сиракузские Гоплиты
Лёгкая кавалерия
Сиракузские Моряки
Царская Кавалерия
Царская Гвардия
Сиракузская Кавалерия
Лёгкая Кавалерия
Лёгкие Копейщики
Знатные Пелтасты
(Armenian Armoured Horse Archers)
A fleet horse archer is never happier than when he has a surfeit of targets.
(Armenian Cataphracts)
Nigh-invulnerable within their armour, these warriors are a fearsome sight.
(Caucasian Archers)
Hardy men levied from the mountains to the north, these soldiers make decent archers.
(Caucasian Spearmen)
Hardy men levied from the mountains to the north, these soldiers are capable of fighting in an organized battle line.
(Georgian Swordsmen)
Wealthier soldiers drawn from the lands to the north of Armenia, who carry swords and leather armour.
(Armenian Heavy Archers)
Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.
(Armenian Highlanders)
Hardy mountain folk that make capable, yet undisciplined levies.
(Armenian Hoplites)
Hoplites: no other word says ""Greeks at war"" in quite the same way.
(Armenian Horse Archers)
These fine mounted bowmen are excellent for harassing enemies. To death.
(Armenian Javelinmen)
These skirmisher harass an enemy line with javelins, screening their comrades in the process.
(Kentronakan Spearmen)
Veteran warriors specially tasked with defending the general, these armoured spearmen will rather die than fail in their duty.
(Armenian Legionaries)
The ultimate evolution of the Armenian soldier, these mail-wearing warriors are disciplined and capable in combat.
(Armenian Cavalry)
Light horsemen that are able scouts as well as useful for picking out fleeing soldiers.
(Nakharar Cavalry)
Wealthy cavalry that has been trained from birth to be soldiers. These ferocious warriors carry the finest iron armour that Armenia can produce.
(Nakharar Thorax Swordsmen)
Wealthy nobles that have been trained from birth to be soldiers. These ferocious warriors carry the finest iron armour that Armenia can produce.
(Armenian Noble Cataphracts)
Armoured like turtles, brave as lions, with lances as evil as wasps stings�
(Armenian Legionnary Spearmen)
The ultimate evolution of the Armenian soldier, these mail-wearing warriors are disciplined and capable in combat.
(Armenian Pikemen)
This tightly pack formation of pikemen is a potent clenched fist aimed at an enemy line.
(Armenian Skirmisher Cavalry)
These horsemen are useful, swift-moving skirmishers, well able to harrass an enemy.
(Armenian Slingers)
Even giants can be humbled by nimble slingers.
(Armenian Spearmen)
Hardy men levied from the mountains to the north, these soldiers are capable of fighting in an organized battle line.
(Armenian Thorax Swordsmen)
Hardened and trained armenian soldiers that carry fine Armenian iron armour.
(Armenian Thureos Spears)
These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing hoplites.
(Light Cavalry)
During the classical Greek period, Athens was one of the pioneers of using cavalry in warfare. This tradition still persists, and these horsemen are generally more capable than their Spartan counterparts.
Athens once ruled an impressive maritime empire, and these soldiers are a remnant from those days. They are equipped with the finest of arms and armour, and pack a considerably heavier punsh than other similar troops.
Specially selected Athenian citizens that are trained to fight in the Macedonian fashion.
(Iberian Champions)
The first into battle, last the leave the fray, the bravest of the brave. With the strength of a bull, the ferocity of a wolf and the agility of a lynx, these men are without par among the ranks of the Areuakoi warriors.
(Sarmatian Horse Archers)
These fine mounted bowmen are excellent for harassing enemies. To death.
(Cappadocian Lancers)
Long spears give these cavalrymen a fearsome charge.
(Bosporan Cavalry)
The horse-owning rich have the same rights to defend their homes as lesser men in the phalanx.
(Bosporan Companions)
These superb cavalrymen are an armoured fist to drive deep into an enemy's vitals.
(Bosporan Armoured Hoplites)
A powerful, reliable force of hoplites who can be counted on in almost any situation.
(Bosporan Heavy Archers)
Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.
(Bosporan Heavy Infantry)
Thorakitai are able to bear spears and do battle in a phalanx as well as irregularly attack the enemy in situations when such an action is required.
(Bosporan Hoplites)
Hoplites: no other word says ""Greeks at war"" in quite the same way.
(Bosporan Horse Archers)
These fine mounted bowmen are excellent for harassing enemies. To death.
(Bosporan Levy Pikemen)
It should be counted an honour to defend one's home and family with the pike.
(Paphlagonian Cavalry)
These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy.
(Bosporan Pikemen)
This tightly pack formation of pikemen is a potent clenched fist aimed at an enemy line.
(Protoslav Spearmen)
Spearmen are the defensive backbone of an army; they keep cavalry at a respectful distance.
(Roxolani Lancers)
These are hard men, almost-fearless shock cavalry, bred for war on the harsh steppes.
(Sarmatian Cataphracts)
These incredibly heavy cavalry can turn the tide of battle with their thunderous charge!
(Scythian Foot Archers)
Men who cannot shoot go hungry on the steppes.
(Scythian Hoplites)
A man will fight in defence of his home, even if he is not a citizen.
(Scythian Skirmishers)
Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.
(Scythian Warriors)
Everyone in the tribe fights. Everyone. Skill and courage will come to those who live.
(Bosporan Slingers)
Witty slingers, and all Greeks have wit, often scratch ""OUCH!"" onto their shots.
(Bosphoran Thorax Hoplites)
The phalanx is only as strong as the shield-arms of the warriors in it.
(Bosphoran Thorax Legionaries)
The Legeonarioi are men in the prime of their lives trained in the Roman fashion. Armed with a short sword, 'thureos' shield, javelins, and mail armour they are a highly effective fighting force.
(Bosphoran Thorax Pikemen)
.A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line.
(Bosporan Elite Thorakitai)
These elite warriors are the backbone of an army, devastating in close quarters with their kopis and deadly from range with their javelins.
(Bosporan Thorakitai)
These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.
(Thracian Heavy Peltasts)
The art of skirmishing has not be ignored by the warlike Thracians.
(Thracian Peltasts)
Unencumbered by armour, these fast moving skirmishers use javelins to disrupt enemy units.
(Thracian Warriors)
A Thracian likes to think of himself unequalled by other men. Perhaps he is right.
(Bosphoran Thureos Hoplites)
Every man protects his neighbour, and fights for him, in the phalanx.
(Bosporan Thureophoroi)
These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing hoplites.
(Bosphoran Thureos Swordsmen)
These warriors are a flexible skirmishing force, dangerous with their javelins from afar and moderately effective in melee.
(Carthage Marine Archers)
These skilled bowmen take out their targets from a safe distance.
(Elite Liby-Phoenician Infantry)
Motivated and well-trained soldiers that carry heavy armour and can hack through most battle lines.
(Iberian Assault Infantry)
Iberians that have pledged their alleigance to Carthage, and thus are equipped by her. These men are some of the fiercest combatants around.
(Carthage Infantry)
Loyal sons of Carthage, trained as heavy infantry to protect home and faith.
(Late Libyan Pikemen)
Mail-armoured soldiers that still fight in the macedonian fashion.
(Heavy Infantry)
These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins..
(Late Libyan Infantry)
Formed infantry that serves as an able backbone to any army.
(Late Liby-Phoenician Pikemen)
Heavily armoured soldiers that have been thoroughly drilled in the art of the macedonian phalanx.
(Libyan Cavalry)
Lightly armed horsemen that act primarily as scouts.
(Libyan Thureos Spears)
Levied soldiers that fight as javelin-armed spearmen.
(Carthaginian Marines)
Carthaginian citizens that acts as en elite offensive force fighting upon the ships of the navy.
(Numidian Archers)
Desert dwellers that have been chosen for their skill with the bow and arrow.
(Numidian Nobles)
Wealthy numidians who are able to afford good horses and armour.
(Numidian Slingers)
Tribesmen that are employed in the army due to their skill with the slingshot.
(Numidian Tribesmen)
Unarmoured and undisciplined tribesmen that can do little more than scout out enemy positions and run away from the enemy.
(Liby-Phoenician Pikemen)
These men belong to the wealthier classes of Carthage, and have been trained to fight in the macedonian fashion.
(Punic Citizen Militia)
Relatively untrained citizens that are called to arms only in the most dire of circumstances.
(Carthage Sacred Band Cavalry)
The best and bravest of Carthage trained to fight as shock cavalry.
(Sacred Band Cavalry)
The wealthiest of the elite Sacred Band fight as cavalry.
(Carthage Sacred Band Swordmen)
The best and bravest of Carthage trained to fight as heavy infantry.
(Egyptian Levy Pike)
IIt should be counted an honour to defend one's home and family with the pike.
(Egyptian Royal Pike)
In the hands of an expert, the sarissa pike is a deadly weapon.
(Egyptian Thorax Sword)
Brave and proud warriors, Egyptians fulfilled several roles, but were most commonly used as peltasts, skirmishers on the flanks of the phalanxes, or as non-phalanx infantry in difficult terrain.
(Greek Agrarian Assault Infantry)
The Agrianians are an Illyrian tribe that has many Thracian influences. Most now live in northern Macedonia, where they are actively recruited.
(Greek Armored Hoplites)
These greek warriors are equipped in the traditionel hoplite style, sporting heavy bronze cuirasses.
(Greek Bronze Shield Pikemen)
An elite phalanx of pikemen, the bronze shields were modelled on their hoplite forebears and, subsequently, the Alexandrian pike reforms. Their most distinctive feature, and the one which gave them their name, was their bronze shield, emblazoned with the name of their king.
(Royal Guards)
The Chaeonion Agema are the phalangite elite in the Epeirotes Army.
(Greek Chopper)
Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.
(Cilician Peltasts)
Ciliacian skirmishers were very praised by the Sucessor states. They were even present at the Daphne Parade among the Seleucid Army.
(Cilician Swords)
Cilician pirates got a long tradition of raiding behind them. Those boarding troops could also use their skills in a regular melee.
(Ekdromoi Hoplites)
Lightly armoured spartan hoplites that are swift and mobile.
(Greek Epilektoi Hoplite)
Hoplites date back to the wars between the Greek city-states in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC. During the Greco-Persian Wars most hoplites wore a Corinthian-style bronze helm, and a cuirass of bronze or stiffened linen or canvas.
(Greek Kleoruchoi Pikemen)
.It should be counted an honour to defend one's home and family with the pike.
(Greek Companions)
These superb cavalrymen are an armoured fist to drive deep into an enemy's vitals.
(Logades Swordsmen)
The most capable and wealthy men of the Athenian army are chosen to be logades, some of which fight in the more modern way with sword, shield and javelin. Unlike many of similar troops, these men have chosen to retain the heavier and more expensive hoplon.
(Athen Elite Hoplites)
These are the elite hoplites of Athens, selected by the citizens on the basis of their abilities morale and equipment.
(Greek Marine Archers)
Although archery was not highly-thought of as a military skill in Greece, Crete produced truly excellent archers who were able to sell their services to the highest bidder as mercenaries.
(Greek Marines)
Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.
(Native Militia Hoplites)
Armed with a short sword and an iron-tipped spear, with a bronze counterbalance butt-spike, they were named after the round hoplon shield they carried.
(Metoikoi Hoplites)
Non-spartan hoplites who after fighting for Sparta as mercenaries decided to call it home.
These Swordmasters are the Heirs of the Glory, Bravery and Art of War of Achilleus, Son of Peleus.
(Native Hoplites)
These spearmen were drawn from the subjects of the eastern regions. they were inexpensive, and simply equipped with a spear, wicker shield and cloth armour.
(Perioikoi Sword)
Those who dwell in the shadow of the Spartans can have martial glory of their own.
(Periokoi Thorax Pike)
.A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line.
(Periokoi Thorax Spearmen)
These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defense and against calvary with their spears and deadly from range with their javelins.
(Periokoi Thureos Spearmen)
These warriors are a flexible skirmishing force, dangerous with their javelins from afar and reliable against cavalry.
(Royal Swordsmen)
The Pheraspidai are the second part of the royal squadron. They are armed with large aspis shields and swords, as well as javelins.
(Medium Skirmisher Cavalry)
Prodromoi are the traditional Diadochoi medium skirmisher cavalry, weighing together the abiliy to mount cavalry charges as well as act as flanking, raiding and screening cavalry.
(Seleucid Royal Swordsmen)
These men replaced the Hypaspistai. They were very nimble, they carried javelins and swords. Their heavy armor and great skill in battle makes them perhaps one of the most effective offensive infantry available to the Seleucids.
(Greek Skirmishers Peltasts)
The Skiritai were a people subject to Sparta. They lived in Skiritis, a mountainous region located in northern Laconia on the border with Arcadia, between the Oenus and the Eurotas rivers.
(Spartan Marine Peltasts)
The Spartiatai Epibatai abandoned all other forms of metal armor protection but for the reinforced chalkidian helmet and the big round aspis argive shield.
(Spartan Commando)
Historically Skiritai Machairaphoroi were elite specialized troops of the Spartans. They were night fighting troops be they night guards or night raiders.
(Spartan Thorax Hoplites)
The phalanx is only as strong as the shield-arms of the warriors in it.
(Spartan Thorax Legionary))
The Legeonarioi are men in the prime of their lives trained in the Roman fashion. Armed with a short sword, 'thureos' shield, javelins, and mail armour they are a highly effective fighting force.
(Spartan Thorax Pikemen)
.A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line.
(Spartan Thorax Spearmen)
These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defense and against calvary with their spears and deadly from range with their javelins.
(Spartan Thureos Sword)
Named after their shields, these ""thureophoroi"" could fight as common peltasts, skirmishing with javelins, but could also form up with their larger shields and longer spears in a similar fashion to a phalanx.
(Spartan Thureos Hoplites)
Every man protects his neighbour, and fights for him, in the phalanx.
(Spartan Thureos Spearmen)
These warriors are a flexible skirmishing force, dangerous with their javelins from afar and reliable against cavalry.
(Spartan Helots)
Spartan Helots are poorly trained and equipped slaves, remnants of the pre-Spartan peoples of Laconia.
