Библиография Тевтонского ордена

Данный библиографический список содержит рекомендуемую литературу для изучения различных аспектов истории Тевтонского ордена.

-Die Statuten des Deutschen Ordens nach den altesten Handschriften, ed. M. Perlbach (Halle, 1890).
-Regesta regni Hierosolymitani (MXCVII-MCCXCI), ed. R. Roehricht (Innsbruck, 1893).
-Tabulae ordinis Theutonici ex tabularii regii Berolinensis codice potissimum, ed. E. Strehlke (Berlin, 1869, reprinted Toronto, 1975).

Исследовательская литература:


-Бокман, Хартмут, Немецкий орден: Двенадцать глав из его истории, ред. В. Матузова  (Москва, 2004).


-Arnold, Udo, "Eight Hundred Years of the Teutonic Order", in The Military Orders: Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick, ed. M. Barber (Aldershot, 1994), pp. 223-235.
-Burleigh, Michael, "The Knights, Nationalists and the Historians: Images of Medieval Prussia from the Enlightenment to 1945", European History Quarterly 17 (1987), pp. 35-55.
-Burleigh, Michael, "The German Knights: The Making of a Modern Myth", History Today 35 (1985), pp, 24-29.
-Burleigh, Michael, Prussian Society and the German Order: An Aristocratic Corporation in Crisis, c. 1410-1466 (New York, 1984).
-Burleigh, Michael, "The Military Orders in the Baltic", in The New Cambridge Medieval History 5, ed. D. Abulafia (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 743-753.
-Christiansen, Eric, The Northern Crusades: The Baltic and the Catholic Frontier 1100-1525 (London, 1980), 2nd edn (London, 1997).
-Demel, Bernhard, "Welfare and Warfare in the Teutonic Order: A Survey", in The Military Orders: Welfare and Warfare, ed. H. Nicholson (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 61-73.
-Dvoichenko de Markov, Demetrius, "The Battle of Tannenberg (Grunwald) in 1410", in XXII. Kongress der Internationalen Komission fuer Militaergeschichte, 9.-13. September 1996 (Wien, 1997), pp. 299-305.
Ссылка онлайн: http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/pdfs/markov.pdf
-Dygo, Marian, "The German Empire and the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order in the Light of the Golden Bull of Rimini", Acta Poloniae Historica  61 (1990), pp. 33-61.
-Dygo, Marian, "The Political Role of the Cult of the Virgin Mary in Teutonic Prussia in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries", Journal of Medieval History 15 (1989), pp. 63-81.
-Dygo, Marian, "The Teutonic Order in Prussia as an Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Entrepreneur in the 14th-15th Centuries", in L`impresa. Industria, commercio, banca, secc. XIII-XVIII,  ed. S. Cavaciocchi (Firenze, 1991), pp. 873-879.
-Ehlers, Axel, "The Crusade of the Teutonic Knights against Lithuania Reconsidered", in Crusade and Conversion on the Baltic Frontier, 1150-1500, ed. A. V. Murray (Aldershot, 2001), pp. 21-44.
-Ekdahl, Sven, "The Treatment of Prisoners of War during the Fighting between the Teutonic Order and Lithuania", in  The Military Orders: Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick, ed. M. Barber (Aldershot, 1994), pp. 263-269.
-Ekdahl, Sven, "Horses and Crossbows: Two Important Warfare Advantages of the Teutonic Order in Prussia", in The Military Orders: Welfare and Warfare, ed. H. Nicholson (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 119-151.
Ссылка онлайн: http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/articles/ekdahl.htm
-Favreau-Lilie, Marie-Luise, "Mission to the Heathen in Prussia and Livonia: The Attitudes of the Religious Military Orders towards Christianization", in Christianizing People and Converting Individuals, eds G. Armstrong, I. Wood (Turnhout, 2000), pp. 147-154.
-Forey, Alan, The Military Orders: from the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries (London, 1992).
-Forey, Alan, "Recruitment to the Military Orders (Twelfth to Mid-Fourteenth Centuries)" in Military Orders and Crusades (Aldershot, 1994), pp. 139-171.
-Gorsky, Carol, "The Teutonic Order in Prussia", Medievalia et Humanistica 17 (1966), pp. 20-37; Annales Societatis scientiarum Torunensis (Roczniki Towarzystwa Naukowego w Toruniu) 78:1 (1976), pp. 13-31.