(Spartan Lancers)
These lancers have a strong charge, and can break enemies quickly.
(Thorax Sword)
These are pure-born Spartans trained to fight in the Roman fashion, combined with the ruthless disciplined schooling of the Agoge. Indeed, these great warriors are nearly unmatched on the battlefield.
(Greek Thorax Legionaries)
The Legeonarioi are men in the prime of their lives trained in the Roman fashion. Armed with a short sword, 'thureos' shield, javelins, and mail armour they are a highly effective fighting force.
(Thorax Spearmen)
These warriors are the first line of an army, strong in defense and against calvary with their spears and deadly from range with their javelins.
(Thureos Cavalry)
Mercenary soldiers that are wealthy enough to be able to afford horses. While not the heaviest cavalry, these soldiers are mobile and carry javelins which allow them to harass nearby enemy formations.
(Thureos Sword)
These warriors are a flexible force, able to throw javelins from afar and quickly go into melee after.
(Greek White Shield Pikemen)
A phalanx of pikemen, the white shields were modelled on their hoplite forebears and, subsequently, the Alexandrian pike reforms. Their most distinctive feature, and the one which gave them their name, was their white painted shield, emblazoned with the name of their king.
(Illyrian Archers)
Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action.
(Illyrian Corsairs)
Bloodthirsty men that have taken to piracy in order to fill their coffers.
(Illyrian Footmen)
Moderately well-trained axemen that are able to form a battleline.
(Illyrian Heavy Spear)
These illyrian warriors are equipped in the traditionel hoplite style, sporting heavy bronze cuirasses.
(Illyrian Heavy Sword)
These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.
(Illyrian Light Cavalry)
These speedy, light cavalrymen can do good service in harrying the enemy.
(Illyrian Peltasts)
These javelin-armed light infantry are used to harass slower, heavier enemy units.
(Illyrian Raiders)
Ill-trained but eager men that will rape and pillage their way to fortune.
(Illyrian Royal Cavalry)
A charge from these heavy cavalry can break even resolute defenders.
(Illyrian Royal Guard)
The phalanx of the royal guards is a capable force, not a court regiment.
(Massilia Armored Hoplites)
These greek warriors are equipped in the traditionel hoplite style, sporting heavy bronze cuirasses.
(Massilian Marines)
Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.
(Massilian Royal Cavalry)
These heavy cavalry are an excellent tool for a commander, well able to break lesser opponents.
(Massilian Royal Guard)
The phalanx of the royal guards is a capable force, not a court regiment.
(Massilian Sarissa Lancers)
Long spears give these cavalrymen a fearsome charge.
(Massilian Thorax Hoplites)
Named after their shields, these ""thureophoroi"" could fight as common peltasts, skirmishing with javelins, but could also form up with their larger shields and longer spears in a similar fashion to a phalanx.
(Massilian Veteran Swords)
These well-protected warriors are a danger in melee and with their javelins.
(Jewish Spears)
These Ioudaioi Taxeis have been recruited in the army for the purpose of providing reliable garrison troops, useful for policing borders and keeping the general population in line.
(Korinth Thorax Swords)
Named after their shields, these thureophoroi"" could fight as common peltasts, skirmishing with javelins,""
(Red Sea Hoplites)
While all hoplites were originally citizen-soldiers, full-time mercenaries took over and became the standard fighting unit of the Greek
(Persian Pikemen)
Throughout the civilised world, levies formed the backbone of armies. Drawn from the ordinary citizens or subjects, they were in a tradition that, in Greece at least, began with the hoplite warfare of the city-states.
(Pergamon Thureos Hoplites)
Named after their shields, these ""thureophoroi"" could fight as common peltasts, skirmishing with javelins, but could also form up with their larger shields and longer spears in a similar fashion to a phalanx.
(Bronze Shield Pike)
In the hands of an expert, the sarissa pike is a deadly weapon.
Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.
(Heavy Archers)
Archers are ideal for harassing the enemy from afar, and goading them into foolish action. These archers are specially deadly in that they wear armour, which makes them capable even in melee.
(Thorax Spears)
Thorakitai are able to bear spears and do battle in a phalanx as well as irregularly attack the enemy in situations when such an action is required.
Hoplites: no other word says ""Greeks at war"" in quite the same way.
(Levy Pikes)
It should be counted an honour to defend one's home and family with the pike.
(Light Spearmen)
These spearmen are drawn from the local subjects. They are inexpensive, and simply equipped with a spear, wicker shield and cloth armour.
(Marine Archers)
Although archery was not highly-thought of as a military skill in Greece, Crete produced truly excellent archers who were able to sell their services to the highest bidder as mercenaries.
Soldiers trained for the perilous service aboard the galleys of the navy, but also as an offensive force on land.
This tightly pack formation of pikemen is a potent clenched fist aimed at an enemy line.
(Pontic Thorax Hoplites)
The phalanx is only as strong as the shield-arms of the warriors in it.
(Thorax Legionary)
The Legeonarioi are men in the prime of their lives trained in the Roman fashion. Armed with a short sword, 'thureos' shield, javelins, and mail armour they are a highly effective fighting force.
(Pontic Thorax Pikemen)
.A phalanx armed with long pikes presents a formidable threat to any battle line.
(Thorax Elite Swordsmen)
These elite warriors are the backbone of an army, devastating in close quarters with their kopis and deadly from range with their javelins.
(Pontic Thureos Hoplites)
Every man protects his neighbour, and fights for him, in the phalanx.
(Thureos Spears)
These well-trained warriors are a flexible force of skirmishing hoplites.
(Pontic Thureos Swordsmen)
These warriors are a flexible skirmishing force, dangerous with their javelins from afar and moderately effective in melee.
(White Shield Pike)
A phalanx of pikemen, the white shields were modelled on their hoplite forebears and, subsequently, the Alexandrian pike reforms. Their most distinctive feature, and the one which gave them their name, was their white painted shield, emblazoned with the name of their king.
(Light Cavalry)
Cavalry drawing from the more eastern traditions of this multi-cultural state. They are disciplined and well-trained.
(Skirmish Cavalry)
These mercenary cavalrymen are rightly held in high regard for their skills.
(Sicilian Footmen)
Trained sicilian infantrymen that serve the Greek city of Syracuse.
(Sicilian Heavy Peltasts)
Unusually well-armoured skirmishers that are able to stand their ground in combat.
(Sicilian Hoplites)
While all hoplites were originally citizen-soldiers, full-time mercenaries took over and became the standard fighting unit of the Greek world.
(Sicilian Lancers)
Long spears give these cavalrymen a fearsome charge.
(Sicilian Levies)
Lightly equipped native sicilians that have been raised to protect Syracuse.
(Sicilian Marines)
Heavily armoured soldiers that have been specially trained for fighting aboard ships.
(Sicilian Royal Cavalry)
These heavy cavalry are an excellent tool for a commander, well able to break lesser opponents.
(Sicilian Royal Guard)
Elite warriors armed with the finest armour and weaponry that are tasked with the protection of the ruler of Syracuse.
(Sicilian Horsemen)
Native sicilian riders skilled with the use of the javelin as well as in the art of scouting.
(Thracian Axemen)
Untrained but eager Thracians equipped with a simple shield and axe.
(Thracian Footmen)
Moderately well-trained warriors that are able to form and hold a battle-line.
(Thracian Hoplites)
Scale-armoured warriors that number amongst the elite of the Thracian peoples.
(Thracian Lancers)
Savage horsemen armed with a long pike, which allows them to mount an impressive charge.
(Thracian Levies)
Tribesmen that have been called to battle in defense of their kinsmen.
(Thracian Light Cavalry)
Shield-equipped horsemen that are versatile in combat, through their light armour makes them vulnerable in a prolonged melee.
(Thracian Light Spearmen)
Unarmoured and mostly untrained tribesmen that are useful for little more than as garrisons.
(Thracian Noble Peltasts)
Unusually heavily armoured peltasts that are able to stand their ground in combat.
(Thracian Spearmen)
Tough and hardened spearmen that can hold their ground in combat.
Торговое поле
Торговое пространство
Общественная земля
Торговое поле
Сторожевой пост
Сторожевая башня
Последователи Беленуса
Последователи Беленуса
Последователи Беленуса
Последователи Беленуса
Хижина шамана
Местный Торговец
Внутренний рынок
Торговая площадь
Патрульный пост
Городской гарнизон
Академия Медицыны
Большой Базар
Внутреняя Агора
Большая стража
Дом Ишмун
Хижина шамана
Укрепленный Гарнизон
Торговый путь
Мега Асклепион
Академия Ишмун
Общественная земля
Stationis Vigilum
Городская Стража
Большой Рынок
Зал Предков
Open ground is an opportunity for the wise.
Vigilance against the enemy from without and within.
A larger presence of our troops will deter our foe.
Herbs, knowledge and guidance from the gods.
A spiritual and intellectual center of health and wisdom.
Commerce is the heart of any empire.
The exchange of goods and ideas benefits all.
Scholars and holy men come from everywhere to learn here.
The glory of Roma shall be spread to the farthest reaches of the world.
From the Mediterranean to India, all trade eventually passes through here.
A holy place to honor the dead and drink to their memory.
Малое поселение (Медь)
Малое поселение (Боевые лошади)
Малое поселение (Salt)
Малое поселение (Рабы)
Малое поселение (Медь)
Малое поселение (Боевые лошади)
Малое поселение (Соль)
Малое поселение (Slaves)
Малое поселение (Медь)
Малое поселение(Боевые лошади)
Малое поселениеt (Salt)
Малое поселение (Slaves)
Малое поселение (Медь)
Малое поселение (Боевые лошади)
Малое поселение (Salt)
Малое поселение (Slaves)
Варварский Посёлок (Медь)
Варварская Деревня (Медь)
Варварский Город (Медь)
Варварский Пагус (Медь)
Варварский Посёлок (Боевые лошади)
Варварская Деревня (Боевые лошади)
Варварский Город(Боевые лошади)
Варварский Пагус(Боевые лошади)
Варварский Посёлок (Соль)
Варварская Деревня (Соль)
Варварский Город (Соль)
Варварский Пагус (Соль)
Варварский Посёлок (Рабы)
Варварская Деревня (Рабы)
Варварский Город (Рабы)
Варварский Пагус(Рабы)
Боевые лошади
Конный завод
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Восточный посёлок (Медь)
Восточная Деревня (Медь)
Малый город (Медь)
Город (Медь)
Восточный посёлок (Боевые лошади)
Восточная Деревня (Warhorse)
Малый город (Warhorse)
Восточный посёлок (Соль)
Восточная Деревня(Соль)
Малый город (Соль)
Восточный город (Соль)
Восточный посёлок (Рабы)
Восточная Деревня (Рабы)
Малый город (Рабы)
Восточный город (Рабы)
Боевые лошади
Конный завод
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Боевые лошади
Конный завод
Эленистическое поселение (Медь)
Элленистическая Деревня (Медь)
Эллинистический городок (Медь)
Эллинистический Город (Медь)
Эленистическое поселение (Боевые лошади)
Элленистическая Деревня (Боевые лошади)
Эллинистический городок (Боевые лошади)
Hellenistic Town (Боевые лошади)
Эленистическое поселение (Salt)
Hellenistic Village (Salt)
Эллинистический городок(Salt)
Эллинистический Город (Salt)
Эленистическое поселение (Slaves)
Элленистическая Деревня (Slaves)
Эллинистический городок (Slaves)
Эллинистический Город (Slaves)
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Римский посёлок (Медь)
Римская деревня (Медь)
Римсий гродок (Медь)
Римский грод (Медь)
Римский посёлок (Боевые лошади)
Римская деревня (Боевые лошади)
Римсий гродок (Боевые лошади)
Римский грод (Боевые лошади)
Римский посёлок (Salt)
Римская деревня (Salt)
Римсий гродок (Salt)
Римский грод (Salt)
Римский посёлок (Slaves)
Римская деревня (Slaves)
Римсий гродок (Slaves)
Римский грод (Slaves)
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Племенные боевые кони
Боевые лошади
Конный завод
A good mount is not just a companion in battle, but a sign of wealth.
Stockpiling basic needs is essential for the longevity of any empire.
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horse.
It is said that heavy cavalry shake the very ground.
A good mount is not just a companion in battle, but a sign of wealth.
Masterful husbandry can result in horses with the right traits for its role.
To stockpile salt, grain, and supplies is always a good idea.
To stockpile grain and supplies is never a bad idea.
You have accumulated enough resources to last a long while... even if besieged.
Even a small settlement can encourage the breeding and trade of these rare horse.
%n slaves
%n salt
%n livestock
%n Warhorse
%n grain
%n gold
%n fish
Small, hard, dry seeds harvested for human or animal food.
An oppurtunity for wealth...
An important resource worldwide, especially as food.
Soft and malleable; constituent of various metal alloys, namely bronze.
Horses were used for everyday tasks, however, prized breeds were sought after for the elite and wealthy horseback combatant.
Not just a source of labor, commerce, and sustenance; their blood can even placate the Gods...
Greatly prized because it does not fade, rather becomes brighter and more intense with weathering and sunlight.
An extremely valuable commodity... so much it's accepted as currency. Necessary for food preservation, religious offerings, and seasoning.
The backbone of any empire...
Боевые кони
Пурпурный краситель
Римские казармы
Элитные римские казармы
Провинциальные казармы
With some luxury from home, even the patrician can find comfort here.
This province benefits from the order and stability brought by the forces of Roma.
For any soldier, a safe bed is as important as a stout arm.
Британорум Комитатес
Знатные Всадники
Ала Колесниц
Первая Когорта Британорум
Когорта Британорум Гастаты
Когорта Друидов
Кельтские Избранные Копейщики
Кельтские Избранные Мечники
Кельтские Мечники-ветераны
Галатские Легионеры
Кельтская Тяжёлая Конница
Кельтские Копейщики
Кельтские Последователи Меча
Кельтские Копейщики-ветераны
Германские Копейщики
Геранские Мечники
Геранские Всадники-Таны
Германская кавалерия
Германские Воины с дубинками
Германские Копейщики-новобранцы
Германские Отборные копейщики
Обнажённые копейщики
Свирепые мечники
Германские Мечники-ветераны
Греческие мечники
Фаланга Пикинёров
Фаланга Пикинёров в тораксах
Копейщики в тораксах
Мечники в тораксах
Иберийские Лёгкие Копейщики
Иберийские Гастаты-лорика
Иберийские Скутарии-лорика
Иберийская Кавалерия
Иберийская Пехота
Иберийские Скутарии-копейщики
Иберийские Копейщики
Эквиты Экстрординарии
Поздние Эквиты Экстрординарии
Лигурийские всадники
Всадники легиона
Самнитские Гастаты
Поздние Гастаты
Поздние Самнитские Гастаты
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Первая Когорта
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орл
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта Орла
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Когорта легионеров
Педиты Экстроординары
Поздние Педиты Экстроординары
Поздние Принципы
Поздние Принципы-Самниты
Поздние Рорарии
Поздние Триарии
Германский Легион
Соции Экстроординары Легионеры
Advanced Barracks Construction
Barracks Construction
Provincial Romanization
More elite units come with the more substantial and permanent barracks structure.
Construction of specific buildings to handle military training allows for better troops.
With more territory to control, Roma now spreads her military order to the world.
(Camillian Levy Slingers)
Slingers levied from among the poorest Romans - too poor to afford reasonable equipment.
(Camillian Reserve Spearmen)
Even simple spearmen can be useful in Rome's armies, therefore the Socii provides them.
(Camillian Light Spear Maniple)
The Socii are adept at providing medium-grade infantry for Rome. These men form the frontline.
(Camillian Heavy Spear Maniple)
Good spearmen, no matter where they come from, are always valued by the Romans and form the second line.
(Camillian Heavy Cavalry Turma)
These elite Socii cavalry make up one third of the Allied cavalry and are among the very best of Italia.
(Camillian Elite Hoplite Maniple)
The best fifth of the Allied Triarii are designated as Extraordinarii - indeed, extraordinary soldiers.
(Polybian Heavy Sword Maniple)
Re-armed with mail, pila and a gladius, the renewed Principes are even more aggressive!
(Polybian Light Sword Maniple)
Hastati no longer have Hastae, and instead bombard the enemy with pila and cut them to pieces with their gladii.
(Polybian Veteran Spear Maniple)
The Roman elite is relucant to adopt a new fighting style, and skillfully use their Hastae against enemy cavalry and infantry alike.
(Polybian Mediun Cavalry Turma)
Roman cavalrymen have upgraded their armor, though they still fight in the same way and with plenty of pride.
(Polybian Heavy Sword Maniple)
The Romans demand and the Socii serve: heavy melee infantry equipped like their Roman counterparts.
(Polybian Light Sword Maniple)
These gladii-armed, pila throwing men are among the youngest of the Socii.
(Polybian Medium Cavalry Turma)
The Socii provide excellent cavalrymen, as always. Aside from an upgrade they still fight the same way.
(Polybian Heavy Cavalry Turma)
These elite Socii cavalry make up one third of the Allied cavalry and are among the very best of Italia.
(Polybian Elite Spear Maniple)
The best fifth of the Allied Triarii are designated as Extraordinarii - indeed, extraordinary soldiers.
(Military Tribune)
A senator on campaign has his personal bodyguards with him at all times.
(Marian Volunteer Legionaries)
In order to bolster the ranks of the legion, poor and propertyless volunteers are armed at the expense of the local government.
(Marian Legionary Javelinmen)
The youngest and fittest legionaries, given lighter equipment and multiple javelins. When no auxiliaries are around, these men take the role of skirmishing.
(Marian Legionary Scout Turma)
The legionary cavalry consists of able scouts and raiders and these men are perfectly able to handle such tasks.
(Imperial Veteran Legionaries)These veterans have chosen to re-enlist and serve Roma once again.
(Imperial Legionaries).
Heavy infantry with strong attacks, good armour and exceptional morale.
(Imperial Veteran Legionaries)These veterans have chosen to re-enlist and serve Roma once again.
Сточные канавы
Сточные канавы
Дренажные канавы
Дренажные канавы
Речной дренаж
Речной дренаж
Сточные канавы
Сточные канавы
Дренажные канавы
Дренажные канавы
Речной дренаж
Речной дренаж
Even the wildest man knows not to deficate where he eats.
Even the wildest man knows not to deficate where he eats.
A small runoff that allows the town's sewage to clear.
A small runoff that allows the town's sewage to clear.
The gods made rivers to clean both man and earth.
The gods made rivers to clean both man and earth.
Agamemnon's Pride
Ares' Dread
The Sons of Ares
The Spears of Ares
Ares' Terror
Athena's Faithful
The Bite of the Basilisk
The Centaurs
The Brave Companions
The Companions of Heracles
The Companions of Cerberus
The Dread of Deimos
The Enemies of Circe
Enyo's Destroyers
The Gigantes
The Gods of War
The Gryphon's Grace
The Harpy's Claws
The Hecatoncheires
Helene's Faithful
The Fires of Hephaistos
The Hammers of Hephaistos
The Might of Heracles
The Medusa-Head Wielders
The Champions of Nike
Odysseus' Wanderers
The Champions of Olympus
The Defenders of Olympus
The Wings of Pegasus
The Heracleidae
Pericles' Pride
The Terror of Phobos
The Daemons of Polemos
The Ravaging Chimeras
The Servants of Charon
The Sons of Rhea
The Ten Thousand
The Heralds of Thanatos
The Cyclops Slayers
The Titanes
The Children of Tyche
The Brothers of Xenophon
The Children of Zeus
The Eagles of Zeus
The Thunderbolts of Zeus
The Arrows of Aritimi
Aritimi's Herd
The Champions of Uni
The Harbingers of Februus
The Spears of Laran
The Champions of Latinus
The Heralds of Leinth
The Shields of Menrva
The Spears of Menrva
The Thunderbolts of the Nine
The Hammers of Sethlans
The Eagles of Tinia
The Thunderbolts of Tinia
The Serpents of Tuchulcha
The Vengeance of Vetis
Voltumna's Faithful
The Champions of Amphitrite
The Children of Amphitrite
The Vengeance of Atlantis
Brizo's Wards
Charybdis' Terror
The Friends of the Nereids
The Heralds of Glaucus
The Hydra's Heads
The Masters of Mesogeios
The Claws of Okeanos
Poseidon's Chosen
The Tridents of Poseidon
Pytheas' Navigators
The Sirens of Mesogeios
Scylla's Terror
The Judgment of Thessalonike
The Heralds of Triton
The Winds of Ouranos
The Storms of the Adriatic
The Dolphins of Nethuns
The Tridents of Nethuns
The Defenders of the Tyrrhenian
The Winds of Ani
Святилище Ареса
Храм Ареса
Храм Ареса Enyalios
Святилище Афины
Храм Афины
Храм Афины Promachos
Святилище Гефеста
Храм Гефеста
Храм Гефеста Polumetis
Святилище Гермеса
Храм Гермеса
Храм Гермеса Kriophoros
Святилище Ареса
Храм Ареса
Святилище Афины
Храм Афины
Святилище Гефеста
Храм Гефеста
Святилище Гермесаs
Храм Гермеса
Священная роща
Grove of Nymphs
Shrine of Poseidon
Temple of Poseidon
Shrine of Zeus
Temple of Zeus
Священная роща
Роща Нимф
Святилище Посейдона
Храм Посейдона
Храм Посейдона Hippios
Святилище Зевса
Храм Зевса
Храм Зевса Panhellenios
Храм Артемиды
Храм Артемиды
Храм Артемиды Locheia
Храм Артемиды
Храм Артемиды
Become concealed from the enemy in a bid to launch a surprise attack against incoming rival armies.
Protect a settlement from attackers and help keep the populace under control.
Deprive a settlement's populace of vital supplies as assault preparations are made.
Recruit new troops to an army and improve replenishment of diminished units.
Raid nearby trade routes and settlements for income and forage supplemental supplies from the area.
Deprive a settlement's populace of vital supplies as assault preparations are made.
Establish a naval patrol in order to improve defensive and support capabilities.
Raid nearby sea trade routes and coastal settlements for income and engage in local piracy to help supplement supplies.
Stance: Ambush
Situation: Garrisoned
Situation: Laying Siege
Situation: Mustering
Stance: Raiding
Situation: Blockading
Stance: Patrol
Stance: Raiding
Protect a settlement from attackers and help keep the populace under control.
Protect a settlement from attackers and help keep the populace under control.
Recruit new troops to an army and improve replenishment of diminished units.
Recruit new troops to an army and improve replenishment of diminished units.
Situation: Garrisoned
Situation: Garrisoned
Situation: Mustering
Situation: Mustering
Protect a settlement from attackers and help keep the populace under control.
Situation: Garrisoned
------>>>Traits, Talents and Toadies(Charcters skills)
"Моя мощь легендарна!"
"Эй, мальчик! Принеси мне мое масло!"
"Мне платят за смерть... И я убиваю."
"Крооовь! Убивааать!"
"Я - достойный соперник... Я готов бросить вызов любому!."
"Сегодня я видел как раб получил власть большую, чем римский император."
"Я меч во тьме!"
"Ночь темна и полна ужасов"
"Ночью полис выглядет совсем иначе."
"Смирение - первый шаг на пути познания."
"Никому не спастись из крокодиловой пасти!"
"Я могу вырвать твой глаз быстрее, чем ты моргнешь!"
"Во мне воплотился сам Геркулес!"
Без умных подчиненных войну не выиграть.
"Внушающий преданность человек - большое сокровище"
Хороший командир ведет передние ряды, но не забывает и поддерживать задние.
"Солдатам нужен пример для подражания."
"Хорошо составленный перечень - настоящий дар богов."
"Трофеи - наслаждение для истинного воина"
"Предки! Мы чтим вас! Благославите нас своей защитой."
Рассказы о доблести и славе - отрада для сердца.
"Мудрость старости - слышать то, что говорят другие"
"Я часто жалею о том, что говорил, но никогда о том, что молчал."
Сенат - люди, выбранные народом и из народа.
Широкая улыбка скрывает многие мысли...
Женская ласка приручит любого зверя.
Движение ее бедер завораживает
Никогда не стоит недооценивать силу торговли.
Власть без денег - бессмысленна!
"Рыбьи потроха! Вот где деньги!"
"Наши предки хотят крови! Не разочаруем их!"
"Мир?! Ненавижу это слово!"
Слова его - слова предков, передаваемые из поколения в поколение.
Прекрасный голос способен воодушевить даже в самой мрачной могиле.
Перо разит сильней меча.
Справедливый и беспристрастный судья необходим любой земле.
Земля может дать богатство и власть своему владельцу.
Крайне важно спасти большую часть вашего имущества.
Орлинный взор и грубая речь - залог процветания имения.
Пей! И даже не спрашивай что это!
При частом кровопролитии без врача не обойтись
Благосклонность богов всегда в цене
Мудрец забудет большее, чем дурак узнает когда-нибудь.
Из свитков можно узнать все, что нужно для жизни.
"Глядя в огонь узрел я судьбу твою"
"Я посетил дубраву:духи призывают к войне!"
Знание движения звезда может быть полезно.
Немногим дано познать волю богов.
"Я видел будущее... Оно вам не понравится"
"Кишки барсука предвещают войну!"
Мои устами говорят боги.Я их слуга.
"Меня коснулась мощь самого Зевса!"
Нет ничего лучше, чем жизнь прожитая в служении богам!
"Орел на западе! это предвещает беду..."
"Один мне, один в казну, один мне, один в казну..."
Нет дела благородней, чем служба сборщиком налогов.
Трудно поймать того, у кого много лиц.
"Немножко того, немножко сего..."
Алхимики знали, что власть и достоинство есть и в безвестности.
Помни о смерти.
Никогда не обижайте писца - он может погубить ваше имя навеки.
Неприметность и чуткость слуха жизненно важны в дозоре.
Некоторые вещи нужны держать в секрете.
Удивительно, сколь многое можно узнать глядя в потолок.
"Эти деньги могут быть вашими!"
"Не задавай лишних вопросов."
Работающий с землей познает ее секреты.
Лишь одному известны все могилы.
Эти слова передаются в моей семье из поколения в поколение.
Прекрасные слова, произнесенные мягким голосом, успокоят сердца людей.
Я могу придумать такую байку, что даже темные тайны богов будут раскрыты.
Лишь глухой останется равнодушным к словам моим.
Рожденный в дикой местности способен услышать шепот ветра.
Легкая поступь и проворные ноги - вот лучшее оружие дозорного.
Мало кто видел дальние края, еще меньше тех, кто вернулся что бы рассказать о них.
Когда совершенство достигнуто, что еще можно сделать?
Истинный победитель может объединить смертельных врагов под одним знаменем.
Доблесть - дар богов немногим смертным.
Враг не получит ни минуты покоя!
Немного хитрости сэкономит много сил.
Тот, кто не интересуется стратегией, обречен на поражение.
Все любят победителей.
Сила характера важнее физической силы.
Долгий мир сделает овцу даже из самого храброго льва.
Бог войны не терпит сомневающихся.
Иногда, война - единственный выход.
Я человек не из народа. Но я постараюсь быть человеком для народа.
"Философия, вот высшая музыка!"
Политика можно прикормить... Как и любое другое дикое животное.
Завоюй любовь толпы и для тебя не останется невозможного.
Что бы выиграть битву для начала пойми войну.
Путь хитрого ума проложен через темные и интересные места.
Что есть жизнь без маленькой интриги?
Вероломная старость всегда победит изобильную юность.
Слова подобно искре могут зажечь огонь.
"Конец грядет! Твердь разверзнется и поглотит нас!"
Историю пишут победители.
Все люди имеют слабости. Просто раскрой их.
Хороший шпион рабоатет один, на великого шпиона работают все.
Преступление - лучшие орудие шпиона.
Наблюдать - умение присущее всем. На мало кто его ценит.
Все лучшие планы рождаются в темных комнатах.
Только глупец идет вслепую.
Не все двери требуют ключей.
У отравителя деликатное исксство.
Ярость - мать глупости.
Не всем хватает мужества поступить как должно.
Безответственное отношение к чужому имуществу имеет свои преимущества.