J-asinski, Tomasz, "The Golden Bull Allegedly Issued by Friedrich II for the Teutonic Order", Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 3 (1998), pp. 221-244.
-Koczy, Leon, The Baltic Policy of the Teutonic Order  (Torun, 2000).
-Kreem, Juhan, "The Teutonic Order as Secular Ruler in Livonia: The Privileges and the Oath of Reval", in Crusade and Conversion on the Baltic Frontier, 1150-1500, ed. A. V. Murray (Aldershot, 2001), pp. 215-232.
-Mazeika, Rasa, "Of Cabbages and Knights: Trade and Trade Treaties with the Infidel on the Northern Frontier, 1200-1390", Journal of Medieval History 20 (1994), pp. 63-76.
-Militzer, Klaus, "From the Holy Land to Prussia: The Teutonic Knights between  Emperors and Popes and their Policies until 1309", in Mendicants, Military Orders and Regionalism in Medieval Europe, ed. J. Sarnowsky (Aldershot, 1999), pp. 71-81.
-Militzer, Klaus, "The Recruitment of Brethren for the Teutonic Order in Livonia, 1237-1562", in Military Orders: Fighting for the Faith and Caring for the Sick, ed. M. Barber (Aldershot, 1994), pp. 270-277.
-Militzer, Klaus, "The Role of Hospitals in the Teutonic Order", in The Military Orders: Welfare and Warfare, ed. H. Nicholson (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 51-59.
-Mol, Johannes, "The Hospice of the German Nobility: Changes in the Admission Policy of the Teutonic Knights in the Fifteenth Century", in Mendicants, Military Orders and Regionalism in Medieval Europe, ed. J. Sarnowsky (Aldershot, 1999), pp. 115-130.
-Nowak, Zenon Hubert, "International Arbitration in the Later Middle Ages", Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 4 (1999), pp. 69-85.
-Seward, Desmond, The Monks of War  (London, 1972)
-Sterns, Indrikis, "Crime and Punishment among the Teutonic Knights", Speculum 57 (1982), pp. 84-111.
-Sterns, Indrikis, "The Teutonic Knights in the Crusades States," in A History of the Crusades, ed. K.M. Setton, 5: The Impact of the Crusades on the Near East, eds N.P. Zacour, H.W. Hazard (London, 1985), pp. 315-378.
Ссылка онлайн: http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/History/History-idx?type=article&did=HISTORY.0028.0066.0021&isize=M
-Urban, William, The Baltic Crusade (DeKalb, 1975).
-Urban, William, "Redating the Expedition of Anno of Sangershausen to Sambia", JBS 7 (1976), pp. 320-329.
-Urban, William, "The Diplomacy of the Teutonic Knights at the Curia", JBS  9 (1978), pp. 116-128.
-Urban, William, The Prussian Crusade (Lanham, 1980).
Первая глава. "Священная Римская Империя": http://department.monm.edu/history/urban/books/PrussianCrusade1.htm
Вторая глава. "Ранние годы Тевтонского ордена":
-Urban, William, The Livonian Crusade (Washington, 1981).
-Urban, William, "Roger Bacon and the Teutonic Knights", JBS 19 (1988), pp. 363-370.
-Urban, William, "The Teutonic Knights at the Council of Constance", in Estudios de Historia de la Iglesia y de las instituciones ecclesiasticas en Europa: Trabajos en homenaje a Ferran Valls i Taberner, ed. M. Pelaez (Barcelona, 1990), pp. 4043-4063.
-Urban, William, The Teutonic Knights: A Military History  (London, 2003).
-Van Eickels, Klaus, "Knightly Hospitallers or Crusading Knights? Decisive Factors for the Spread of the Teutonic Knights in the Rhineland and the Low Countries, 1216-1300", in The Military Orders: Welfare and Warfare, ed. H. Nicholson (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 75-80.


-Arnold, Udo, Die Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens: 1190-1994, in QSGDO (Marburg, 1998).
-Boockmann, Hartmut, Der Deutsche Orden: Zwoelf Kapitel aus seiner Geschichte  (Muenchen, 1981)
-Prutz, Hans, Die geistlichen Ritterorden: Ihre Stellung zur kirchlichen, politischen, gesselschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des Mittelalters  (Berlin, 1908).
-Tumler, Marian, Der Deutsche Orden im Werden, Wachsen und Wirken bis 1400 mit einem Abriss der Geschichte des Ordens von 1400 bis zur neuesten Zeit  (Wien, 1955).


-Prawer, Joshua, "ha-Misdarim ha-Zvayim", in Ha-Zalbanim: diyukana shel hevra kolonialit  (Jerusalem, 1985), pp. 330-357.


-Bogdan, Henry,  Les Chevaliers Teutoniques. Vérités et légendes  (Paris, 1995).

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