Одна стрела может пробить многие сердца.
Ближний бой - дело опасное.
Стрельба из великого оружия требует утонченности, но мало кто ее ценит.
Звук приближающихся колес может вселить страх и в самые смелые сердца.
Когда мужчины приводят в движение землю, разве не подобны они богам?
Некоторые мужчины рождаются воинами.
Копье имеет множество способов применения, и лишь мастер знает их все.
Меч должен быть продолжение руки мужчины.
Великая стена не более чем камушек под ногами находчивых людей.
Они пришли из самих песков пустыни.
В тумане и тени скрыты они, тихие и смертельно опасные.
Леса Германии таят опасность.
Когда люди не боятся вторжения, ни кто не в безопасности.
Рой саранчи пожрет все на своем пути.
Кто-то должен быть миротворцем.
Мало кто способен выстоять перед лицом большой опасности.
Мало кто способен выстоять перед лицом большой опасности.
Мало кто способен выстоять перед лицом большой опасности.
Мало кто способен выстоять перед лицом большой опасности.
Когда человек теряет страх смерти, ничто его не остановит.
Знание местности - большое преимущество.
Мощь варварской орды воистину ужасает
Тот, кто защищает свой дом - опасный боец.
Занятие верховой ездой превращает коня и всадника в единое целое.
Настоящие братья счастливы умереть другу за друга.
Жажда добычи способна превратить людей в чудовищ.
"Встань перед смертью и скажи ей, -"Не сегодня."
Гоплит силен настолько, насколько сильны его соратники.
Связь меж бойцами нерушима.
Тяжелые тренировки и кровь врага сделают из мальчика мужчину.
Быстрому и ловкому коню нужен не менее быстрый и ловкий наездник.
Золото позволит приобрести много "друзей".
Свободный от рабских оков человек может достичь много.
Сражающийся во славу богини - бессмертен.
Лишь лучшие солдаты могут дожить до ветеранства.
Рим - отец всего и мы обязаны защитить его!
Эти македонцы достойны Александра!
Убийство - лучшее из существующих наслаждений.
Его сила струится в наших венах.
Ни кому не сравнится с мужчинами Востока.
Храбры как сам великий царь!
Нашей великой империи нужны храбрые и доблестные воины!
"Сражайся на моей стороне и ты получишь все -вино, золото, женщин."
Заслуженный авторитет позволяет ему влиять на окружающих.
У этого мужа дух настоящего воина!
Репутация и влияние этого человека полностью заслуженно.
Этот человек уважает порядок вещей и занмиает отведенное ему место.
Храбрость на поле боя - добродетель.
Этот человек в меру экономен, но не скуп.
Когда он говорит, остальные внимают.
Этот человек убеждает делом, а не словом.
Открытость и дружелюбие этого человека позволяют вести себя непринужденно в его обществе.
Этот человек работает каждый отпущенный ему богами час.
Все признают то, что его человечность и снисходительность - великие добродетели.
Действия этого человека закалены опытом.
Порядочность этого человека изгоняет даже намек на коррупцию.
Самоконтроль - основа власти.
Раненный ножом вернется он с копьем, Он будет возвращаться вновь и вновь покуда смерть не даст ему покой.
Честность - второе имя этого достойного мужа.
Тело этого человека - храм, и снаружи, и внутри.
Плуг сильнее меча.
Наличие милосердие у завоевателя - признак силы.
И в этой жизне, и в следующей у меня будет свой путь.
Этот благочестивый человек во всем видит волю богов.
Он правит твердой рукой.
"Мы все заслужили справедливую кару! Странно, не правда ли?"
Я должен сдержать слово. Мой меч тому порукой.
Судьба пустила в этого человека множество стрел, но ни одна его не поразила.
Фортуна благоволит деятельным.
"Ты волен сотворить все то, что пожелаешь. И я волен остановить тебя"
Щедрость - прямой путь к популярности.
"Единство среди людей - радость богов."
"Дерьмо оскорбляет даже нищих, неужели вы не знали?"
Боги всегда присматривают за людьми.
"Кризис? Какой кризис?"
Когда нечего терять, нечего и бояться.
Не всяк удачею отмечен...
"Я люблю посмеяться... Но всему есть предел."
Скромность приличествует и красивым женщинам, и высшим чиновникам.
Кровь себя проявит.
Все чтут почетный мир.
"Смотрите, если мы сделаем пирог больше, то всем достанется кусочек...Нет. Это не настоящий пирог."
"Я поступаю так, как следует поступать настоящему римлянину."
Этот человек - воплощение всех мужских добродетелей.
В богатсве нет ничего плохого, когда оно служит общем благу.
Заслуженный авторитет позволяет ему влиять на окружающих.
Этот человек - настоящий римлянин!
Репутация и влияние этого человека полностью заслуженно.
Этот человек уважает порядок вещей и занмиает отведенное ему место.
Храбрость на поле боя - добродетель.
Этот римлянин в меру экономен, но не скуп.
Когда он говорит, остальные внимают.
Этот человек убеждает делом, а не словом.
Открытость и дружелюбие этого человека позволяют вести себя непринужденно в его обществе.
Этот человек работает каждый отпущенный ему богами час.
Все признают то, что его человечность и снисходительность - великие добродетели.
Действия этого человека закалены опытом.
Порядочность этого римлянина изгоняет даже намек на коррупцию.
Самоконтроль - основа власти.
Раненный ножом вернется он с копьем,вернется он и вновь, и вновь придет, покуда смерть одного не заберет.
Честность - второе имя этого достойного мужа.
Тело этого человека - храм, и снаружи, и внутри.
"Мне нравятся свиньи. А тебе? Пища,достойная Юпитера."
Наличие милосердие у завоевателя - признак силы.
"Проскрипционные списки... Убедитесь, что все они могут совершить самоубийство, сохранив тем самым честь. "
Этот благочестивый человек во всем видит волю богов.
Он правит твердой рукой.
"Мы все заслужили справедливую кару! Странно, не правда ли?"
Я должен сдержать слово. Мой меч тому порукой.
Судьба пустила в этого человека множество стрел, но ни одна его не поразила.
Фортуна благоволит деятельным.
"Я волен быть хозяином, ты волен быть рабом."
Щедрость - прямой путь к популярности.
Единство римлян радует богов.
"Дерьмо оскорбляет даже нищих, неужели вы не знали?"
Боги всегда присматривают за Римом.
"Кризис? Какой кризис?"
В некоторых случаях фасции применяются...
Не всяк удачею отмечен...
"Я люблю посмеяться... Но всему есть предел."
Скромность приличествует и красивым женщинам, и высшим чиновникам.
Кровь себя проявит.
Все чтут почетный мир.
"Я поступаю так, как следует поступать настоящему римлянину."
Этот человек - настоящий римлянин!
В богатсве нет ничего плохого, если оно служит Риму.
Опытный в веробвке и снабжении руководитель может переманить на свою сторону по настоящему хороших солдат.
"Тренировки утром, тренировки днем, тренировки вечером!"
"Зачем проливать кровь наших солдат, когда кровь наемников льется не хуже?"
Поддержка знати и богачей может привести к снижению военных издержек.
Политика гораздо беспощаднее и коварнее войны.
"Вино! Все деньги на вино!"
Хороший урожай - основа как мира, так и войны.
"Налоги, казни, ярмарка - хороший выдался денек!"
"Патриции?Плебеи? Все мы люди..."
"Множество врагов, но так и же и друзей, пало на моих глазах."
"Без пощады!" - его боевый клич и стоны врагов отрада его слуха.
Сквозь царство Орка и обратно, а после снова повторить.
Нет причин для беспокойства, когда вас окружают опытные и смышленные люди.
Некоторые командиры руководят сражением за спинами своих солдат, он же лично ведет воинов в бой!
"Птицы, олени, мужчины - все они просто цель".
Многие считают, что он родился в седле; Злые языки же говорят, что матерью его была кобыла.
Лучше вообще не браться за меч, чем быть плохим фехтовальщиком.
Море - вот его настоящий дом!
Каждая битва может быть выиграна еще до начала сражения!
Каждая битва может быть выиграна еще до начала сражения!
Хорошая разведка позволяет увидеть победу за сотню миль до поля боя.
Хорошая разведка позволяет увидеть победу за сотню миль до поля боя.
Даже после поражения можно быстро пополнить армию, сочетая угрозы и посулы.
Даже после поражения можно быстро пополнить армию, сочетая угрозы и посулы.
"Оружие?Доспехи?Припасы? Есть тут у меня кое-кто на примете..."
"Оружие?Доспехи?Припасы? Есть тут у меня кое-кто на примете..."
"Государство - это я"
Дипломатия - искусство, при котором одна рука открыта, вторая же сжимает нож.
"Лучше быть первым в деревне, чем вторым в Риме."
" О, римляне, сограждане, друзья! Меня своим вниманьем удостойте!"
Познал себя, познал врага. Тысяча битв, тысяча побед.
Познал себя, познал врага. Тысяча битв, тысяча побед.
Мы нападем как волки, они падут как овцы.
Мы нападем как волки, они падут как овцы.
Мы затемно ударим по врагу!
Мы затемно ударим по врагу!
Лучшая защита - нападение
Лучшая защита - нападение
"Их стена пробита! Никакой пощады!"
"Их стена пробита! Никакой пощады!"
"Сомкнуть щиты, держать строй!"
"Сомкнуть щиты, держать строй!"
Вражеские корабли никогда не выйдут в море, если их поджчеь в порту.
Корабельная палуба - жесткое поле боя.
Ни сильному ветру, ни большим волнам не изменить полета их стрел.
Лишь бесстрашные мужи способны прорвать блокаду.
Убийства и грабежи создают грозную репутацию.
Смысл жизни некоторых людей состоит в приключениях и странствиях по новым морям.
Немногие люди хватит сил выстоять, когда кажется что все потеряно.
Лишь самые смелые моряки чувсвтуют себя хозяевами в море
Море у них в крови.
Лишь великие мастера слышат шепот дерева.
"Пираты! Мерзкие, развратные твари!"
Посейдон не оставит своих детей без присмотра.
Чти богов и попутный ветер не оставит тебя.
Только хозяева океана достойны служить великому Фараону!
Могущество Карфагена заключено в его кораблях.
Нет большей чести чем защищать могущество Понтийского царства!
Олимпийский чемпион
Мастер пахлавани
Служитель Себека.
Мастер боевых искусств.
Мастер панкратиона.
Военный инженер.
Военный трибун
Танцующий боевой танец.
Герой войны
Поджигатель войны
Хранитель мудрости
Певец Та-Кемета.
Книжный червь
Жрец Та-Кемета
Сборщик налогов
Наемный убийца
Доверенное лицо
Философия войны
Массовое отравление
Искусный лучник
Искусный стрелок
Командир метательных машин
Ужасающий возничий
Профессиональный военный инженер
Грозные воины
Грозные копейщики
Грозные мечники
Осадной мастер
Мастера засады
Мастера пустынной засады
Мастера лесной засады
Ярость германцев
Безжалостные завоеватели
Безжалостная орда
Стойкие защитники
Защитники стен
Защитники полиса
Защитники Рима
Необоримая сила
Вспомогательный защитный легион
Провинциальная стража
Великолепный наездник
Ужасающие мародеры
Неукротимые гоплиты
Неукротимая пехота
Неукротимые легионеры
Командир легкой конницы
Предводитель наемников
Освобожденные воины
Избранники Андрасты
Войско ветеранов
Победоносный легион
Вестники Антигона
Гончие Молосса
Наследники Бренна
Пахлаваны Востока
Достойные Леонида
Победители Селевка
Волки Тейваза
Верные солдаты
Пример для всех
Здоровое состояние
Добрый Исход
Префект Каструм
Инструктор по строевой подготовке
Связи среди наемников
Покровитель армии
Способный чиновник
Начинающий торговец
Отец солдатам
Командный голос
Ужасающий командир
Верная стража
Свирепый воин
Опытный лучник
Искусный командир конницы
Прекрасный фехтовальщик
Морской волк
Специалист в военной логистике
Опытный разведчик
Законный правитель
Политическое животное
Непоколебимый патриот
Умелый тактик
Опытный засадный командир
Ночной командир
Неумолим в атаке
Опытный в осаде
Упорный защитник
Грозные моряки
Превосходные стрелки
Прорывающие блокаду
Ужасающие пираты
Бесстрашное сопровождение
Защитники корабля
Способные моряки
Флот ветеранов
Мастера корабелы
Охотники на пиратов
Сыны Эгея
Морские хозяева
Гордость Птолемеев
Наследники Финикии
Понтийские надсмотрщики
Легион аванграда
Вспомогательный гарнизон
Военные инженеры
Пограничный гарнизон
Гроза крепостей
Финикийский авангард
Гарнизон наемников
Мастера осады
Северные волки
Царская стража
Умелые копейщики
Защитники полиса
Британские колесничие
Легендарные спартанцы
Гарнизон наемников
Стража царской семьи
Ветераны Нового Города
Избранная дружина
"Здесь только лучшие, те, кто прошёл!Те, кто остались с Орлом до конца"
Ветераны - основа любой фаланги.
Непросто убить тех, кто пережил так много битв.
Верность и сила всегда растет с опытом
Ум и труд - братья победы.
"Вперед! Зарежем римских свиней!"
Родина стоит любой цены.
Все построенное может быть и разрушено.
Волчий вой лишь прилюдия к бойне
"Всегда защищать землю предков!"
"Убей врага, забери его золото, возьми его женщин! "
Быстрые лошади - залог победы.
Жизнь царя - жизнь страны
"Если враг не сдается, его уничтожают"
"Врученное в умелые руки копье приведет к победе"
"Мы воюем чтобы жить в мире"
Первым на стену взойдет самый доблестный
"Наши колесницы покорят остров!!"
"Враги бегут при звуке нашего имени!"
Границы империи неприкосновенны
"Плесни-ка нам меда!"
"В пролом! Первый получт двойную долю добычи!"
"Победа или смерть!"
"Им нет числа: быстрые как ветер, яростные как буря! Враги дрожат пред ними"
Степная орда
Защитники лагеря
"Никогда не давайте орде застать вас врасплох"
Призраки Черного леса
"Что это за звук?! Они повсюду!"
------>>>Traits, Talents and Toadies(AT Effects)
Увеличивает дальность атаки всех стрелковых отрядов
Увеличивает дальность атаки всех конных отрядов
Увеличивает дальность атаки всех пехотных отрядов
Увеличивает дальность атаки всей легкой конницы
Увеличивает дальность атаки кораблей поддержки
Увеличивает дальность атаки всех юнитов.
Снижает время, которое может продержаться осажденный город( 2-х кратное значение для прибрежных городов)
%+n%% к навыку атаки в ближнем бою всей очень тяжелой пехоты.
%+n%% к навыку защиты в ближнем бою всей очень тяжелой пехоты.
------>>>Traits, Talents and Toadies(Ancillaries)
Увидев бербера - берегись.
Если вы не видите беребра, то все равно берегитесь.И проверьте, нет ли кинжала в спине.
Хороший человек помнит своих друзей
Мастерство - лучшая защита
"Ни один нормальный зверь не подойдет к полю битвы, господин..."
"Затмите небеса своими стрелами! Сотрясите землю топотом копыт ваших коней"
"Нумидийцы берут лошадь, загнанную накануне, и едят ее!"
"У лошадей есть мудрость, надо лишь знать как ей воспользоваться."
После охоты на человека никакая другая дичь не вызывает интереса
После охоты на человека никакая другая дичь не вызывает интереса
"За такие деньги я свою бабку продам! Ну или вашу...."
"Стены падут, господин."
Кузнецы нужны всем
"Кто-нибудь может подогнать калиги под мою ногу?"
Только сильные духом могут выжить в лесной глуши.
"Боги создали эти места не для человека."
"Они идут! Они за деревьями!!"
"Пошли со мной и смотри в оба!!"
"Они научатся... Попасть в рабство-удача для этих скотов."
Только князь среди лошадей достоин нести первого среди людей.
"Ешь, пей, веселись! Плохо будет только утром!"
"Твоей мамочке это не понравится!"
"Ты,ты,ты... Сделал мою дочь несчастной! Ей было хорошо дома! Со мной !"
"Мама сама не своя сегодня."
"Еще вина? А как насчет рабыни? Брррр Извините."
Калечить лошадь - жестокое безумие.
"Золото есть золото. Прелестная вышла безделушка…"
"Кошель и меч, неси их оба и смотри как дела делаются!"
Подсчитывать денег всегда приятно.
Когда золото течет подобно реке, многие мечтают о ведре.
"Почему они не могут говорить как нормальные люди?"
"Этот "цензура" не попадает в ноту! Каков нахал!"
После того как всем поплохело, веселье обычно завершается.
"Молится трижды в день. Да и выстрела Амура боится."
Некоторые мужчины отличаются от своих товарищей...
Верность не всегда продается, но всегда ценится.
Сплетни - удел стариков.
Умение учиться - первый шаг к мудрости
"Называемые римлянами вернутся домой? Ты дурак."
"Не всегда мудрость приходит с возрастом, бывает, что возраст приходит один!"
Немногие оружейники способны постичь искусство лунного народа.
Каждая стрела найдет свою цель.
Никто и никогда не хочет быть прокаженным.
"В этот вечер девственницам ничего не грозит. Я евнух!"
"Мерзость: кровь так и брызжет!"
"Слава богам! Теперь я вижу!"
"Теперь я силен и готов к неприятностям!"
"Я вижу... Золото, текущее как полноводная река…"
"Смотри в огонь. Ты узришь что будет, что было, что есть..."
"Я говорю правду про богов, а не сладкую ложь!"
"О боги, дайте мне узреть!"
"Приложи припарку. И да, она так и должна пахнуть!"
"Использовать только в полнолуние! Никак не раньше!"
"Неразумно вопрошать мудрых, дите!"
"Именем Луны я проклинаю тебя! Именем Солнца я проклинаю тебя! Будь проклят и умри!"
"Считатете что магия женщин слаба?Нет, женская магия зла!!"
"Две вещи вы должны знать о мудрой женщине...."
"Я не говорю, что вам это понравится. Но это лекарство облегчит ваши муки!"
"Я знаю, что на вкус это ужасно. Но оно вылечит ваш насморк!."
"Дилли-дум, дилли-дум,дилли-дум.Дилли-дум, дилли-дум,дилли-дум.Дилли-дум, дилли-дум,дилли-дум !"
"Волчица конечно... Но ее укусы стоят того!"
"Я истощен. Она такое вытворяла в палатке! Я познал наслаждение…"
Удовлетворит даже самый большой аппетит.
Гибкость имеет свое очарование.
Пустышка... Не более чем дешевая шлюха что скрасить одиночество.
Неотразимая, прекрасная, опасная.
Мужчина даже с самым большим аппетитом не останется ...хм.. голодным.
"Хмм... Земля. Проблема однако."
Понять волны и ветер все равно что понять мысли богов.
Для умелого человека ветер и волны - открытая книга.
Этот человек учился читать волны, ветера и приливы всю свою жизнь
"Рыбки проголодались, а я хочу свою золото!"
Капитан, который уже не может грабить, все еще может драться.
Глядя на дерево этот мастер видит корабль
"Этот парень с Родоса знает толк в пращах!"
"Не стойте с ним рядом. Ему не нравится ваш запах"
"Этот человек чует измену!"
"Он такой милый!Что за?!...Ублюдок укусил меня!"
Маленькие лапки прекрасно подходят для воровства
Как-то одинако на границе.... Да и жрать охота.
Великие тайны сокрыты во тьме
Боги говорят под безжалостными небесами.
"Я вижу... Планы сокрытые в планах."
"Синие ежики! Оп-па-па! Повсюду!"
«В своём доме в Р'льехе мёртвый Ктулху ждёт и видит сны»
"Она не то что бы полезна.Но увлекательна,да…"
"Она не более чем забава для меня…"
Человек-компьютер с холодными глазами и душой убийцы. Ой! Не та вселенная=)
"Одиночество побудило мой ум к развитию"
Жестокий хозяин заставляет своих гостей беспокоитсья о "рыбном" блюде.
"Я назвал его педиком и ты такой же! Надушенный педик!"
Богатство всегда актуально.
"Однажды я вернусь домой. О, я предвкушаю месть!."
"Моя месть будет сладка..."
"У меня еще осталась гордость. Вам не понять."
"Мой народ увидит, что я достоин быть их лидером!"
"Чертова вайда! Всегда сыпь после нее!"
"Золото? - Почему вы думаете, что я...? Нет, нет."
"На самом деле все упирается в золото…"
"Честно говоря, я ненавижу песок в моей постели, в моей еде и даже в моей заднице!"
"Я был верен! А меня подвергли остракизму!"
"Ну что ж, не каждому дано быть Александром, не так ли?"
"Не могли бы вы не говорить о проклятых Баалом слонах?"
"Я совершенно уверен, что моя семья никогда больше не заговорит со мной."
"Где бы я не бродил, нет ничего даже подобного Риму…"
"Сенат? Сенат?! Голубчик, да мне насрать на них!"
"Богатые ублюдки всегда думают, что они победят. Именно поэтому они кровью умоятся"
"Нет, любовь моя. Остальные пытаюся унизить тебя лишь потому, что завидуют..."
"Да кто вы такой, чтобы разговаривать с моим мужем?"
"Я вижу больше, чем ты, дорогой, потому что никто не обращает внимания на женщину..."
"Это делает меня счастливее, чем ты когда-либо смог бы! Ублюдок!"
"Мой муж, мой господин, моя любовь. Навеки."
"Дети- это благословение богов!"
Красота-это благословение богов.
"Мама всегда говорила, что я слишком хороша для тебя. Бедная мама…"
"Дорогой, хочешь ли ты моего специального соуса на следующем пиру?"
"В тихом омуте сатиры водятся".
"Дорогой, моими молитвами благословение богов никогда не оставит тебя."
"И это ты называешь провести время с друзьями? Опять пьешь!? БАХ! Не смей ныть рохля!"
"Солнечный Убийца-Дракон поможет вам, если вы проявите мужество!"
Свободно владеющие греческим и латынью сумеют взять наибольшую дань с побежденных.
"Я храню его меч. Я прикрываю его спину. Он мой вождь!."
"Поцелуй мой топор!"
"Сквозь туман я видел будущее... гигантский враг... и огромный ущерб!"
"Разреши нам танцевать с барсуками под мерцающими звездами,под стоны умирающих врагов! Ха ха!"
"Помните, что если голова ваша покинет шею, то это конец."
"Смотрите-ка! Соня-обжора, принимающий ванны, носящий сандали римский прихвостень приходит сюда и говорит что-то о МОЕМ лице?!"
"Я доберусь до твоей сладкой попки римский ублюдок!"
"Я оплатил это право кровью!"
Зачем великому полководцу самому нести свой меч?
У каждого героя своя история
Удивительные деяния великого мужчины достойны эпоса!
Необходимо увековечить героев ритмом и песней!
"Я могу построить прекрасные обелиски!"
Звезды многое ему поведали
"Определнно переместилась. В прошлом месяце она была там. У меня есть идея..."
"Дай-ка я спою вам песнь..."
Тот, кто владеет им должен править миром. Или уничтожить его...
"Ты в печали, друг мой? Объединимся же!"
"Я умею читать и писать, жители городов."
"Моего вождя не интересует ваш несвязный лепет!"
"Я вкусил плодов Древа Познания!"
"Мой отец услышал это от своего отца, которому его отец передал то, что говорил его отец... "
Музыка прогоняет печаль
"Я спою о злой магии, той, что превратила Верцингеторига в барсука!"
"Я пережил семьдесят долгих зим, поэтому слушайте..."
"Мой вождь дал мне это и получил мой меч."
"Видишь эту бороду? Это ты!"
"Давай, ударь меня - уверен,ты мне не навредишь."
"С каждым глотком я становлюсь сильнее!"
"Вот ... меч власти ... выкованный, когда мир был молод!"
"Это сделано из требухи тухлой рыбы!И они нас называют варварами!"
"Предки мои, помогите мне!"
"Оно еще билось, когда я взял его..."
"Атакуем по моему сигналу!"
"По-моему я как-то покувыркался с его сестрой!"
"Я не уверен, что его можно пить..."
"Будь благодарным! Это же не твой череп!"
Жизнь подобна колесу...
Почему это трусы должны пережить бой?
Золотые украшения указывают на положение человека в обществе.
"Впечатляет, но почему бы врагу просто не отрубить тебе голову?"
"Кто нибудь хочет это шейное кольцо?"
"Знаешь, меня он любит больше…"
"Хахахаха! Кости! Кости!"
"Принеси мне небесный камень и я сделаю тебе клинок!"
"Пей. Не один удар не страшен тебе отныне."
Где же Варг? Есть идеи?
Кто он? Посланник Иного или просто псих с оленьями рогами?
"Его зовут Алан... Мне нравится его... недоброта..."
"Греческий - язык драмы и культуры, тупая ты свинья!."
"Говорю тебе... За этими своеобразными закорючками - будущее."
"Мне нужна рифма к "римские ублюдки"…"
Дух острова всегда хранит свой народ.
"Не трогайте эльфийский народ, если вам дорога жизнь."
Важно проявить уважение перед наступающей тьмой...
В мире теней ступай без страха!
"Не пресмыкайся перед Громовержцем! Он уважает силу!"
Рыба многое знает...
"В будущем люди будут думать, что римляне построили эту дорогу".
"Это была темная, ненастная ночь… и сказал своим людям Бритомарис, 'Люди… и история началась…'"
"Я сделаю колеса из костей поверженных врагов."
"Жуткими заклятьями я прокляла твоих врагов..."
"Я молилась о твоем успехе, муж мой. И принесла жертву."
"Что ж, я была железной. Пока не встретила его."
"Ну же, дорогой. Признай, я могу разрубить тебя пополам в следующем бою!"
"Любовь моя, я этот путь ради тебя прошла. Деревья рассказали о тебе…"
"Втирай это дважды в день…И не забывай вдыхать…"
"Уриен, зачем ты вырезал шестьсот деревянных голов?"
Молодость, дерзость и смелость имеет свои преимущества.
"Нет! Нет! Дышите непрерывно, как я вам показал."
"Я люблю щиты."
"Так тому и быть! До самой смерти"
"Горе, горе мне, трижде горе!"
"Склоняюсь перед Сиятельным!."
"Боярышник, серп, кровь в лунном свете."
"И зверь, и птица, и цветок, и человек - едины; а смерть не более чем сон!"
Резкий звук, прекрасно подходящий к хаосу войны.
"У меня есть хитрый план!"
"У него хороший нюх на засады"
"Будучи легендой неплохо обзавестись биографом, который запишет каждую вашу мысль."
Кто знает к чему привидет следующий шаг?
Храбрости можно научить так же,как ребёнка учат говорить.
"Зеркала, господин, должны располагаться точно..."
"Новая бычья сила почти готова,господин!"
"Хороший обстрел приведет их в чувство. Всегда работает."
"Стой! Ты, противный маленький ублюдок! Бойся меня!"
Битвы-это только часть войны. Также приходтся копать. Много.
Хорошее и надежное место.
Приказы должны быть переданы.
Голодная армия далеко не уйдет.
"Кровь? Мальчик, меня это давно не пугает."
Дела великих необходимо записать для потомства!
"Пикт, галл и германец заходят в бар..."
Историю пишут победители.
"У полководцев свои странности…"
Не стоит недооценивать книгочеев!
"Стены вашей столовой заслуживают изображения ваших величайших побед, добрый господин!"
"Хм. Комедия. Трагедия. Историческая трагедия. Я знаю! Биографическая историческая комедия!"
Про некоторых людей никто не пишет сатиру; другие имеют острые мечи.
"Я создам прекрасную кариатиду твоей матери!"
"Человек, который не пьет свое собственное вино, нечестен! И трезв ..."
"Вы же знаете, боги благословили меня"
"Это удивительно! И в этом нет никакого волшебства?"
Величие покровителя отражает великая архитектура.
Нужно обладать мастерством, что бы твое творение простояло века.
Дороги - это артерии, несущие кровь империи.
"Отсюда, к реке, чтож мне это не нравится."
Монеты напомнят о верности сомневающимся.
"Копай в нужном месте - вот и все мастерство."
Голодные люди глухи к желаниям власть имущих.
Хорошая земля и хорошие работники- хороший доход.
"Замечательно! Он понимает их так, будто бы родился среди них!"
"Мое изобретение действительно полезно, господин..."
Справедливость, сколь дорогой она бы не была, лучше беззакония.
Люди охотно преклонят колени перед справедливыми законами.
Люди охотно преклонят колени перед справедливыми законами.
Империи строятся на порядке, а не на справедливости.
Слушающий тени человек может вселить послушание в быдло.
Сборщики налогов и солдаты едины в своей любви к картам.
Несогнутые спины взывают о кнуте!
"Числа, они--они-- поют мне!"
Хорошая идея - знать о том, сколько денег должно быть в казне.
"Вы получили деньги. Что еще вам нужно знать?"
"Некоторые могут сделать так, что даже список покупок зазвучит захватывающе и интересно."
Вся коммерция ничто без ведения записей.
"Мои предки писали о деяниях фараонов! И я буду! ..."
"История, трагедия, оскорбительные письма кредиторов: выбор за вами!"
Войны, законы,честное правительство; все это требует множества записей.
Ни императоры, короли, князья или сенаторы, торговля - вот что правит миром!
"Я дергаю нити и куклы начинают танцевать."
"Евклид, господин, Евклид. И хороший глазомер..."
"Продайте им еды. Толстяки не бунтуют."
"И чем вы думали платят за культуру?"
Когда меч сломался, владение варварским наречием может и спасти!
За некоторыми слава буквально летит на крылях ветра!
"Попробуй, возьми ее, маменькин сыночек!"
"Я его личный ассистент для помощи в... для оказания ему помощи!!"
"Это поставьте сюда!Вино подайте наверх! ."
"Посыпанные золотым песком мозги жаворонка? Именно так, господин."
Порядок во всем.
Хорошая еда - настоящее достижение цивилизации!
"Когда он приходит, господин, смерти не помешала бы сдобная броня…"
"Большая голова.Большая борода.Большие ноги. Большое... все остальное. Не пропустишь."
"Оторви ему голову, ты же хороший парень!"
Старость может привести юность к мудрости.
"Спою я об Ахиллесе и гневе его под Троей..."
Родосское, господин.Хороший урожай:сладкий, обильный. Такой же как их женщины.
"Боги? Что за ерунда?"
"Эй, у тебя что хлеб под тогой? Или ты просто рад меня видеть?"
"Великая ценность, привезенная из далекой Скифии, где грифоны хранят горы золота."
"Чудо из той эпохи, когда боги еще ходили среди смертных!"
Пламя солнца в руках человека!
Обработанная рана может не загноится.
"Напоминание: убить всех."
"Немного облегчает боль в моих уставших от войны суставах."
Верная защита от слепоты.
"Он виновен. Скоро он признает это."
"Мне не больно. Хотите почувствовать каково это?"
"Сейчас звезды наиболее благоприятны, господин."
"Когда звезды благоволят ..."
"Это можжевеловые кусты!"
"Я покажу тебе мир земной, царство мертвых и даже более того!"
"Не просите чудес! Даже не упоминайте их!"
"Лишь сильные духом познают истинные тайны."
"Боль - признак того, что вы еще живы."
"Мои предки, врачеватели, получили свой дар от самих богов!"
"Не лежите после еды. Возможны газы и отрыжка. Это нормально!"
Хороший полевой хирург может спасти много жизней после битвы.
Объятья женщины даруют утешение...
Красивая, сдержанная,с хорошим связями и очень опытная в любви.
"Пущенная в живот стрела причиняет страшные муки."
"Нет, нет! Нет! Вы должны указать более крупную цель!"
Кто-то должен иметь хорошие идеи.
"Таран?Да! Мы нанесем сокрушительный удар!"
"Следуйте за мной. Убейте их быстро и выбросите кишки за борт!"
"Хороший моряк. Грек, конечно. Но хороший…"
"Поднять паруса! Мы движемся в порт!"
Флейта играет; гребцы гребут: все в порядкеr.
Для того, чтобы грести, одной сильной спины недостаточно
"Гребите из-за всех сил, ублюдки"
Научитесь читать язык морей, приливов, звезд, и мир будет принадлежать вам!
"Одного кнута недостаточно для скорости, господин!"
Мудрый человек дождется прилива.
"Я беру то, что пожелаю.Кто-то против?"
Корабль может принести славу и добычу.
"Господин, дно прогнило!"
"Если вы будете плохо работать... Что ж, рыбы тоже хотят есть!"
"Он такой милый. Мы не можем вернуть ребенка в варварскую семью!"
Пускающий слюни: незаметен в компании, но всегда забавен.
"Любой дурак может кричать, повелитель, мои же доводы логичны,остроумны и независимы."
Некоторым по вкусу улитки и устрицы...
"Возможно, этот плащ второе ваше лучшее творение после тех сапог, мастер."
Даже ревность ничтожных заслуживает уважение.
"Вы помыли руки?"
Похороните ее и будьте прокляты!
Хитрость острее любого меча.
Ничто не в безопасности. Ничто.
Во всех восточных дворцах отравление является искусством.
"Ах. Вы посыпали это дерьмом и смеете говорить что-то о корице?!"
"Я не просто думаю, я наблюдаю!"
"Это вещество, эта плоть: подобие, а не истина."
"Разве это не великая мысль?"
"Я знаю лишь то, что ничего не знаю."
"Страсти бессмысленны!Думай, а не чувствуй!"
"Ах! Это ткань кажется соткана самим ветром!"
Где-то там, за горизнотом, есть горы золота и специй...
Виноградная лоза растет подобно империи.
"На самом деле я предпочитаю горячую воду, хорошее вино и вкусную пищу."
"Этот! С выпирающим подбородком! Его зовут Спартак..."
"Пожалуйста, поверьте мне. Я никогда не лгал своим владельцам!"
"Я выпорола всех рабов. Дорогой, мне нужны деньги. Один из них умер от злобы."
"Мужчины, мой дорогой, не склонны обращать внимание на женский ум. А мой ум остер..."
"Я буду вести домашнее хозяйство и ты не в чем не будешь нуждаться."
"Он наблюдает за мной. Это даст нам преимущество…"
"Ооо! Да! Сливки…"
"Мы сможем извлечь выгоду из этого, любовь моя. Просто дай мне подумать…"
"Твоим людям не нужна новая обувь, они уже получили ее три года назад! Или они едят вещи?"
"Нет. Никаких друзей.Каждый из приглашенных сегодня - полезен. Они помогут нам упрочить наше положение."
"Я наняла шесть новых телохранителей, дорогой. Все они рослые парни."
"Пусть он и стал главным, он по-прежнему не более чем ленивый, жалкий кусок конского навоза."
"Ты влез сюда и пытаешься сделать комплимент его жене?! Заискиваешь, дурак? !"
"А чем ты говоришь? Конечно, это твои деньги. Ты глава семьи! Правда! На помощь!"
"Мы что же, опять должны развлекать этих глупых, мелочных людей? Ненавижу пересчитывать ложки после их прихода..."
"Yes, I flirted with him! And more. Of course I did. I thought it might help your prospects."
Some men marry for love, and others call them fools.
Some men marry for gold, and others call them enviable.
With sharp eye, the dragon watches over its warriors.
"Zalmoxis! Soul-father! Aid your people in their time of need!"
"Bow down before those of royal blood, the Great Gods!"
"Wear these. Much harder for them to cut your hands off."
"By your command!"
"Quite a fellow. He sleeps on his horse. Very useful in battle."
"No idea what he's on about but he's a crack shot with that little bow."
"You're not going to believe this! He said his name was Alan."
Fate and the arrow: both have their targets.
"The end with the teeth towards the enemy, you idiot!"
"Go on. Ask if his head goes to the top of his pointy hat."
"That's not a sword! This is a sword…"
A most deadly blade, curved like the lion's claw.
Faith and bravery together are dangerous.
"I am here on behalf of his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Wu of Han."
"Look at his little face!"
"One careful owner, now tragically with his very revered ancestors…"
Great men must be announced properly.
"I have a care for the king's person, nothing more…"
This man knows where all the bodies are buried.
A loyal, honest fellow with a head for figures is vital.
It's not a job: it's an honour.
Some men have nothing left to lose.
Death is no escape for some enemies.
"When I am bored with my cloak, he will make a fine drumhead!"
"Kneel before Zod."
"No really it does. I bought it off this bloke from Babylon..."
"When I'm wearing the hat, I can have you sorted…"
"When I tilt my head like this it goes all sparkly!"
Every conqueror walks upon his victims.
"O, what a blessing! For us is born The Divine Helper, Zoroaster!"
"We hope and pray that Ahura Mazda sends the Saoshyant to defeat evil."
Keeping records is efficient government.
The power of the earth cannot be tamed, only respected.
"I sing in praise of Ahura Mazda…"
"And when my darling little Bast gets angry, people die!"
"Greek learning? Greek? They learned from us!"
"The Goddess washes away all ills of the body and the spirit."
"There is wisdom in all of Creation for those who seek it."
"My throat's quite sore. I do a lot of screaming."
The Mysteries are revealed only to those identified by the handshake.
"Water and Fire are the life of all good men."
Some foxes can look after the chickens.
"Bring me the bore worms..."
"You know what this is? This is my favourite axe."
Blessed be the bearer of the Sword Royal of Victory!
"There was a young woman of Punt, Possessed of a very large… sphinx!"
"I'm fairly sure there's a man under all that hair."
"Eko Eko Azarak! Eko Osiris..."
"It'll cost you 100 debens if you want to bring that in. And that's just my fee to look the other way."
"Tell me, is that meant to be a dress or a belt? Actually, never mind."
"Get me insect excrement, the urine of virgins, and seventeen powdered lizards… I will cure you."
"You just can't get the right sort of domestic help these days."
"I will come back here and kill you all, the architects of my misery!"
"Behold! The flesh of the gods."
A warrior who can trace his ancestry back to Alexander is worth his weight in gold.
"Twangly-twangly. Twang!"
"The ankh is life!"
"The sign of Osiris risen!"
"Amun-my-Strength, Amun-my-Rock."
Divine protection from the sting of the scorpion can increase one's lifespan.
The central element to bestow protection upon the Pharaoh in the afterlife.
"Think on this: I could fill it with your entrails!"
A player of the game of passing can expect protection from the gods when his time comes.
The coils of the serpent will protect Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld.
There is always the power of love!
He will serve Pharaoh forever in the afterlife.
"...equal parts lion fat, hippo fat, crocodile fat, cat fat, snake fat and the fat of an ibex. Make as one and smear on the head of the bald person."
Pharaoh demonstrates might and courage subduing the Nile's savage beasts.
"I loved my pussy!"
The Pharaoh, strength and health unto Him, makes war with vigour!
The mighty Nile does homage to Pharaoh, strength and health to Him!
Always stroke your beard when plotting world domination.
All must bow before the might of the Pharaoh, health and strength unto Him!
"Behold… the staff of power!"
When Pharaoh, strength and health be His always, speaks, the Gods listen!
The face may have changed, but Pharaoh remains strangely familiar.
"Shiny things… lovely."
"Everyone will be dead for a very long time. Best to get it right."
"He's quite little for a barbarian…"
"He is loyal, unlike my ungrateful underlings!"
"Drink! Drink! Drink to honour the Goddess and ask for her blessings!"
There is nothing wrong with revenge.
To strike without seeing the enemy is to serve the cause of victory!
"Marvel at the works of Imhotep! In stone is glory remembered!"
"Isis blesses those who support the throne, and those who hunger for justice."
"Your deeds this day will be judged in the afterlife!"
"Desert storms and war: both bring danger and opportunity."
Much papyrus is needed to record Pharaoh's many kingly achievements.
"Oh wooooe!"
"Wiggy! Wiggy! Should have come to me!"
"Two falls or a submission… against a crocodile?"
The last of a dying breed, but extremely handy with a spear.
"Father of the People, protect us now against our enemies!"
"Respect the trees and the water as you hunt, and the goddess will be pleased."
"Victory is assured for the followers of the Goddess!"
"You want to be big and strong? Then drink the bloody potion!"
"Epona! Grant us mighty steeds to crush our enemies!"
"The bull and the blood bring fertility to all!"
"Do not touch the instruments of the God as you beg him for food!"
All things are marked by birth and death, a beginning and an end.
"If it bleeds, we can kill it!"
"Necks or logs. Much the same. Ya?"
"Strength of Donar, be within me!"
"Woden! Woden! Grant me your vision!"
"Strike down my master's enemies, O Master of the Storm!"
"In beauty, death; in life, war: the Goddess looks to all things."
The All-Father helps those who help themselves.
"What? What? Speak up!"
"If it's good enough for the Spartans, it's good enough for me."
"Not the face! Not the face!!!"
"Oi, keep your hands off my Phrygian helmet!"
Taking a boy to guard your baggage whilst you fight is just common sense.
"At once, Strappy-Horse!"
It can get cold on long marches.
The dash and speed of the charge is in a man's heart.
To be heroic in a phalanx is truly worthy.
"Forward! And hold your ranks!"
"Which eye do you want taken out?"
The trusty shield of Herakles will not let you down.
"Everything good: Greek. Definitely not a Galatian design."
"Yes, he's a disgrace. He knows how to run quickly though."
It's surprisingly easy to kill an enemy when he's twenty feet away from you.
"Is that a spear in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"
"You can cut through light itself with this."
Owning this sword means you can always cut right to the heart of the matter.
"To the standard men! Do the standard proud!"
"Let me at 'em!"
"He's so beautiful, I'm enraptured just by looking, let alone touching..."
"When I declaim tragedy, good sir, the Olympian Gods weep!"
Without tradition, where is the play?
"Your victories should-- no, must-- be celebrated!"
A man with fists like sides of ham can be handy in a scrap.
"Take a bit of old tin, wrap it in foil, bash it with the right stamp and there's yer drachma. Sorted."
Any outcome can be arranged for the right price…
"Fortunately, this man was able to take the place of the previous returning officer when he accidentally, brutally cut his own head off whilst combing his hair."
It is useful to have someone who can truly interpret the Pythia in the correct manner.
"Don't quote me on any of that, I'm not an oracle you know."
"I love it when a plan comes together."
"Now, that's a cure!"
"The Mother of the Gods, the Saviour who Hears our Prayers"
"...All that you slight, and everyone you fight…"
"Praise the power of the Sun and Storm!"
"Eels… Crawling up inside you, finding an entrance where they can!"
"Aren't her, er, blooms absolutely gorgeous?"
"I shoulda broked his face…"
"Look, I'm paying for all this so you touch your toes now or I'll cut them off!"
"I sing in praise of Total War!"
"That's a marvellous erection right there!"
An honest clerk is worth his weight in silver.
"You've been done mate, these are just tin with a silver foil stamp!"
It is important that the laws of the city are recorded.
Stout boots are needed on the long march to the battlefield.
Strength, honour and courage are only found in champions.
"You just scribble the name here and the dead do the rest."
"Terribly practical people the Spartans. Humourless bastards, but practical!"
"Thracian horn for a thracian drink!"
"I need your battle rage, Lord Ares!"
"The proper worship of Dionysus has no limits, my dear. None. None at all!"
What the gods forge does not break.
The image of Daedalus enhances the skill of the craftsman.
"With my skin? At noon?"
"A little eases the way along the shadowed road."
Open-toed shoes help one's feet to breathe in warmer climes.
"Mother won't let me go to war without it."
A winged cap to keep the sun from the face of "The Messenger."
"Who better than I to carry such a weapon?"
Diluting the symposium wine ensures a leisurely evening doesn't end too abruptly.
The committed drinker should always know where to find his favourite cup.
"Last one to down their's is a member of the Theban Sacred Band!"
"The past, the future… all one."
"We don't recognise your base barbarian coinage here, sir!"
"If any of you say anything I'll kill the lot of you, ok?"
"I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. And then myself."
"If he tells you anything you're both dead, got it?"
"Cult? What cult? There's a cult?"
A fine young girl to carry the mysteries in honour of Athena.
"Greek learning! Best in the world!"
"Without my presence the entire affair would simply fall apart!"
"Bother me not, peasant, I must catalogue my extensive collection of tragedoi."
"This is a local city for local people: we'll have no trouble here!"
All that is beautiful is the work of the Goddess.
"Do not turn away from the truth of Ares. Terror and Fear are harnessed to His chariot."
"The Mistress of the Wild aids her hunters!"
"Leave the snakes alone, or the God will do little for you!"
"The Goddess always walks alongside heroes!"
"If you honour the Goddess, make sure you have a granary."
"Roses are red, violets are blue, I've got a gladius-- get in the chariot."
"Even the strongest is stronger with the iron blessings of Hephaestus."
"Herakles is an example of strength, of honour, worthy of any commander!"
"The messenger of the Gods brings good news and bad with equal honesty."
The dead need a guide to the afterlife.
"Victory comes swift-footed for the servants of Nike!"
"Fear the Earth-shaker, and offer respectful sacrifice!"
"I think you'll find that Zeus elegantly demonstrated that thunderbolts are a valid tool of societal control."
"You don't understand… there was a tremendous sense of... value."
"At least I didn't have to buy her a drink first!"
This man's wares are made to last a hundred battles, if you live that long…
"You are the best-est, greatest, most excellent leader..."
"I do not like weak men. Weak men do not like me. That is why we married."
"Eat iron death!"
Allowing the enemy to live is collaboration, and cowardly to boot!
Enemies are only worthy when they are dead.
Someone has to look after dinner.
"He's funny. He can run, and jump, and do things with olives."
Which of the gods, in the name of truth, fixed these absurd proportions?
"Look at the calves on that!"
It's useful to know what your eastern neighbours are thinking.
"And now we enter the central square, open to the sky of course… ideal for sacrifice."
The threat of crucifixion can really focus the mind.
"Tanit, Face of Ba'al: take me...I am not worthy!"
Why do your own grooming?
Mercenaries paid in gold, silver or electrum have loyalty.
"I'm here to ensure this war stays within the agreed operational budget."
A ready tongue and shiny gifts can smooth an army's passage.
"Nail 'em up! Nail some sense into them!"
"Woah, Nelly! Woah!"
"Behave, or you fookin' get this!"
"Remember, if he goes mental drive the spike in just here."
Never get between a man and his favourite elephant.
Convincing the enemy that Herakles himself is coming works better than surprise alone.
"Me? That would be telling!"
"Through blood and fire, I beg wisdom, Lord!"
"Grant me your blood wisdom, O Goddess!"
"Elephants die on campaign. It's a shame to waste them."
There are many advantages to owning a really nice carpet.
The smell of burning flesh must be disguised.
This sacred stone ensures that libations are always welcomed.
"Much nicer than that Italian rubbish."
"It's not just dressing in women's clothing. It's prudence."
Following debate and discourse, someone has to make the final judgement.
"Oh yes! Ha ha! Look at me!"
"No I don't speak Punic, so it's one grunt for 'yes', two grunts for 'charge!'"
"I will show you the Spartan way of battle."
"Look, this falcata is really sharp, so don't put your hand on the-- BUGGER!"
"For a chance to remove the Roman yolk from the necks of my people? I'd follow you anywhere."
"Try this cheese. No really... you'll laugh, you'll cry... it'll change your life."
"It's fine as long as you both have it. Otherwise she'll probably pass out in the bedroom."
"I can do any colour you like, as long as it's purple."
"Feel that, much better than that Tarantine rubbish! That's real quality, that is."
Athena's gift is the bountiful fruit of the olive tree.
"It's definitely a fake. Gold doesn't come in green."
"Another dinner like that and I'll grant him Sidonian Rights!"
"Behold… the new Herakles: Melqart personified!"
"It doesn't work with a dead child. The infant must be living when it joins with the flames."
Birth, love, war, death: what else is there?
"From Ba'al all blessings flow. At His command, the crops grow and mothers give birth."
"You ain't seen me…right?"
"There, that's better. Eshmoun blesses the righteous, no?"
"It's not the end of the world…oh hang on, actually it is."
"Give thanks to Lord Melqart for a swift passage and gentle seas!"
"Face of Ba'al, protect your servant with iron virtue and the shield of war!"
A hero's armour is most becoming.
Good armour is not cowardice. Dead men do not win battles.
Owning good armour is prudent.
"Stay calm and remember it's nothing more than a big bow and arrow."
"If men disobey, this is the least of their rewards."
All great men have to start somewhere.
"You! Yes, YOU! You 'orrible little legionary! Do not make my camp UNTIDY!"
"And now to business… war, gentlemen, war."
"Fly my pretties! Fly!"
"Don't call me 'sir'! I work for a living!"
"She's known as 'Omnibus', you know, because everyone's had a ride…"
A good stabbing is generally fatal.
"One hundred and eighty!"
Bravery is not the sole preserve of Romans.
Youth little knows fear.
Among brave men, the hero must be exceptional.
"When all else fails: go to the triarii."
Lack of money is no bar to heroism for a true Roman.
Thrown with enough force and skill, the pilum will pierce a cuirass.
"Did you see that? A badger throwing a javelin!"
"Today's password? How about 'Touch me, Titus'?"
"Get the buggers a'fore they get you. That's all there is to winning."
"Letter work. Still, better than digging latrines and washing sponges."
"Fortune pisses on me once again!"
Young officers should be groomed for high command.
Cutting throats politely is always a useful skill.
To avoid trouble, see it first.
Light enough to carry easily, strong enough to withstand a hail of arrows.
"Valour, clemency, justice and piety."
"Did you see that last one, his head caved right in when I skimmed it!"
"Take that, non-Roman scum!"
"To the victors, the spoils!"
"I got this for saving the Consul's life."
"Rally to the standard!"
The man who carries the Eagle carries the army's honour.
Whereas slashes are rarely fatal, few survive an encounter with the stabbing blade.
"A man cannot advance without military laurels."
When trumpets sound, true warriors listen!
A scarred veteran, alert to any danger near his general.
"I am a Colossus on stage! A Colossus! So shut your face, you bitch!"
"Nay, nay, and thrice nay, mistress! Listen! Oooh, now, no tittering! Now then: the prologue..."
"I could rework the 'Ode to Titania', if you like…"
"How about you pay those taxes and I'll see what can be done about getting the temple rebuilt."
A favour here, a word there, and always profit for the right friends.
A man hungry for preferment will do almost anything. Absolutely anything.
There is an honest nobility in looking after one's following.
"Your coin secures only my finest for the primus!"
The law is always the friend of the powerful.
"Nothing happens in this quarter until I say so."
Some people are happy just to be noticed.
A true Roman never forgets those who support him.
Money and favours do much to lubricate politicial intercourse.
Any man who can kill the lizard of the Nile with his bare hands is clearly a force to be reckoned with.
"He's wearing eye-liner. Is he a man, a woman, or a Greek?"
Exotic animals for the games command a high price.
"Beaten to a pulp, or just tenderized, sir?"
Only morons don't support the Blues!
The Greens! What glory it is to follow the Greens!
Fame! Glory! And a rightful champion for the Reds!
Only a fool would be seen with anyone other than a White champion!
"You fight the post until my eye has satisfaction in your effort!"
"You give them bread. I give them glory!"
The Games must be fed with men.
A hero in the arena; a terror in the streets!
"Here I am top dog. Even tyros soon learn."
"Back off, you bugger!"
"Twenty-four fights. Twenty-four wins. Twenty-three kills."
Some skills from the arena are useful on the battlefield.
Applied violence is useful in the arena and politics.
"How do you want him cut, sir?"
"For my friends, and the right coin, I can always get lions!"
"To the gallows, you dishonourable dog! Bring his kids too… and his pets."
"Right then, off to the Carcer with you. Best say goodbye to your family now."
"To the Gemonian Stairs, you dishonourable dog! Bring his kids too… and his pets."
One's enemies must be put in their place. All the time.
Pain and death: wrongdoers always understand these things.
"Fear of punishment is order. Nothing more."
"If the accused were an honest Roman, he would be dead of shame!"
It is important that people hear the right news in the right way.
It never hurts to have a friend to speak on your behalf.
A wise man with old friends shares them with his patron.
"It is the Senate and PEOPLE of Rome!"
"No. Don't... Don't touch! Do NOT touch!"
"Short, nasty, given to drink… but tidy in a fight."
"That'll bloody learn him to bark, the little bugger!"
"Trim the hooves. Wipe the arse. And roast it. With seventeen swans."
"The angles, the insane dimensions - and the Julia Set - O Gods! Preserve us!"
"…you ponce. And another thing…"
"Get your stola, darlin', you've pulled!"
"They've clearly not thought about calls of nature."
"Those trouser-wearers have got the right idea when it comes to winter warmth."
"They'll never work out who we are until it's too late."
Spare the rod and spoil the soldier.
Long nights at sea gives way to gambling...
The family spirits guard every respectful son from harm.
There is enjoying a drink, and then there is worship of Bacchus!
"Maiden of Battle, I need your aid!"
"Let the harvest be bountiful, Lady Ceres!"
The gods help those most who ask the least.
"Mars! Give your servant victory, or death!"
"Mithras! Grant me your strength!"
"Lord of the Deeps, protect us from storms!"
"Vulcan, aid us in our labours!"
Law and order are two sides of the same coin.
"I always have one. Hatred should be acted upon."
A man's lucky amulet must be cherished and protected!
A little knowledge, and the right medical tools, can work wonders.
A good commander shares his troops' hardships, and honest plain fare.
Winter is coming…
It is a weakness not to use the lash.
Everybody fights. And everybody digs.
"Who better to carry this blade?"
"Practice twice as hard, and battle's half as easy!"
The citizen and his wealth are soon put asunder.
"The patricians are descended from a race of twelve-pes, blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. No, really..."
Sometimes the tormented dead lurk, just out of sight but never out of mind.
The dead stand watch over the grateful living.
An uncanny guardian is both a blessing and a curse.
"I have never seen bowels so troubled…"
"I learned by setting bones for charioteers. You, I can mend!"
"Warts? A preparation of dog urine and mud, I think."
"The things you have to do to become a citizen of the greatest city in the world…"
Some distractions from duty have a high price.
"I don't just work cemeteries, dearie…"
"You see all kinds of things when you walk the streets."
"I'm a soldier's woman. That's why his men like me."
"Costly? My services? Try saying that in the morning, darling."
Charmingly unskilled in love, but terribly eager.
"Ooooh yes, he was a lovely man. He never beat his slaves without a good reason."
"A whale's scaley arse! Don't you lot want to die today?"
"I told you they were up to something!"
"Don't hurt his feelings! Why can't my horse be a senator, eh?"
"Slave-fed lamprey. Nothing better in a sweet wine sauce!"
"Do you know lions don't actually like the taste of slaves? I didn't!"
"His name is Alan. I like his cruelty."
"Greek learning? Bah! Girls' learning!"
"Oooh! He's got such a strong grip!"
"It's the finest toe that money can buy."
"An orgy? During the Ides? Ooooh! How splendidly naugh-- fervent of you!"
"Bless your warriors, Bellona, with hard hearts and strong sword arms!"
Honour the Goddess, and hope for rain.
"I'm Julianus and this is my friend Sandicus."
"The Goddess blesses all those who looks after her horses."
"Strength is yours, acolyte of Hercules!"
"The Goddess blesses those who war for Rome, as they are good Romans all."
Victory for Rome shows the favour of Jupiter Victor!
All honest Romans worship the Shining Father.
"Romans! Remember you are the sons of Mars!"
"Love moves the world of men: the love of money."
"By Neptune's favour, we will have wind!"
Asking the Gods for help is a ticklish thing, by Jupiter!
"Every year we Romans celebrate the Saturnalia, and we honour days long gone."
"I tell you this: a sacrifice to the goddess always gives one the horn!"
"Honour the Goddess, for She aids you always on the field of battle!"
"Honour the lame smith, and his works, will protect you always."
Flesh pays many debts.
"It was 'im what done it, gov!"
"Common little man, I know, but frightfully rich."
"There's nothing wrong with money, as any poor patrician knows."
What finer thing is there than a Roman lady at the side of her manly Roman husband?
"Husband, home, hearth. What more need there be for a Roman lady?"
"Any flames I have burn for my husband!"
"My forefathers built Rome. You, my dear, will save it!"
"And why are we entertaining that fat pig, Flatus Maximus, again? And no, I don't care if he hears!"
"I will write to my cousin, of course. And grandfather. And my uncles…"
"Cool, huh? The dead bloke didn't want to let go..."
"It's all in the knees you know…"
Sky and earth, fire and water: all go into the blade.
A king's head, stamped on a coin: that is true power!
Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!
The mark of a lord should be worn with pride.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gold. Nothing.
"It's nice to be wealthy. The alternatives are so... demeaning."
The severed head of a captive protects its bearer.
Skilled in the shaping of metal, an ornament to the people.
"The linden speak, warn, and advise, but only for men who listen!"
"Sixty summers gone, I thought as you, boy! Fight with your head as well as your sword!"
"Would I sell you a duff cow? Would I? Well, would I?"
This man has yet to meet an elephant he cannot tame.
"Look on my norks, ye Mighty, and despair!"
"...lost in the swirling maze of past and future ages..."
"...somewhere along the infinite corridors of time..."
A most deadly blade, curved like the lion's claw.
When you see a Berber, worry.
If you can't join them, beat them. To death, preferably.
A shield of skins may protect the bearer from slings and arrows alike.
"Use it like a spear, use it like a sword. Cut a man clean in two. Nice."
The curved blade, used with skill, can hook a shield and unbalance the bearer.
Who would suspect a simple Thracian traveller?
"Awesome! It's got pockets!"
"And so the hunt begins again…"
"May Darzalas grant you long life, and health!"
"You live beneath His Sky because it pleases Him to allow it. Do not ask for more!"
The old ways still mean something.
Берберский всадник
Берберский налетчик
Heroic Saviour
Master Armourer
Parthian Captain of Horse
Numidian Horseman
Master of Horse
Trophy Hunter
Trophy Hunter
Mercenary Commander
Siege Engineer
Master Smith
British Scout
Desert Scout
Arabian Scout
German Scout
Slave Trader
Noble Steed
Drinking Companion
Spinster Aunt
Evil Mother-in-Law
Beloved Mother
Drunken "Uncle"
Horse Trainer
Merchant Adventurer
Parthian Merchant
Gallic Bard
Honest Man
Aged Retainer
Aged Retainer
Personal Tutor
Latin Tutor
Wise Man
Cuirass of the Moon People
Parthian Bow
Leper Disguise
Vestal Disguise
Dacian Falx
Emerald Lens
Weighted Practice Shield
Fortune Teller
Eastern Magus
Wise Woman
Celtic Witch
Wise Woman
Anachronistic Madman
German Mistress
Berber Minx
Skilled Courtesan
Wise Fisherman
Reformed Pirate
One-eyed Veteran
Pet Bear
Hunting Dog
Pet Jackdaw
Pet Monkey
Pet Monkey
Pet Sheep
Pet Snake
Desert Prophet
Desert Prophet
Speaker in Tongues
Dread Cultist
Exotic Slave
Barbarian Slave Girl
Twisted Assassin
Human Computer
Barbarian Philosopher
Master Trader
Iberian Turncoat
Celtic Turncoat
Gallic Turncoat
German Turncoat
British Turncoat
Eastern Turncoat
Parthian Turncoat
Egyptian Turncoat
Greek Exile
Greek Turncoat
Carthaginian Turncoat
Equestrian Turncoat
Roman Exile
Traitorous Patrician
Plebeian Turncoat
Ambitious Wife
Arrogant Wife
Clever Wife
Drunken Wife
Faithful Wife
Fertile Wife
Beautiful Wife
Harridan Wife
Poisoner Wife
Quiet Wife
Religious Wife
Shrewish Wife
Priest of Vahakan
Heroic Warrior
The Seer
Tattooed Madman
Heroic Veteran
Naked Fanatic
Pictish Git
Bloodied Sword
Famous Warrior
Epic Bard
Personal Bard
Menhir Carver
Black Cauldron
Childhood Friend
Outlander-educated Weakling
Smooth-tongued Bard
Hazel Shells
Personal Bard
Epic Harpist
Old Man
Golden Arm Ring
Bronze Mirror
Chainmail Shirt
Drinking Horn
Hearth God Statue
Dried Heart
Commander's Horn
Quicklimed Head
Herbal Sleeping Potion
Drinking Goblet
Solar Wheel Amulet
Spear of Woden
Golden Torc
War Helm
Cackling Crone
Tribal Midwife
White Stag Pelt
Pet Raven
Greek Playwright
Latin Playwright
Priest of Britannia
Druidic Shaman
Priest of Mabon
Priest of Taranis
The Salmon of Wisdom
Road Builder
Cunning Wife
Priestess Wife
Shieldmaiden Wife
Swordmaiden Wife
Uncanny Wife
Medicine Man
Shield Savant
Priest of Belenus
British Druid
British Druid
Shield Biter
Unwashed Trooper
Uncouth Brigand
Intrepid Explorer
Decorated Hero
Military Engineer
Battlefield Runner
Veteran Warrior
Greek Comedian
Wine Merchant
Monumental Mason
Road Engineer
Mining Engineer
Aqueduct Builder
Farming Expert
Foreign Guest
Secret Policeman
Chief Overseer
Idiot Savant
Tax Farmer
Eastern Scribe
Egyptian Scribe
Greek Scribe
Roman Scribe
Shipping Magnate
Grain Merchant
Greek Merchant
Greek Athlete
Gourmand's Chef
Gourmet Chef
Freeman Clerk
German Giant
Wine Steward
Infamous Atheist
Athenian "Bakery Products"
Gryphon Bones
Giant's Thigh Bone
Lead Scratch Pad
Tincture of Hemlock
Emerald Ring
Kindly Torturer
Jewish Mystic
Egyptian Mystic
Egyptian Doctor
Famous Courtesan
Expert Sea Archer
Ship's Artillerist
Cabin Boy
Big Sweaty Drummer
Seasoned Marine
Greek Seamaster
Veteran Prorates
Skilled Auletes
Veteran Toicharchos
Veteran Trierarchos
Rowing Master
Rhodian Sea Master
Cilician Pirate
Former Cilician Pirate
Sponge Diver
Admiral's Surgeon
Pet Hostage
Pet Idiot
Body Slave
Body Slave
Over-protective Nanny
Lady Killer
Master of Assassins
Master of Thieves
Exotic Poisoner
Jaded Cynic
Natural Philosopher
Platonic Philosopher
Heavyweight Philosopher
Socratic Philosopher
Stoic Philosopher
Silk Merchant
Spice Merchant
Master Vintner
Barbarian Turncoat
Gladiator Turncoat
Servile Turncoat
Brutal Wife
Educated Wife
Efficient Wife
Flirtatious Wife
Domestic Goddess
Intelligent Wife
Mean Wife
Political Wife
Protective Wife
Acid-tongued Wife
Social-Climbing Wife
Spendthrift Wife
Superior Wife
Unfaithful Wife
Unsuitable Wife
Wealthy Wife
Priest of Zalmoxis
Anunnaki Cultist
Cataphract Warrior
Dahae Tribesman
Elamite Archer
Massagetae Tribesman
Master of Archers
Captain of Horse
Saka Tribesman
Heroic Temple Guard
Zhang Qian
Slow Loris
Palmyran Beauty
Camel Dealer
Preferred Friend
Tender of the Royal Backside
Eunuch Guard
Stuffed Enemy
Flayed Enemy's Skin
Flying Carpet
Human Foot Stool
Leather Scribe
Pet White Cat
Mystic Philosopher
Statuette of Anahit
Statuette of Armazd
Priest of Bel
Amulet of Zarathustra
Chief Eunuch
Egyptian Poet
Celtic Bodyguard
Pet Black Cat
Border Guardian
Dancing Girl
Syrian Butler
Parthian Slave
Greek Veteran
Hunting Dog
Phallic Charm
Scarab Amulet
Serket Amulet
Udjat Amulet
Canopic Jar
Senet Board and Sticks
Mehen Board
Statuette of Isis
Hair Tonic
Hippopotamus Harpoon
Mummified Cat
Double Crown
False Beard
Nemes Headdress
Atef Crown
Master Embalmer
Pet Goat
Pet Jackal
Priestess of Bastet
Priest of Horus
Priest of Horus-the-Elder
Priest of Imhotep
Priestess of Isis
Priest of Osiris
Priest of Seth
Wailing Women
Garamantian Bodyguard
Priest of Teutatis
Priest of Abnoba
Priest of Brigantia
Priestess of Epona
Priest of Esus
Priest of Moulinex
Priestess of Rosmerta
Heroic German Warrior
German Heroic Axeman
Hammer Amulet of Donar
Amulet of Woden
Priest of Donar
Priestess of Freyja
Priest of Woden
Corinthian Helmet
Pilos Helmet
Thracian Helmet
Phrygian Helmet
Heroic Companion
Heroic Hoplite
Captain of Hoplites
Rhodian Captain of Slingers
Greek Thespian
Epic Poet
Coin Forger
Dream Interpreter
Fugitive Carthaginian General
Priestess of Cybele
Priest of Men Pharnacou
Priest of Zeus Stratios
Pankration Champion
Herm Carver
Official Cointester
Pankration Gloves
Curse Tablet
Thracian Drinking Horn
Blessed Arms of Ares
Wine Jar of Dionysus
Anvil of Hephaestus
Tincture of Hemlock
Alexander's Sword
Wine Amphora
Money Changer
Greek Philosopher
Metic Advisor
Priestess of Aphrodite
Priest of Ares
Bow of Artemis
Staff of Asklepios
Priest of Athena
Harvest Horn of Demeter
Priest of Dionysus
Priest of Hephaestus
Pelt of Hercules
Sandals of Hermes
Psychopomp of Hermes
Wreath of Nike
Poseidon's Trident
Amulet of Zeus
Athenian Shieldmaker
Spartan Wife
Enslaved Greek
Mauretanian Slave
Cyrenaican Spy
Local Guides
Libyan Groom
Elephant Driver
Lionskin Cloak
Jewelled Mask
Statuette of Ba'al Hammon
Amulet of Tanit
Ivory Drinking Horn
Multi-coloured Carpet
Perfume Burner
Sardinian Oil Lamp
Wigs & Disguises
Bejewelled Mincer
Gallic Mercenary Captain
Greek Military Advisor
Iberian Mercenary Captain
Campanian Mercenary Captain
Tyrrhenian Merchant
African Garlic Merchant
Libyan Glass Merchant
Sardinian Fleece Merchant
Acragan Olive Merchant
Skilled Blacksmith
Numidian Chef
Priestess of Astarte
Statue of Ba'al Hammon
Statue of Ba'al Lu'can
Statue of Eshmoun
Priest of Reshef
Token of Melqart
Symbol of Tanit
Personalized Lorica
Superior Lorica Squamata
Superior Lorica Hamata
Expert Tragularius
Extra Barley Rations
Efficient Praefectus Castrorum
Carrier Pigeons
Primus Pilus
Cheap Slattern
Heroic Auxiliary
Heroic Hastatus
Heroic Principes
Heroic Triarius
Heroic Velite
Lucky Pilum
Renowned Principalis
Lucius Vorinus
Loyal Praetorian Guard
Funda and Lapis
Balearic Slinger
Hasta Pura
Inspiring Signifer
Inspiring Aquilifer
Trusty Gladius
Titus Pullo
Eager Military Tribune
Veteran Centurion
Watch Goose
Roman Actor
Farcical Comedian
Ode Poet
Ambitious Equestrian
Equestrian Client
Freeman Client
Ambitious Lanista
Ambitious Magistrate
Neighbourhood Boss
Plebian Client
Plebian Client
Senatorial Client
Crocodile Wrestler
Animal Trader
Charioteer of the Blues
Charioteer of the Greens
Charioteer of the Reds
Charioteer of the Whites
Fan-Favorite Murmillo
Primus Palus
Champion Gladiator
Infamous Thraex
Animal Dealer
Professional Heckler
Friendly Senator
Senior Senator
Tribune of the Plebs
Vestal Virgin
Guard Dog
Dog Crucifier
Apician Glutton
Insane Cultist
Insult Monger
Gladiator Sweat
Loaded Dice
Lar Familiaris Statuettes
Cup of Bacchus
Statuette of Bellona
Statuette of Ceres
Statue of Jupiter
Statuette of Mars
Mithras Bull Model
Statuette of Neptune
Statuette of Vulcan
Curse Tablet
Intimidating Crucifixion Nails
Legionary Capsa
Legionary Patera
Wolf Pelt
Sword of Mars
Wooden Sword
Lizard Cultist
Watchful Lemur
Guardian Lar
Companion Mane
Military Diploma
Scorta Erratica
Retired Vestal
Professional Mourner
Grizzled Roman Marine
Sacred Chickens
Jupiter's Cock
Senatorial Horse
Giant Lamprey
Pet Lion
Pet Tortoise
Roman Philosopher
Prosthetic Hand
False Toe
Priest of Bacchus
Priest of Bellona
Priestess of Ceres
Priest of Cybele
Priest of Epona
Priest of Hercules
Priestess of Juno
Priest of Jupiter Victor
Priest of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Priest of Mars
Priest of Mercury
Priest of Neptune
Priest of Saturn
Priestess of Venus
Priest of Victoria
Priest of Vulcan
Enslaved Debtor
Plebian Businessman
Equestrian Businessman
Traditional Wife
Decorous Wife
Ex-Vestal Wife
Noble Wife
Sharp-tongued Wife
Well-connected Wife
Nomad Smith
Gold Amulet
Gold Brooch
Gold Buckle
Prisoner's Head
Ancient Warrior
Animal Trader
Mauryan Driver
Awesome Courtesan
Tony Newman
Doug Philips
Tender of the Royal Backside
Priestess of Bendis
Priest of Darzalas
Priest of Hebeleysis